snhu online general education requirements

In 2014, members of the SNHU Online academic leadership team began discussions around how to make our general education program more relevant to our adult student population and how to measure student learning of the general education program outcomes. Reshape Your Outlook on Learning. To this end, SNHU Online has developed a more prescribed general education curriculum that uses principles of learning science and new course user interface (UI) prototypes and technology for delivering curriculum and impacting student learning, permits the translation of knowledge to professionally relevant applications with authentic assessment experiences, and accurately measures student learning of a prescribed set of course outcomes aligned to the general education program outcomes, and connected directly to student’s program of study. This means you could take as few as 5 terms – or 10 courses – to complete your The critical thinking and communication skills you gain with a bachelor of general studies can benefit many career paths. Take advantage of some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation, plus financial aid for those who qualify. This Scholarship is offered specifically to matriculated SNHU Continuing Education students or SNHU Online students. Our admission team tries to make sure you don’t miss out on any transfer credit opportunities so you can complete your degree program as quickly as possible. A general studies degree at SNHU includes 120 course credits. SNHU accepts up to 90 credits toward your on campus or online bachelor's degree, up to 6 credits for a 30-credit MBA program and up to 12 for your 36-credit master's degree, keeping the value of the … However, when I started with SNHU, the degree evaluation/course requirements were fair. Concentrations for a bachelor of general studies include information technology, business, communication, creative writing, psychology, sport management and so much more. I hate math. Simply contact an admission counselor, who can help you explore financial options, answer all your questions and walk you through the application process. It’s the skill sets that enable them to engage in conversations, watch the news, or teach their kids about the complexities of the world and life. Requirements include 42 general education credits, 12 credits in a concentration of your choice and 63 elective course credits. The Benefits of a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction, What Institutionally Accredited Means and Why It Matters to You. This means you could take as few as 10 courses, or 5 terms, to get your degree. The development of a new, more relevant general education program framework began with SNHU Online investigating new learning models that allow for knowledge acquisition and discipline investigations through the perspective of humanistic, historical, social, scientific, and empirical lenses. In 2019, bachelor's degree holders also earned 33% more each week than workers who have completed some college courses but do not have a degree.1, Jobs for bachelor’s degree holders are growing. With a general studies degree, you can gain career skills and a broad base of education. General Education Core Requirements 42 ENG 101 Writing I … Part of the LEAP initiative was the development of four Essential Learning Outcomes, utilized by higher education institutions as a way to align and measure general education competencies. Our instructors offer relevant, real-world expertise to help you understand and navigate the field. But it can give you a leg up when applying for jobs, particularly if you find an internship position that aligns with your degree concentration and career goals. Working without a degree had kept him from management positions and a higher salary during a 10-year career as a civilian in the computer industry. Liberal arts defines a number of university majors, usually focused on the literature, humanities and social sciences. I fucking hate math. Their guidance can help you earn your bachelor’s degree in the shortest amount of time possible. The experience described here is reminiscent of many traditional students’ experiences when entering college. The Foundation-level courses are designed to anchor students in writing, reading comprehension, quantitative literacy, information technology literacy, and introductory research skills they will need to move through the rest of the general education coursework and program curriculum. Additional Costs "More and more employers require a bachelor’s degree for eligibility for career advancement opportunities, and professionals with bachelor’s degrees are more likely to earn higher incomes,” said Priscilla Hobbs, SNHU’s associate dean of general education and interdisciplinary studies. It was up to me — and I didn’t know what I was doing. As an online student, you’ll still have access to networking opportunities and learning services. You can earn your undergraduate degree faster and move on to a more specialized online master's degree – boosting your salary and career prospects even more. The RN to BSN program gives nurses with associate degrees the opportunity to further their education online … General education courses are designed to give you in-demand skills that employers want and lay the groundwork for lifelong learning. The uses and limitations of rational and empirical methods in defining and predicting phenomena related to the natural world. Can you earn a general studies degree online? "There are several concentration options that you may choose, each focused on the essential skills desired by employers across the spectrum," Hobbs said. My colleague Matthew Belanger has described these students within the context of the First Year Experience very well in his blog The First Year Experience in an Online Environment. ... Office 365 suite, free to SNHU … Liberal arts subjects aim to provide general knowledge on a subject, rather than technical skills. And having a 4-year degree can help you advance a career across many fields. After returning to active duty in the military, Galvin said he knew that SNHU's general studies bachelor's degree program would allow him to complete his degree – and help him prepare for the next chapter. The curriculum offers a broad base of liberal arts coursework that can be customized to your previous college experience and interests. You can complete your coursework when it’s convenient for you, whether that's at noon or midnight. A general studies degree at SNHU includes 120 course credits. Your academic advisor is also available to support you through the process of choosing a