(Webinar presented September 12, 2018), Cultivating and training leaders to build, nurture and protect psychological safety is a prerequisite for success and sustainability. Webinars. To watch recordings of previous webinars and to download slide sets, click here. Watch now to learn more. Webinars 2021 Conference Career Center Employers Job Seekers ... – The American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) today announced a joint collaboration and one-year grant program to support hospitals in eliminating health care disparities and working toward ensuring individuals in every community receive … Hospital and health systems are facing unprecedented change amidst an unprecedented pandemic and immense uncertainty. Register for our upcoming webinars below or visit our Webinar Library to view recordings and download slides from previous webinars. Hosted by the Health Research and Educational Trust of the American Hospital Association and the Disparities Solutions Center As the nation moves towards health care reform, payment reform, and accountable care organizations, preventing unnecessary readmissions will be a key focus of quality improvement and cost control. View videos and slides from previous AHA Team Training webinars. The second half of the webinar focuses more on insights from key opinion leaders from two health care systems that discuss the changes in cross functional antimicrobial/diagnostic stewardship and infection prevention programs, which also affect administrative efforts in these regulated areas. AHA does not offer continuing education credits for its webinars. © 2021 by the American Hospital Association. Starting August 4, NHA is hosting a series of weekly, one-hour webinars on timely topics that we hope you and your team will take advantage of. (Webinar presented December 6, 2017), The webinar presenters James Carlson, PhD, PA-C, CHSE, Vice President for Interprofessional Education and Simulation and Bill Gordon, DMin, TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer and an instructor in Interprofessional Healthcare Studies explain how TeamSTEPPS provide a functional model for the development of interprofessional collaboration, and simulation experiences offer learners the chance to apply the principles and strategies in a safe environment. Please see a list of upcoming and past webinars below. 2,677 people follow this. AHA does not claim ownership of The American Medical Association is pleased to offer a series of free educational Webinars for those working in the credentialing area of health care. Register ICD-10-CM Coding for COVID-19. Elissa Concini, MSN, RNC-OB and Rachel Cunniffe, MSN, RNC-OB from Geisinger Health and Diana Contreras, MD from Atlantic Health System share their journey of providing better team-based care during labor and delivery, along with building a culture of collaborative care. ASHRM is a professional membership group of the American Hospital Association (AHA) representing ris... See More. To view … Dr. Rehder then discusses practical strategies to curtail these behaviors in your organization. When you join AHLA, you're joining a community of health lawyers and health law professionals who … FAQ's ICD-10-CM CODING OF COVID-19 The following questions and answers were jointly developed and approved by the American Hospital Association’s Central Office on ICD-10-CM/PCS and the American Health Information Management Association. (Webinar presented November 18, 2020), This webinar explores ways to transition and engage elements of team training to virtual learning. per person. Hospitals and health systems are often a trusted partner to victims of human trafficking. Dr. Jason Cheng from Kaiser Permanente and Captain Richard Martinez from Prepare For Command, LLC provide an overview of key elements from Crew Resource Management (CRM) and aviation leadership training that were critical to training flight captains and crew, and how adapted elements from CRM training began to build the foundation to empower clinical leaders to become team leaders. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The American Hospital Association (AHA) has sued the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to prevent changes to how Medicare reimburses care in hospital outpatient departments. We work with many partners to host and publicize webinars that bring public health information to as many people as possible. (Webinar presented February 19, 2020), UW Medicine TeamSTEPPS faculty describe how they work with areas to focus on “bright spots”, leverage quick wins, address resistance, and flex the plan to implement TeamSTEPPS in their organization. An interprofessional education strategy adapted for online learners and lessons learned are shared by Laura Goliat, DNP, RN, Patricia A. Sharpnack, DNP, RN, and Phyllis H. Kronk, DNP, RN-BC from Ursuline College. Price Range $$ Opens at 8:30 AM. This webinar reviews their decisions to implement TeamSTEPPS system-wide with a train-the-trainer model and explains the role of their Master Trainers during the implementation and the employment of Instructors for the roll out to each of the clinical and non-clinical areas. Our webinars are generally held every second Wednesday of the month. Sinai and Neal Wiggermann, PhD, CPE, Research Scientist at Hillrom review the need to prone patients diagnosed with ARDS and look to the experience of one extraordinary care unit in New York as they worked to adjust their protocol during the COVID-19 pandemic. Community See All. Nearly 5,000 hospitals, health care systems, networks, other providers of care and 43,000 individual members come together to form the AHA. 2,497 people like this. Hospitals cannot easily … TeamSTEPPS tools are practical “life skills” that can be used whether you are treating a patient, interacting with co-workers in meetings, or answering emails. (Webinar presented December 12, 2018), While the call for teamwork training in medical education continues to strengthen, no clear consensus exists on the method(s) to most effectively accomplish this training. • The … American Hospital Association Trustee Resources; Event Info; Speaking Opportunities; Sponsorships ; Starting August 4, NHA is hosting a series of weekly, one-hour webinars on timely topics that we hope you and your team will take advantage of. Not only is it the most up-to-date, it also enables hypertargeting – well beyond what is available elsewhere. American Hospital Association 205 views. What is this event? Our speakers highlight