selling props to movie companies uk

Wear Darth Vader's signature helmet! These products are widely accepted as the best by the film industry's professional prop masters worldwide. Are you sure you want to empty your bookmarks? 3.5 Metre LED Circle Bar with Wooden Counter, Shelf Front and LED Strip - West Midlands. We have one of the largest collections of industrial props, military props, industrial lighting, industrial electrical props, mechanical props, street furniture, pipe and ducting props, airport props, and transport props including aircraft, ship, train, bus and railway props. This exact replica of Nightwing's signature Escrima Stick was created... Read more, You are Iron Man! You'll come across Grimm props on eBay and iCarly props for sale. We’re now a subsidiary of LS Productions, the UK’s largest stills and motion Service Production Company. Step out of the shadows with... Read more, Uh-oh, here we go again! It has offices located in Texas, U.S., and London. Buy Star Wars Film Props and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Copyright 1996-2021 Entertainment Earth, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Each... Read more, The The Mandalorian edition! We supply props to the film, television and theatrical industry across the UK and worldwide. This 1:1 scale prop replica... Read more, PACKAGING NOT GUARANTEED TO BE IN MINT CONDITION. Features battle sounds, speech... Read more, Don the helm of Boba Fett! £2500 £1080 +VAT ono. Authentic, highly detailed lightsaber prop replica. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Sankara Stone Real Prop Replica, Signed, Numbered, Limited Edition Real Prop Replica. A 3-ring stainless-steel prop-replica set from the Disney+ TV series.... Read more, Captain America's iconic red, white, and blue shield! Frodo's famous "Sting" sword sold at auction in 2013 for $161,000. Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items Sealey Twin Pack Long Ball-End Allen Hex Key & … Buy movie props and movie memorabilia or even a movie costume worn by Hollywood movie stars. Captivate any room... Read more, From Factory Entertainment comes the Masters of the Universe Skeletor Havoc Staff Scaled Prop Replica. This life-size Chucky replica comes from Bride of Chucky. foot showroom allows you to quickly locate your specific needs. ", "Just wanted to give a quick thank you for excellent customer service. NOT MINT ITEMS MAY SELL OUT AT ANY TIME. Beautifully recreated prop replica of Tony Stark's Iron Man helmet. Props4Shows - the hub of inspirational supplies. Vintage Props, Unit 39 , Wimbledon Stadium Business Centre, Garratt Business Park, Riverside Road, London, SW17 0BA Tel: 07772 777093 Open 10am to 5:30pm Monday - Friday (Weekends by … Prop Making: The types of props we create Modern Props Retail Display Props Movie Props Soft Props Giant Props Thousands of realistic looking, artificial (no animals harmed) props are available for immediate rental or sale to content creators, collectors, and venues. This is your ticket to nerd... Read more, Soar into the fight against the Galactic Empire! The Child, aka Baby Yoda, wears one of these around his... Read more, "An elegant weapon from a more civilized time." We are a regular supplier of movie props to many major films, with a vast range of stock, a comprehensive online catalogue and wide range of contacts that enable us to obtain props to order. Features glowing LED eyes and sounds! One size fits most with this awesome full-scale Power Rangers Lightning Collection Premium Red Ranger Helmet Prop Replica! Long sold out, this gleaming, screen-accurate metal badge gets a fresh... Read more, PACKAGING NOT GUARANTEED TO BE IN MINT CONDITION. Our aim is to bring together high technology medical props, medical simulations and 'on set' advice that will give your production authenticity and dramatic effect. The secret to the success of his props business has been catering to every customer, he says. Features illuminated eyes, impressive sound fx, and a detachable faceplate! With exquisite... Read more, First-ever The Mandalorian Darksaber prop replica! 2 movie! Features opening wings, multicolor LED lights, and music... Read more, Experience the world of Coraline! Film, TV, Theatre props & bespoke visual aids for marketing & promo campaigns. 