concentration. It depends. With no set class meeting times, you can learn on your schedule and access online course materials 24/7. This is where students would be expected to synthesize all of their Foundational and Exploration skills and investigations in a culminating interdisciplinary, seminar-style experience. Our admission team tries make sure no transfer credits are left behind. Tuition Rates are subject to change and are reviewed annually. SNHU's general studies degree online provides a solid foundation of critical thinking and other career skills that can give you a competitive edge. Exploring different disciplines and topics to see what I was interested in was exciting, made sense, and taught me the essential skills of inquisitiveness and learning how to learn. “If you have earned credits from other institutions and experiences, but have yet to earn your degree, this program lets you leverage those credits toward a degree that will open opportunities toward achieving your professional goals.". These courses are the foundation for your learning and cover everything from writing and humanities to mathematics, history and science. A general studies degree can prepare you for a range of job opportunities. Courses include: Courses include: Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. • This guide serves as a mapping tool for students and is based upon SNHU Online 2019/2020 Academic Cat- alog at time … SNHU’s generous transfer policy accepts up to 90 transfer credits toward an online bachelor’s degree program. You can explore the topics that interest you and best serve your career goals. In addition to offering an easy online admission process, we strive to get you the transfer credit you deserve by accept… Recently, SNHU has been nationally recognized for leading the way toward more innovative, affordable and achievable education: At Southern New Hampshire University, you'll have access to a powerful network of more than 200,000 students, alumni and staff that can help support you long after graduation. Workers with bachelor’s degrees are more likely to earn more – and have lower rates of unemployment – than those without a 4-year degree.2. This has been a core question: Does the “general” in general education refer to the population (a sort of least common denominator for all student performance) or to the curriculum (the breadth of exposure to various areas of study)? A general studies degree can also act as a stepping stone to a more advanced degree. The ability to communicate effectively through writing, reading, speaking, and listening. "Now that I have that degree, the doors that are open are limitless," Galvin said. Is general studies the same as liberal arts? The second level, Exploration, is designed to give students an opportunity to use and expand their Foundation-level skills through the critical examination of various disciplines of study. What to Expect from the SNHU Online MBA Admission Requirements: Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. The guiding question we started with is “how would someone who comes to college with more life experience and is already invested in a professional occupation and looking to advance their career find value in this same type of undergraduate experience?” We offer financial aid packages to those who qualify, plus a 30% tuition discount for U.S. service members, both full and part time, and the spouses of those on active duty. "Things that I was unsure of, if I was unsure about myself, having my education actually took all that stuff away.". No matter what career goals you have, completing your bachelor's degree can help you get ahead. The traditional distribution model for general education (where students take courses from various disciplines “a la carte” style) has been the basis of a liberal arts education for many years. HOW you read or watch is. Our students are working adults, averaging in age from their early to mid-30s, have full-time jobs they are looking to advance in or are thinking about changing careers, have full-time family responsibilities, and are possibly returning to college after many years of professional and social engagement in the world at large. Plus, with our growing, nationwide alumni network, you'll have the potential to tap into a number of internship and career opportunities. Creating a Framework Your general studies degree courses can give you the skills – and the confidence – you need to start or advance a career. They are liberal with transferring in … Southern New Hampshire University hasn't explicitly named a policy on SAT/ACT requirements, but because it's published average SAT or ACT scores (we'll cover this next), it's likely test flexible. Rather than the one hundred or so options, students now have within their general education program a more structured curriculum that is focused on the big questions centered on humanistic, social scientific, historical, and scientific inquiry. Elective courses also make it easy to apply prior college credits to your degree. Bachelor’s degrees are in high demand. Unemployment rates for workers with a bachelor’s degree were just 2.2% in 2019, compared to 3.3% for workers with some college courses but no degree and 3.7% for workers without any college experience. The need for human resource specialists is projected to see a 5% increase, and jobs for advertising, promotions and marketing managers may see an 8% increase by 2028.1. Throughout your degree program, SNHU's student support team can help you stay on track with your studies and get you to graduation – and a career – faster. Concentrations include information technology, business, communication, creative writing, psychology, sport management and more. Students enrolled n the Computer Information Technology online degree program or at one of our campuses, benefit from an IT curriculum that offers a comprehensive general education… "It has given me a sense of appreciation, a sense of belonging and at the same time it has challenged me a lot," said general studies graduate Hermanisha Neptune '16. Want to go in for Graphic Design, confused about the General Education requirements? Whether you read Shakespeare or Tolkien or Stephen King is irrelevant. You can customize your general studies degree even further with your elective courses. "These skills may be oriented toward a discipline, such as accounting or psychology, or toward a valuable skill, such as leadership or creative problem solving. A bachelor of general studies from SNHU can give you the skills you need to get started in entry-level and management positions across a broad range of industries. Many of them are new to online education as well. Acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis throughout the year for our 6 (8-week) undergraduate terms. In the general studies program, you'll be on the fast track to a valuable 4-year degree. Undergraduate applicants pay no application fees, while graduate students … 1. Graduate applicants need a minimum 2.75 GPA for full admission and a 2.0 GPA for provisional admission. You can apply your learning to advance your career or start a new one. Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit institution accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) as well as several other accrediting bodies. That’s because Southern New Hampshire University has exhibited an unceasing pursuit of academic excellence since its founding in 1932. A bachelor’s degree could increase your median weekly earnings by about 67%, compared to working with only a high school diploma. Executive Director of General Education Programs, The First Year Experience in an Online Environment, Tips for Being the Best Online Instructor, Best Practices in Teaching: The Reflective Instructor. SNHU, ASU and others have been so successful online … Your academic advisor can offer guidance and support throughout your degree program. The same year, master's degree holders saw just 2% unemployment rates.1. With a general studies degree, you can explore a variety of courses and apply them to a bachelor’s degree. Master's degree holders earned a median weekly income of $1,497 in 2019 – about 20% more than bachelor's degree holders.1. … … Your general education courses can also help you develop key career skills that are in high demand across many industries. Tuition rates for SNHU's online degree programs are among the lowest in the nation. General education … No application fee or SAT/ACT scores required, View human culture and the world through multiple lenses, Adapt communication for various audiences, Analyze and assess the value of information, Show empathy toward diverse cultures and perspectives, Make ethical decisions to promote positive change, Apply classroom learning to real world situations, “Most Innovative” regional university honors from U.S. News & World Report each year since 2015, A $1 million grant from to explore soft skills assessments for high-need youth, Recognition as a 2017 Digital Learning Innovator by the Online Learning Consortium, Providing previous institutions attended – so SNHU can retrieve transcripts for you at no cost. "For students to be adequately prepared to do well in their chosen career, they need to have not only the rigor of an academic education but also an applied, relevant and practical curriculum that focuses on the development of these core skills," said Anthony Siciliano, SNHU’s assistant vice president of general education programs. A general studies degree is particularly helpful for students who have already completed some college coursework and want to finish their degree. We also make it easy to transfer to SNHU by accepting up to 90 credits from your previous institution. Graduation Year: 2020. Degree: Liberal Arts. The response I received was both exciting and frightening. At Southern New Hampshire University, your general studies degree can give you a strong foundation of general education courses, including writing, humanities, history and science. However, if your pace is slow, this school will cost you more than SNHU and others. SNHU's online education has no in-person requirement, allows for 24/7 access to coursework, and work can be done in between your other responsibilities – when it is convenient for you. Jobs that require a 4-year degree are projected to grow 10% between 2016 and 2026 – faster than the national average.1, Bachelor’s degree holders also experienced lower rates of unemployment than workers with less education, at just 2.2% in 2019. With more knowledge gained through education and my career in academic administration, I can look back on this experience with some value. “You don’t have to do online the way everyone has done online,” he says. General studies courses also include a 12-credit area of concentration that aligns with your coursework and your goals. Workers with a master’s degree earned a median weekly salary of $1,497 in 2019 – about 20% higher than bachelor’s degree holders. Requirements Cr Southern New Hampshire University Online BS Health Sciences Cr Major Course Requirements 21 HCM 320 Healthcare Economics 3 HCM 340 Healthcare Delivery Systems 3 HCM … I asked my freshmen orientation advisor (who was slightly older than I was) what the general education courses were about and which courses I should take. Course Requirements Cr Southern New Hampshire University Online BS Nursing Cr Courses in bold are the associate degree required courses. SNHU accepts up to 90 transfer credits toward a bachelor’s program. Within this framework, SNHU seated our requirements around three levels: foundations, exploration, and integration. Rather than focus on things that would be forgotten in six months, the goal has been to equip them with life skills that would enable them to interact through these lenses: In this model our goal is to equip students to interact daily in the ways that adults interact with information. Every school has its pros and cons. Earning an undergraduate degree can significantly boost your lifetime earnings and reduce your chances of unemployment. "The (general studies) program is designed to help busy students finish their degrees,” said Priscilla Hobbs, SNHU’s associate dean of general education and interdisciplinary studies. SNHU is regionally accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), which advocates for institutional improvement and public assurance of quality. "If you're thinking about going here, DO … At 18 years old, the age of most traditional on campus students being 18 to 22 years old, I didn’t realize what I did and didn’t know or what questions to ask. Earning a general studies degree online means you’ll have 24/7 access to course materials. You can focus your degree on an area of concentration that interests you and aligns with your chosen career path. $3500 per 6 month term and need to complete a minimum of 12 credits (3 classes). I have tried going to college twice, and math has ruined it for me every time. A general studies degree program can help you complete your degree – and reap these benefits – faster. With a bachelor of general studies degree online, you’ll gain a broad base of liberal arts education, exploring social sciences, natural sciences, history and humanities. As a freshman entering my college orientation, I was ushered into a lecture hall