I’m a 911 Operator. 911 OPERATOR: Ok, good. Wait. Your child sees a car accident where someone is hurt. Caller: Someone's dead! My leg is across the room in its mouth. Hyannis Dispatcher: The Women’s Heath Center? Sadly, the child did not survive, despite the mother’s wishes, Your email address will not be published. The sounds that she made before dying mixed with the information in that folder had me on the edge of early retirement. Dispatcher: What's your name, ma'am? Pro-lifers outside an abortion clinic in Hyannes saw a woman loaded into an ambulance. KEY ECS1: Emergency Communications Specialist C1: Caller/xxx AV: Automated Voice 911 Emergency Scripts. Caller: Yes, I understand 911 is for emergencies, and I realize now that my situation does not constitute an emergency. Eileen was up late and it was dark outside, that can distort what you think you’re seeing. OFD: Okay. Dispatcher: Okay, ma’am, we are 911. God!!! We’re going try and call the center as well as have someone on the way. OFD: Okay, can you call me from that or just pick up that phone and dial 911? Want to talk to someone right away? It took my leg off! 911 OPERATOR: Stay quiet and hidden. OFD: Okay, we do have help on the way like I said. Friend: Let’s see … I don’t have the address on me. The time 12:00 a.m. 911 OPERATOR: 911, fire, and police. Note again that the clinic worker asks for no lights and no sirens. CALLER: I’m home alone. Does he have a weapon? Stay on the phone with me. I was asked to call.”, 911: “Okay, so do you need the police over there?”, 911: “Well see, that’s why we ask you these questions — so we know how to respond and what units to respond. Her arm and leg had been ripped off and it almost looked like the end of her limbs had been running through a pencil sharpener; mutilated. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. A friend of mine called form the abortion clinic and her baby was born alive. He's having seizures at Sunset and Larrabee, please come here!" Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Can you respond with us to 609 Virginia Drive? We have to come emergency. What’s your emergency? OPERATOR: Newtown 911. Friend: I need an ambulance to 609 Virginia Drive in Orlando. 911 OPERATOR: OK. They’re almost there! My arm. f.q=f.q||[];m[e]=m[e]||f.bind(f.q);m[e].q=m[e].q||f.q;r=a.createElement(i); DISPATCHER CALLS WINTER PARK FIRE DEPARTMENT. Abortion Doubles The Pain Of Rape, Says One Mother, Former Planned Parenthood nurse now speaks out for life, Abortion Nightmares: Expelled Fetal Parts, Former Abortionist: Dr. Anthony Levantino, Former Abortionist: Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Former Abortionist: Dr. Beverly McMillian, Former Abortionists: Dr. Haywood Robinson, Former Clinic Worker and the late term baby, Former Clinic Worker: Caren Ní hAllacháin, Book Review of Choice: A Doctors Experience with the Abortion Dilemma by Don Sloan, Legal Abortion Death: Ingar Weber (Kidney failure), There were 42 legal abortion deaths in 1972 and 1973, Abortionist discusses possible complications, including “most embarrassing” – a baby that doesn’t die, Woman says she was “never the same again” after her abortion, Woman obeys husband and has abortion, it affects the way she treats her kids, Abortion worker complains more post-abortive women don’t support abortion, Abortion clinic owner can’t understand why former patients aren’t defending her clinic, Pro-Choice abortion worker contemplates telling the public about former patients’ abortions to shame them if they are now pro-life, Abortion counselor surprised that attitudes haven’t changed on abortion, Woman describes crying during and after her abortion, Disability rights activist speaks out against aborting disabled babies, Writer says she “sank to the lowest of lows” after her abortion, Mother from rape had her daughter and is now a pro-life activist, Woman walks out of abortion clinic, years later calls her child “a light in a pitch black room”, After miscarriage, father is shocked at how developed his 14 week old baby was, Little girl born alive after attempted late-term abortion, lives for five years, Abortionist describes women throwing up after their abortions from “emotional feeling”, Prominent Indian feminist defends sex-selective abortion, Police caught “twisting the arms and gouging the necks” of peaceful pro-life protesters, Facts and PIctures On Abortion at 4 or 5 weeks, Pictures of Aborted Babies at Different Stages, 99.31% of Abortions Done for Convenience, Not Health. First and foremost, I just want to say I am not a dispatcher. Dispatcher: 911. Please send an ambulance! That is… if I don’t decide to quit before that. Marguerite: “Sir, I’m sorry, I don’t have that information. Center. Do you know this person? The following is a transcript of the landline calls made from Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14 to the Newtown Police Department. 