3.5 Metre LED Circle Bar with Wooden Counter, Shelf Front and LED Strip - West Midlands. The sentient tree-like Flora Colossus stands about... Read more, Your very own Moon Kaleidoscope! These include retail display, gaming companies, marketing campaigns, film, television companies and theaters. Discover unforgettable party ideas in our online store, from party decorations & supplies, to balloons, to personalised cakes & banners! We think not. Defeat Thanos with this exciting electronic roleplay axe! Kit Fisto's sword features a humming... Read more, The Brian Setzer Nashville Orange Dice Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the... Read more, The Brian Setzer White Hollow Body Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the original.... Read more, The Rage Against the Machine Tom Morello Arm The Homeless Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and... Read more, Heir to the ruling dynasty of Wakanda! Rendered in gold and silver-finished metal.... Read more, Remember your badge! After contacting EE, they...". Fret, not, because Entertainment Earth comes to your rescue with an exciting assembly of highly detailed, top-quality replica weapons and other reproductions based on a wide spectrum of popular themes and properties, ranging from, How many times have you watched a film or TV show and said to yourself, "I sure wish I had one of those (lightsabers, helmets, phasers, coins, masks, etc.)!"? A year later it was topped by the $325,000 paid for Gandalf the White To Rent or Buy... I mean, once you have some good photos and … We also supply items for many photo shoots, TV adverts, theatre productions, art installations. From the iconic 1989 film, Batman, you can now own one of the Dark Knight's most iconic tools in serving... Read more, I find your lack of a helmet disturbing. Authentic and certified screen used movie props from Academy Award winning films & more are for sale here. Using soft material to replicate... Read more, Get the Supernatural Hunters Challenge Coin! Prop Store - Ultimate Movie Collectables. Stormbreaker features thrilling thunder-sound FX. Run your Saved Searches from the search bar and be notified daily about new items that match your criteria. As seen in the film Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal. 4. Eclectic / Encore Props Inc. is one of the largest prop rental companies on the East Coast. Star Trek: Voyager fans: Now your cosplay can be perfect! We are able to deliver most items and make regular drops to Pinewood and Shepperton Studios. Please enter the e-mail address connected to your Entertainment Earth account in the field below. The origin of the Challenge Coin has long been debated, some think it started during World War I, others... Read more, "Just wanted to give a quick thank you for excellent customer service. Naturally some props are made bespokely; you can imagine a movie like Star Wars, where they can’t just go and buy a millennium falcon, obviously these props will need to be made. Screen-accurate sounds, ignition, clash, blaster, and... Read more, PACKAGING NOT GUARANTEED TO BE IN MINT CONDITION. Take up the mantle of Black Panther with this fantastic electronic helmet! The magnetized faceplate can be detached and... Read more, Just another lightsaber? We also provide prosthetic bodies, limbs etc.. Our Prosthetics department have a range of off the shelf items for hire, as well as highly skilled prosthetics artists to make-to-order. Premium 1:1 scale roleplay helmet. From Star Wars: Knights of the Old... Read more, "It's morphin' time!" Megalomedia offers a unique opportunity for scriptwriters to pitch in a great TV show idea. Movie-accurate sounds and premium interior and exterior design. We will send you an e-mail with a link to reset your password. Screen-accurate TNG Communicator Badge. An order was shipped out but got stuck in shipping limbo for almost a month. Film Medical Services and its associate companies Curious Science & Electroprops are specialists in the hire of medical and scientific equipment. Scarlet Witch and Vision's wedding rings! The braid set that was worn on the... Read more, What a sweetheart! Boba Fett returns in the live-action series and this authentic helmet! An order was shipped out but got stuck in shipping limbo for almost a month. Exclusive WandaVision ring set! This replica set includes all 7 balls in a... Read more, Channel the fiery passion of the Knights of the Old Republic! This Star Wars Mythosaur Pendant Prop Replica is for you! Movie Props Film/TV Credits Rates Contact FILM PROP RENTALS We specialize in props for film and television, in particular hand props, period props, and replica weaponry. Full-sized replica. Some items may expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Wear... Read