As the organization moves towards a test-and-learn approach, it needs to use market feedback to spur the next iteration. So was retention. Customer care’s role and responsibilities give it the ability to advance the customer transformation in several ways: Own customer journeys. The authors wish to thank Mark Bothorn for his contributions to this article. And hardly any have truly transformed their basic value propositions or created genuinely customer-centric cultures. A critical part of instilling empathy across the organization is translating it into hard operational metrics that can be tracked and managed (e.g., response time to under-writingrelated inquiries, number of broker or agent calls that get resolved without a call transfer, share of rejections where no alternative product was offered). Why are journeys so much more effective at driving results? Customers were leaving at an alarming rate, few new ones were available for acquiring in its market, and even the company’s best customers were getting more expensive to retain. Replacing functional siloes with agile cross-functional teams. 5. The product spurs high customer interest but low engagement, leading to significant untapped demand. globally1 1.Growth of global gross, direct domestic premium written in life; McKinsey Global Insurance Pools. We use cookies essential for this site to function well. It is critical to engage a broad set of stakeholders in this phase: customer immersion should be mandatory for everyone who works on the design. Jochen Kühn and Ildiko Ring are partners in McKinsey's Zurich office, where Maximilian Straub is a consultant. Once the customer had notified the company of moving plans, he or she would receive several different forms of communication. Prioritizing the customer is not just the right thing to do, it is also good for business. What was driving them out the door was something the company wasn’t examining or managing—the customers’ cumulative experience across multiple touchpoints, multiple channels, and over time. Our service is great!”. In this sense, improving customer experience metrics has to become a “contact sport” where the entire organization works together to move the same set of numbers. What the team found was a basic journey that was performing poorly across the various functions and departments that supported it. Limited ability to meet the preferences of Generation Y (and the new needs of Generation X). This creates isolated, Such pain points may make Susan abandon the process or take her business elsewhere, as illustrated by the most common business leakage drivers in Exhibit 2. They are wired for transactions, not journeys. Our flagship business publication has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1964. Most executives we talk to readily grasp the journey concept but wonder whether perfecting journeys pays off in hard-dollar outcomes. The cultural gap between the traditional and new setup is immense, and incumbents find it hard to navigate the transition. They expect highly interactive digital experiences, complete price transparency as well as fast and even instant delivery. Practical resources to help leaders navigate to the next normal: guides, tools, checklists, interviews and more. In most industries, the three journeys that matter most to customers account for more than 25 percent of total customer satisfaction. Companies that excel in delivering journeys tend to win in the market. It shows the importance of digital media in green which are particularly important at the start of the journey. (Most calls in the first few months are actually onboarding-related issues and inquiries.). When seeking information, they rely less on friends and family, looking instead to social communities and online reviews. McKinsey Global Insurance Pools: after-tax ROE 2015. The call-centre and in-store become more important later in the journey. Like with Uber, Airbnb, and many others, the heart of their success is not the digital tool, but the experience it enables. derlying customer journey. When the policy arrives, it comes with an emotional gesture that “rewards” her for taking care of an important financial to do for her family. They also have difficulty adjusting to their fast-paced changes. Today’s environment has propelled
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