911 OPERATOR: Do you have anything that can be used as a weapon in the closet to protect yourself? She was having … the baby just came out? I think it can smell where I’m at or something. Its teeth are like a shark! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Gilbert, who was mentally challenged, had been a victim of rape. On the call, Checkingson says that he shot her because she was coming after him with … Here are some 911 call transcripts from botched abortions at clinics: Aware Women’s Center: Stearns County sheriff's office transcript of 911 call from Merlyn Jerzak, a neighbor of Patty and Jerry Wetterling. It looked like half man half and half something else…OH MY GOD IT’S GETTING CLOSER! She’s there. Call 9-1-1 only when you need the police, firefighters or an ambulance right away, for example, when: The house across the street is on fire. Okay. Follow for a NEW Scary Story once a month! This is the transcript. CALLER: No. After my shift, I decided to get in touch with the police department (my husband is a cop, so it’s easy to get an update on cases that touch me). I was watching TV when I noticed it staring at me through the window. CALLER: Ok…ok. Could we have you come to the side doors, right on 10th street, and try not to use no sirens? 911 OPERATOR: Eileen, get somewhere safe and hide. CALLER: No. I don’t know if we have any in there. I’ll update when or if they find anything further along in the investigation. If a caller starts the call with ‘I swear I’m not crazy’ then you need to buckle up for some insanity. CALLER: Norma Oliveras. Be sure to follow her blog for weekly scary stories! And thank you, everyone for taking the time out of your day to participate in this webinar. Your child sees someone breaking into a house. What’s happening? free confidential help: 1 800 550 4900. Share. Because …. As soon as I got my measly finger tips on that manila folder, I immediately wished I’d never known the information in it. She’s lost quite a bit of blood and she’s pale. Here is a copy of the respondent’s notes on the call. These are the transcripts from the most disturbing 911 call I have ever taken. Tweet . Betty Ong Flight 12 Reservations clerk And what seat are you at? However, I think I have to tell it. Caller: Uh, well, this girl aspirated. I’ve debated whether or not to share this story because it is still very upsetting to me. I can see the shards of my bone sticking out… Oh my God, I’m going to die tonight! Caller: I’m at 68 Camp Street. Ah! 911 OPERATOR: They are on their way, sweetie. ( Log Out / We are going for a lady that is in an abortion clinic. It’s a female that’s in the center, I guess for … it’s an abortion clinic but the baby was born, and it’s alive at this moment and they don’t know for how long. She as getting an abortion and the baby came out and it was still living. How did he get in the house? In fact, I know that there was an intruder because I heard the brutal mutilation happening to her right over the phone! she was done with surgery at 12:35 – so about 2.5 hours. OFD: Uh, it would be for an obstetrics. CALLER: I have a medical emergency. So much blood…. There’s so much blood! One moment please. That all changed when I took a call from a teenage girl last night. 913 Kingman Drive. Here is a transcript of the 911 call at 9:43 a.m. Thursday from Prince's Paisley Park compound to the Carver County, Minnesota, Sheriff's Office: Dispatcher: 911, where is your emergency? It took my leg!! Hyannis Dispatcher: Okay, and what’s going on there? Transcript: Active Shooter and Intruder Response for Dispatchers and 911 Call Takers. OFD: Hi. . Can we get it on? Aware Woman: Let me see when she had her surgery? View all posts by briannaappling, 911 call, amputation, creature, creepy, crime scene, dispatcher, fiction, friday the 13th, horror, monster, paranormal, scary, spooky. Friend: She was expecting it to not be alive, and it is. What’s your emergency? Hyannis Dispatcher: 911. Friend: 609 West Virginia Street. 911 OPERATOR: Do you think it was a woman then? CALLER: But, I thought the police were coming? They don’t know for how long. The speakers are two 911 emergency dispatchers and apparently one of the murder … Hyannis Dispatcher: —, what’s your phone number. _.parentNode.insertBefore(r,_);})(window, document, 'script', 'https://static.mailerlite.com/js/universal.js', 'ml');