with several hundred students and asked to review my program requirements and fill out my class schedule. As the discussion and planning toward implementing a standard set of general education program outcomes progressed, SNHU felt it was important to highlight other subsets of outcomes regarding communication, critical and creative thinking, quantitative literacy and ethical reasoning. Browse more than 200 fast-growing online, on-campus and workforce partnership programs detailed in SNHU's academic catalogs. As an online student, there's still plenty of opportunity for you to interact with your peers and get involved with the SNHU community. Courses include: Basic Design and Color Theory, Photographic Practice in the Digital Age and The Business of Photography. The bachelor of general studies was designed to help you leverage past college credits and earn a degree. By completing your undergraduate degree as quickly as possible, you can get started on a valuable master’s degree sooner. You'll develop communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills that you can apply to any career. Online bachelor's in general studies candidates fulfill general education requirements in seven designated areas and then individualize their degree plan by choosing from one of eight emphases. With dozens of degree concentrations available, you can get the specialized training you need to explore careers in fast-growing fields like human services, human resources, marketing and more. And SNHU’s career advising team can help you land an internship to strengthen your degree learning. SNHU’s generous transfer policy accepts up to 90 transfer credits toward an online bachelor’s degree program. “Because this degree lets you choose the concentration pathway that suits you, you have the opportunity to explore a variety of career options.". The online program is designed to maximize the credits students may have already earned and help them earn a bachelor's degree in the shortest amount of time. Establish a rationale for specialization selection reflective of previous education experience, interest, and background toward future career goals. In this paradigm, WHAT you read or watch is not important. You’ll also develop in-demand career skills like critical thinking and communication to gain an edge in the competitive job market. For our students at SNHU Online, this will provide them with an intentional general education program that demonstrates its relevance and benefits in helping students achieve transparent outcomes as well as have a transformative experience that fosters personal growth and engagement in their academic studies, professional careers, and communities. To be eligible students must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA, be solely responsible for … Levels of Learning • This guide serves as a mapping tool for students and is based upon SNHU Online … * Excess general education credits are transferred as free elective credit, if available. 3 Reasons General Education Courses Are Important. In an online bachelor of general studies program, courses include general education classes, elective classes and classes to help you earn a concentration in one area of study. Earning a bachelor of general studies can help you find a new career or advance in your current job. Here are three ways general education courses can help you grow academically and professionally. This new program outcome framework was placed within a distribution model for students to complete their undergraduate coursework. Log in to view your courses, explore tools and features, and customize your learning experience. *Note: students receiving this rate are not eligible for additional discounts. A general studies degree is a type of liberal arts degree and can be viewed as an extension of the common associate degree in liberal arts. That you are able to do so critically regardless of what is in your hands is. If you’ve completed college coursework in the past, electives make it easy to transfer past credits to your SNHU degree. SNHU Online BA Human Services Credits Required 120 Revision: 2019/2020 Academic Year Transfer Credit Policy * Excess general education credits are transferred as free elective credit, if available. A degree planning course at the start of your general studies bachelor degree can help you develop an academic plan of study, choose a concentration and ensure your learning aligns with your career goals. To this end, SNHU Online has developed a more prescribed general education curriculum that uses principles of learning science and new course user interface (UI) prototypes and technology for delivering curriculum and impacting student learning, permits the translation of knowledge to professionally relevant applications with authentic assessment experiences, and accurately measures student learning of a prescribed set of course outcomes aligned to the general education … Start by: Test scores are not required as part of your application. Academic advisors can ensure you make the most of any prior education and professional experience. How long does a general studies degree take? The concentration options can be explored in more detail during the degree planning course at the start of your program. Consider what your role might be as a mental health advocate; someone who gives a voice to the problems and potential solutions related to mental health and mental health awareness. Electives give you the flexibility to dive deeper into your chosen concentration. The integration of quantitative and qualitative evidence to understand human behavior, societies, cultures, and institutions. Recently, according to their "department heads and program directors", accreditation standards changed and required SNHU to change the course requirements … What can I do with a degree in general studies? And you’ll be able to tailor your learning toward subjects that align with your career goals. Of course. As I developed a solid social group and became more experienced in my studies, the consensus amongst my peers was that general education courses were a checklist of something to get through and complete rather than something of value to their lives or careers. General studies courses include history, natural and social sciences, technology and humanities. Course Requirements Cr Southern New Hampshire University Online BS Nursing Cr Courses in bold are the associate degree re-quired courses. A bachelor of general studies also includes 63 credits of free electives. The general studies bachelor degree program kicks off with a degree planning course.

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