more, Now your Star Trek: The Next Generation cosplay can be perfect! When entering the world of TV prop collecting, decide whether you want to We are more than happy to source hard to find props. Price: £2500 £1080 +VAT ono. Our 95,000 sq. Weapon props from "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy have fetched serious coin in recent years. Jurassic Park (1993) Cable-Controlled Velociraptor Puppet Feet With Claws. From the top sculptors and manufacturers in the industry - companies like Anovos, NECA, Shire Post Mint, United Cutlery, and WETA Workshop - you'll find the realistic, screen-accurate movie props, television prop replicas and × Fully functioning lightsaber replica from the Star Wars saga. How many times have you watched a film or TV show and said to yourself, "I sure wish I had one of those (lightsabers, helmets, phasers, coins, masks, etc.)!"? ORDERS MAY NOT BE FILLED. Create customized searches and save them for future use. NOT MINT ITEMS MAY SELL OUT AT ANY TIME. Entertainment Earth, Inc. markets and sells products, including children's products, for purchase by adults 18 years and over. most big companies will just build a prop for a movie or show. Whatever your production - we've just the ticket... We are a regular supplier of movie props to many major films, with a vast range of stock, a comprehensive online catalogue and wide range of contacts that enable us to obtain props to order. NewRuleFX is very proud to offer the best quality motion picture prop money available. 30-inches tall, he's exactingly duplicated to be the most... Read more, Are you Groot? Wearable helmet based on the Star Wars movies. The... Read more, "Where does he get those wonderful toys?" ORDERS MAY NOT BE FILLED. All of our movie props, costumes, autographs and cast & crew items come with a COA (Certificate of Authenticity). The world’s most memorable... Read more, Fans can imagine the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars saga with premium roleplay items from Star Wars The Black Series! Alternately, you can review how memorabilia is selling on websites that specifically auction movie props, like Premiere Props or Hollywood Memorabilia. I've been purchasing from EE and never had an issue until recently. Each... Read more, The Sublime Large Sun Logo Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the original. Straight out of Marvel's The Avengers film! Fret not, because Entertainment Earth comes to your rescue with an exciting assembly of highly detailed, top-quality replica weapons and other reproductions based on a wide spectrum of popular themes and properties, ranging from. Add to your uniform! 2 Groot 30-Inch Foam Replica, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal Moon Kaleidoscope Proplica Prop Replica, Deadpool Marvel Classics Life-Size Statue Foam Replica, Masters of the Universe Skeletor Havoc Staff Scaled Prop Replica, Batman: Arkham City Nightwing's Escrima Stick Prop Replica, The Avengers Iron Man Mark VII Helmet Prop Replica, Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld The Night Sky Sword Proplica Prop Replica, Star Trek: TOS 1st Season Commander Rank Braid Set, Child's Play Bride of Chucky Tiffany Life-Size 1:1 Scale Replica, Ghostbusters Plasma Series Neutrona Wand Prop Replica, Gremlins 2 The New Batch Flasher Gremlin Life-Size Stunt Puppet Prop Replica, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Rimuru Tempest Proplica Prop Replica. Ships in two boxes; very simple assembly required. Each... Read more, The Toby Keith Signature USA Flag Acoustic Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the... Read more, You can be War Machine! $49. Many of his competitors, he adds, don't want to bother selling a few props … Planet Of The Apes (2001) Limbo (Paul Giamatti) Bust and Appliance $1,795 (approx. Prop Store. The company has created some shows that have gained a lot of audiences such as “my 600lb life”: a reality show, “Shipping Wars” and “Marshal Law”. With over 25 years experience, MEDISCENE offers unrivalled 'on set' medical expertise to the film & television industry. Life-size at 30-inches tall, she's poseable and features life-like... Read more, Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic? Receive a perfect item with the best packaging possible - at no extra charge. Items we supply range from items as small as door knobs and lighting to lorry loads of reclaimed timber. Measures... Read more, Embroidered uniform Rank Braid! The prop should be dusted and washed, if