I needed to know what on Earth could cause so much harm to an innocent girl. Friday, July 13th, 2018. It wasn’t 10 minutes ago. They said that “Cp refused to give information.”, Here is a picture of the ambulance that took Gilbert away. Don’t take me! OFD: Okay. Did she call you on a phone? What did you say? CALLER: It’s something demented and wicked. The important take away message is that there is something dangerous out there. Here are the transcripts: Call #1. 911 Emergency Scripts; One of the hardest things a family may have to do is call the police when their loved one is behaving in an unsafe manner, either towards themselves or someone else in the family. Oh my God! TRANSCRIPT OF 911 EMERGENCY CALL IN MENENDEZ MURDER CASE WITH AM-MANSION MURDERS AP, Associated Press. Leaked 911 Call Transcripts You Won't Believe! If she gets worse before we get there, call right back. EPOC. >>> The Memory Hole has obtained 9/11 documents previously withheld by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Note: the clinic worker told 911 to send an ambulance without lights or sirens. Did the intruder cut it off? What’s the location of the emergency? There Should Have Been A Recall On A Major Toilet Paper Brand: Here’s My Story. CALLER: This Eileen! All the 911 emergency calls made to a 911 dispatcher are recorded and are under the custody and control of the emergency service involved (fire, police or medical department). Friend: Uh, well I’m not there. wabc. Dispatcher: Fire/Rescue. In this cold, heartless 911 call, Checkingson Sinclair tells the 911 operator that he murdered his wife, 24-year-old Latwassa Argrett who was seven weeks pregnant. OFD: Uh, this is supposed … This is the EPOC Center E-P-O-C Center for Women. Aware Woman: Hi, we need an ambulance up at Aware Woman, it’s 1564 Dixie Way. Friend: Uh, EPOC Clinic for Women. CALLER: I am Pedro Oliveras. 911 Dispatcher : Do you have oxygen available? Do you know the closest intersection. 911 Transcript. IT’S GOING TO FIND ME! okay. OPERATOR: What is your mother’s name? Transcript of 911 Audio Tape – September 13, 2007, The following is a Hyannes fire department recording of a 911 request for medical aid at 68 Camp David Street, Hyannes on Sept 13, 2007 at 5:49 pm. CALLER: Please, don’t hurt me! Do you have you somewhere to hide? I’m not sure what it is exactly. Aware Woman: We need a transport, we have a possible perforation and we’d like a transport with no lights, no sirens. Dispatcher: We’re on the way. Change ), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Transcript of July 4, 1997 911 call 911 dispatch is then put on hold by Tiller’s office for 44 seconds. You can read about the incident here.var ml_account = ml('accounts', '749250', 'h1l6j8s8k7', 'load'); Want to talk to someone right away? 911 OPERATOR: Can you spell that address for me? Finally, they called an ambulance Here is a partial transcript. Several photographs were taken of Eileen’s body. Um, the cockpit’s not answering. These Are The Transcripts From The Most Disturbing Call I’ve Ever Received. Transcripts of 911 calls are notoriously hard to acquire, but I have managed to find several. On March 29 2006, New York Supreme Court justice Richard F. Braun ordered the release of 28 identified 9-1-1 phonecalls of individuals trapped in the burning World Trade Center to their families, and the release of the dispatchers' half of all 130 conversations to the general public. She called me and they’re not allowing her to use the phone there. If you can’t give me that information…”, Marguerite: “…we need a transport to the hospital..”, 911: “And what is the phone number you’re calling from?”