process improvement areas and drug utilization and resistance issues that arise in surge capacity situations during a pandemic or yearly influenza seasons. This webinar, presented by Oren Guttman, MD, MBA, CHSE, CPPS, High Reliability Officer at UT Southwestern, reviews common errors in Team Leadership Cognition and the impact these errors have on team performance, highlighting strategies and tools to rescue and recover from these types of errors. Open Now. Topic: Recover Lost Revenue Through Out-of-State Medicaid When: WEDNESDAY, April 7, 2021 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT Speaker(s): Larry Roberts Vice President, Technology at Centauri Health Solutions and Dennis Hewitt, Manager Patient Eligibility/Medicaid at Cape Fear Valley Health (Webinar presented December 11, 2019), Jan Brauer RN, BSN, MA and Rhonda Fischer RN, BSN, CEN discuss the importance of engaging every staff member, including the low performer or late adopter, in preserving the team dynamic, a critical factor driving both staff satisfaction and patient safety. No one can help you get it right better than the American Hospital Association. The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) is the largest association dedicated to optimizing the health care built environment. $0. ASHRM is a professional membership group of the American Hospital Association (AHA) representing ris... See More. 7 check-ins. (Webinar presented February 13, 2019), In most cases in health care, multiple experts are involved in the care of a single patient. The American Hospital Association (AHA) is the national organization that represents and serves all types of hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities. Latest Updates and Resources on COVID-19 Along with the American Hospital Participants should self-report credit directly through AHIMA. American Animal Hospital Association 12575 W. Bayaud Ave., Lakewood, CO 80228 mail_outline [email protected] (Webinar presented October 10, 2018), Learn about the MetroHealth team’s journey with TeamSTEPPS over the past 5 years. The overall focus of introducing community work is to create an alternative future, focus on ways to shift context (reframe), build relatedness and create space for more intentional possibility. Community See All. (Webinar presented August 8, 2018), This webinar covers step-by-step implementation plans for TeamSTEPPS integration in three important areas: interprofessional education (IPE), long term care facilities and hospital nurse residency orientation programs. Erin also discusses common challenges to effective teamwork in incident management – both within organizations and across organizations – and the TeamSTEPPS tools that can be used to overcome them. Afraid of overwhelming an already overly taxed team with yet another initiative? Webinars 2021 Conference Career Center ... American Hospital Association #123forEquity Campaign to Eliminate Health Care Disparities. Learn key concepts such as: the power of the question, how to address performance issues while affirming personal value, and the importance of readjusting leadership approach to engage the next generation of team members. … The key differentiator is our data. (Webinar presented April 10, 2019), In today’s distracted world we are bouncing from one activity to the next, trying to do more with less and pushing our abilities to the limit. One key to success is successful teamwork measurement. (Webinar presented October 24, 2019), Colonel (Ret) Peter G. Napolitano, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Washington and director for Obstetric Simulation and Medical Team Performance for UW Medicine shares lessons learned from combat medicine and how they can be applied to create an integrated team approach to crisis management. Ms. Bathija shares lessons learned from hospitals and health systems around the country that have engaged teams to lower cost, improve outcomes and enhance the patient experience. Each AHA Team Training webinar tackles a timely topic to help educate and shape health care organizations to provide safer team-based care and improve communication and teamwork. The website from AHA includes resources and developments related to COVID-19. Tonya Martino, RN, BSN, ND, and Ross Ehrmantraut, RN, cover a high level overview of what a just culture is, and have a crosswalk discussion of how TeamSTEPPS, high reliability, and just culture are not exclusive of each other. (Webinar presented May 9, 2018), Our leaders, educators and associates have collaboratively developed unique methods to energize our team-based training programs with games, gaming, community adventures and old fashion fun! The American Hospital Association (AHA) is the national organization that represents and serves all types of hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities. To request permission to reproduce AHA content, please, Updates and Resources on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, Rural Health and Critical Access Hospitals, National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC), AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, Individual Membership Organization Events, Advancing Best Practices for Hospitals and Health Systems, Improving Team Structure: Engaging Patients and Families as Team Members, TeamSTEPPS for Change Leaders and Champions, American Organization for Nursing Leadership, Understand the design thinking process and goals, Learn several design thinking tools to utilize in your own practice, Understand how design thinking processes and tools align with and can improve TeamSTEPPS change management. Two medical student TeamSTEPPS Master Trainers, Rick Lang and Tom Kuriakose, describe lessons learned from the Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) four-year initiative to improve teamwork behaviors of medical students and understand the barriers limiting effective teamwork training at the medical school level. Key topics reviewed include changing the culture using TeamSTEPPS teamwork skills and changing the “system” by focusing on concepts in human factors engineering. The American Hospital Association (AHA) is the national organization that represents and serves all types of hospitals, health care networks, and their patients and communities. Co-hosted by HEAL Trafficking and the American Hospital Association, this webinar provides insights on legal aspects and resources available to human trafficking victims.
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