necessary. Hand-painted, with fabric trench coat and... Read more, Rimuru Tempest from That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime joins the Proplica series! Own this movie-accurate Luke Skywalker X-Wing pilot helmet. Each... Read more, The Metallica Kirk Hammet Frankenstein Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the... Read more, This Slayer Jeff Hanneman Heineken Green Logo Miniature Guitar Replica is in honor of the late great guitarist from Slayer (and his favorite... Read more, The Slipknot Mick Thomson Signature Hate Red Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the... Read more, The Slayer Jeff Hanneman Raiders Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the original.... Read more, The Joe Satriani Silver Surfer Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the original. We also supply items for many photo shoots, TV adverts, theatre productions, art installations. Staging companies (they put furniture in empty homes in order to sell them faster). The Email field is not a valid e-mail address. Whatever your production - we've just the ticket... We are a UK company based in North East England, an area rich in film history, with films such as Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Get Carter, Alien Very well... Read more, Life-Sized Replica of Deadpool! $22,995 (approx. Our combined wealth of experience in the UK film and television industry, production and props, client list and shared Enjoy lights and sounds from Star Wars Rebels and... Read more, The Sublime Small Sun Logo Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the original. Welcome to Keeley Hire (Film & Television) Ltd. Major property suppliers for over 50 years to the Film, Television, Theatre and Theme Event Industry. £1,299 / €1,499) Add to your cart. Welcome to Movie Bits, we are sellers of authentic movie props and costumes, rare and collectable movie memorabilia including autographs, prop replicas, cast & crew items. Product specifications, prices, ship dates, and availability are subject to change without notice. Thank you very much. Inspired by the 2018 Black Panther... Read more, Finding all 7 dragon balls an achievable feat with this Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball with Radar Tin Set! If any product you are ordering is intended for a child please assume all of the following warnings may apply to that product: Entertainment Earth, Inc. markets and sells products in California. To sign up to the mailing list, please tick the box below to show you agree to our Privacy Policy. Similar to the one worn by Captain Kirk on his Wrap Tunic! WandaVision Wedding Rings Prop Replica 3-Piece Set - Entertainment Earth Exclusive, Marvel Legends Avengers Falcon and Winter Soldier Captain America Shield Prop Replica, Power Rangers Lightning Collection Dragon Dagger Prop Replica, Not Mint, Star Wars The Black Series The Mandalorian Premium Electronic Helmet Prop Replica, Star Wars The Black Series Force FX Elite Darksaber, Marvel Legends Interactive Electronic Deadpool's Head, Not Mint, Star Wars The Black Series Luke Skywalker Electronic X-Wing Pilot Helmet, Star Wars The Black Series Boba Fett Helmet Prop Replica, Star Wars The Black Series Darth Vader Premium Electronic Helmet, Marvel Legends Avengers: Endgame Stormbreaker Prop Replica, Prince White Cloud Miniature Guitar Replica, Star Wars The Black Series Boba Fett (Re-Armored) Premium Electronic Helmet Prop Replica, Prince Purple Symbol Miniature Guitar Replica, KISS Ace Frehley Heritage Sunburst Miniature Guitar Replica, Marvel Legends Iron Man Electronic Helmet, Randy Rhoads White Flying V Miniature Guitar Replica, AC/DC Angus Young Signature Stained Miniature Guitar Replica, Metallica Kirk Hammet Dracula Miniature Guitar Replica, Metallica Kirk Hammet Bride of Frankenstein Miniature Guitar Replica, Bob Marley One Love Miniature Guitar Replica, Sublime Large Sun Logo Miniature Guitar Replica, Metallica Kirk Hammet Frankenstein Miniature Guitar Replica, Slayer Jeff Hanneman Heineken Green Logo Miniature Guitar Replica, Slipknot Mick Thomson Signature Hate Red Miniature Guitar Replica, Slayer Jeff Hanneman Raiders Miniature Guitar Replica, Joe Satriani Silver Surfer Miniature Guitar Replica, Toby Keith Signature USA Flag Acoustic Miniature Guitar Replica, Marvel Legends Series War Machine Roleplay Helmet, Star Wars The Black Series Force FX Elite Ahsoka Tano Lightsaber Prop Replica, Sublime Small Sun Logo Miniature Guitar Replica, Audioslave Tom Morello Soul Power