. The police should be their soon. She’s in an abortion clinic and the baby is born and it’s still alive. CALLER: (gurgled screams) It’s eating my leg in front of me! What's the address where you need I thought I had heard it all, and although each call was an emergency, I wasn’t as affected as much in the hours following my shift. 911 OPERATOR: Just hang in there. OFD: Okay. 911 OPERATOR: Just stay on the line with me and be quiet. Before being put in this position, it’s helpful for you to understand what kinds of questions you’ll be asked when you access the 911 system. 911 OPERATOR: I need you to focus. var c={ a:arguments,q:[]};var r=this.push(c);return "number"!=typeof r?r:f.bind(c.q);} She’s not breathing. There’s Something At The Bottom Of The Lake. Where did that thing go? It’s coming up to the bedroom. Hyannis Dispatcher: Okay. The pictures are what got me at first. Clinic worker: Well, one of our patients is unconscious. By abc7NY. When the dispatcher called back, she discovered the problem: Much … ( Log Out / Friend: But they’re wanting the baby to die. Share. I’m here at the Women’s Health Center. ( Log Out / Her family no doubt thought they were doing what was best for her when they took her for an abortion. The call flow will go much smoother when the call taker is allowed to ask you questions in the order the information is needed. “I’ve been in the 911 biz for over 22 years. These are the transcripts from the most disturbing 911 call I have ever taken. Just hold on the line, okay? I’ll spare you the gory details. I’ve taken heart wrenching calls, and within seconds of hanging up, have to be ready for the next caller. Caller: Julie Arbuckle. Help me!!! Caller: Hi, yes, I’m at Midwest and Memorial and I just heard a big bang and now there is smoke coming out, something is on fire. TRANSCRIPTS OF 9/11 TELEPHONE CALLS. Mark: Thank you, Heather. What is your emergency? The incident number is R273209. Perhaps she was overly tired and thought she saw a person; maybe it was an animal that got in the house? 911 OPERATOR: Eileen! Tell me exactly what happened.”, Marguerite: “Okay, all I know is that, is that it’s a patient who has to go to the hospital.”, Marguerite: “Hold on just a minute and I’ll…”. Transcript of March 29, 1997 911 call May. Please send help. I had grown accustomed to the shock. Brianna is getting her feet wet as a horror writer. Operator: Sir this line is reserved for emergency calls only. At 8:51 AM on Dec. 17, 2011 Justin DiPietro called 911 to report his daughter Ayla Reynolds missing after finding her bed empty. Hold still and be quiet. She says that the baby has been born ten minutes ago, but the center wants to kill the baby and will not let the mother call 911. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Transcript of the four-minute 911 emergency call to the county Fire Department by Joaquin Rafael "Leaf" Phoenix, brother of River Phoenix, after the actor collapsed outside a nightclub: Caller: "It's my brother! 911 OPERATOR: Eileen! My arm. 19 year old Christin Gilbert died from complications from a third-trimester abortion she received at Doctor Tiller’s infamous late-term abortion clinic in Wichita Kansas. I had to know what that thing was that she had mentioned. My mother is having a heart attack. I need you to stay calm and talk to me until they arrive. 911 OPERATOR: What’s your current location? BEVERLY HILLS, CALIF. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) _ Here is a transcript of the audio tape released by the Police Department Thursday in the Menendez murder case. Friend: Uh, she just called me. And said that the baby was born and it was alive and they were wanting her to leave it in the toilet. CALLER: I hear it breathing on the other side of the wall. What is your emergency? 911 OPERATOR: What’s your current location? CALLER: Ahh!! Ambulance: Okay, so we are the way now. var _=a.getElementsByTagName(i)[0];r.async=1;r.src=l+'?v'+(~~(new Date().getTime()/1000000)); 911 OPERATOR: Can you tell me what happened? Aware Woman: Where the uterus has been perforated. Stay quiet and pace your breathing. His daughter, who had been babysitting at the Wetterling house, called him to come to the Wetterling house when she learned of Jacob Wetterling's abduction from Jacob's brother, Trevor, and their friend, Aaron Larson. 911: Where is your emergency? Here are some 911 call transcripts from botched abortions at clinics: Aware Women’s Center: Transcript of March 29, 1997 911 call Dispatcher: Fire/Rescue. D-R-I-V-E. ** ***** MO *****. My mind was already starting to play crazy tricks on me, running wild with the few sentences that girl had told me. Some measures allow members of the press to listen to recordings but not to publish those recordings in digital format, … The police are on their way. The cops are a few feet from your house! I don’t think I have long till he…or it… finds me. Transcript of December 12, 1997 911 call 911 Dispatcher: 911. OFD: Okay. Aware Woman: Hi, we need an ambulance at Aware Woman – we have a patient with heavy bleeding. I’m going to get help out there. I hear its nails dragging against the wood floor. Please verify I have this correct: 913 Kingman Drive ** ***** MO *****? And, uh, what’s the problem? E-P-O-C. OFD: EPOC Clinic for Women? The revelation of a second 911 call came in the city’s release of transcripts of Damond’s emergency calls, as well as a handful of other initial reports. That’s just it though, there wasn’t a trace of anyone in the house. Look for something to use as a blunt force weapon if need be. The cops are coming in the house! Let me give a call to the county. ( Log Out / I can see my flesh and muscle! Some states treat all emergency phone calls as confidential information, and prohibit the... Limited Confidentiality. These are all reasons why I needed to get my hands on that police report. In some states, legislation has been proposed, or in some cases already enacted, to exempt 911 emergency call recordings and transcripts from disclosure to the public under Freedom of Information laws. When I was on the phone with her, I know that the police were at the foot of her front door. Her mouth was hanging open in a snarl, and her eyes had been glazed over with a yellowish film; her pupils blue. The description in the notes is what really made my skin crawl, though. I’m not legally allowed to give too many identifying details, but that’s not the important part. We have to come emergency. Lou Ann Herron lay bleeding in an abortion clinic recovery room while her abortionist had lunch and ordered staff not to bother him. CALLER: It’s making a weird noise. There were actually two calls made, as the connection was lost during the first. Sensitive Security Information. Dispatcher: "OK, calm down a little bit. She was having an abortion. Friend: Right. !The skin is dangling off, and there’s purple flesh exposed! In a few cases the 911 tapes of calls from abortion clinics have been released to the public. Then I realized that something was wrong with its face. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 7. When I told them I was pro-life, they made a point to tell me they were "not political" They will not try to sway your decision. TRANSCRIPTS: 9/11 Emergency Calls. Hold on. Private and Confidential - Do Not Copy or Disclose. ** ***** MO *****. The police are on your street! Botched abortions happen. Aware Woman: We need a transport, we have a possible perforation and we’d like a transport with no lights, no sirens. I’m not sure if it was a man now. Friend: She’s in the clinic, the abortion clinic. * Friday, July 13 th, 2018. This call is being recorded. A loud, flashing ambulance is not good for an abortion clinic’s image. Dispatcher: Oklahoma City 911. Actually, do not hang up. Confidential Treatment. I need help! The EPOC Center. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. OPERATOR: Where is your mother? What is your emergency?" AA KEAN COMM 006327. i£ OF 9/11 TELEPHONE CALLS. OPERATOR: What is your name? Friend: Correct. No! All I know is that we need a transport to the hospital.”, 911: “So you have no information as to why?”, Marguerite: “No sir, I don’t. Hyannis Dispatcher: 7088. “In order to protect the identity of the complaining witness, the contents of ’911′ and other emergency telephone calls may be released … in the form of a written transcript or altered voice reproduction; provided that the original shall be provided under process to be used as evidence in any relevant civil or criminal proceeding.” If there was some sort of intruder doing this to her, the cops should have been able to secure the house and capture the murderer. Dispatcher: Fire/rescue.
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