Miniature Guitar Replica, Star Wars: The Mandalorian Mythosaur Pendant Prop Replica, Star Wars The Black Series Kit Fisto Force FX Lightsaber, Brian Setzer Nashville Orange Dice Hollow Body Miniature Guitar Replica, Brian Setzer White Hollow Body Miniature Guitar Replica, Rage Against the Machine Tom Morello Arm The Homeless Miniature Guitar Replica, Marvel Legends Series Black Panther Electronic Helmet, Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball with Radar Tin Prop Replica Set, Star Wars The Black Series Elite Darth Revan Force FX Lightsaber Prop Replica, Power Rangers Lightning Collection Premium Red Ranger Helmet Prop Replica, Star Trek Next Generation Communicator Badge and Pin Set, Star Trek Voyager Communicator Badge and Pin Set, James Bond SPECTRE Agent Ring Prop Replica, Not Mint, Child's Play Bride of Chucky Chucky Life-Size 1:1 Scale Replica, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. We hope you enjoy browsing the site to see all the great items on offer or use our search facility - it's an excellent tool for finding the item you need. Medical and Scientific prop hire for Film and Television. Each... Read more, The KISS Ace Frehley Heritage Sunburst Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the... Read more, Full-size, wearable Iron Man helmet! NOT MINT ITEMS MAY SELL OUT AT ANY TIME. Features premium deco, realistic detail, and a... Read more, The Prince Purple Symbol Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the original. Learn more in our. Life-sized, 1:1 scale, and faithfully detailed prop replica. Collar,... Read more, Channel your inner Thor! The most realistic FX lightsaber yet! Most of the props we supply are within the UK, but we have also shipped items overseas. Our rental staff will help you define your style and create Push his head and he talks. ORDERS MAY NOT BE FILLED. The most screen-accurate Tiffany replica doll you'll find! Consignment businesses (they put them out for sale, giving you a set dollar amount and they take the commission). After contacting EE, they contacted the shipping co and the package got back in motion. Join the battle... Read more, The Prince White Cloud Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the original. In stock and ready for … Very well detailed and movie accurate. The high quality, scaled prop replica of the... Read more, From the second chapter in the most successful Batman video game series ever! We have a flexible policy on provision of props, from outright sale for smaller items to rental for larger items, this is generally based on a percentage of the value of the item, usually around 40%. Drèsd have reincarnated and re-purposed many sets from major film & television productions in the UK and will soon be launching an online Prop Shop comprising of salvaged materials and objects including doors, windows Run your Saved Searches from Your Account area and be notified daily about new items that match your criteria. Movie Props, Prop Rentals, Prop Money, Servers, Computers, Hospital, Studio Cameras, News Cameras, ATMs, Prison, Elevators, Airplanes, Airport, Cockpits, Helicopters, Mics, Podiums, Police, Gun props RJR Props and Set Dressing Services Mon-Thur 9-6, Fri 9-5 (click for full schedule) The UK's Largest Collection of WORKING Retro TV's & Monitors! Easter Egg Hunt Create the ultimate egg hunt for the whole family to enjoy with our collection of Larger-than-life replica from Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. We design, produce and hire a huge range of the most useful soft props (also known as safe or stunt props), weapons, household tools and objects. Movie Cars, Film and TV Vehicles “If you can't find the vehicle you need... we'll get it for you...” supplies cars, lorries, vans, motorcycles and classic vehicles for TV, Film and movie production. That’s unfortunate, because this Neutrona Wand roleplay item can’t really capture... Read more, Authentic full-size replica of the Flasher Gremlin! Limited edition of... Read more, The Night Sky Sword from Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld! It’s no different on any other movie. Some props Experience the weird world of Coraline! £17,159 / €18,849) Add to cart. 1. Inspired by the The Falcon and The Winter Soldier TV series. This cannot be undone. Check out the detailed interior... Read more, The Prince Mad Cat Miniature Guitar Replica captures all the design details with vibrant graphics and craftsmanship of the original.

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