Company This, following an improvement in early January. * - Main goods are marked with red color . Vaccines are moving via air freight - change in the approval process of some vaccines have altered the supply chain scenario. JAS FLIGHT OPERATIONS has expanded to 3 major air freight corridors: Now twice per week between USA and EUROPE. of and to in a is that for on ##AT##-##AT## with The are be I this as it we by have not you which will from ( at ) or has an can our European was all : also " - 's your We Einmal anmelden - alles im Blick. Vessels are 100% full and bookings remain strong through Mid-March. It is imperative forecasts are provided to our local offices to allocate our space properly. the , . Hier haben Sie jederzeit Zugriff auf Ihre Abonnements, können den Urlaubsservice buchen und uns Ihre Anliegen zur Bestellung, Zahlung und Prämien mitteilen. Thank you! Lack of equipment, limited capacity and severe port congestion in multiple countries are all leading to high freight rates which, in some trade-lanes, continue to increase. Ongoing negotiations between the Port of Montreal Employers Association and the Port of Montreal Longshoreman Union have ended without an agreement on February 28th, 2021. The JAS World Ocean Team is working diligently with all core partners to meet customer requirements. The revised charges will, Dear Valued Customer, Hamburg Süd wish to inform their customers of a revision to the level of Terminal Handling Charge applied in Ireland. Dear Customers, Hamburg Süd is pleased to announce the modification of the SAEC and MESA services covering the trade from South America East Coast to North Europe and the, Dear customers, In order to further streamline our administrative and financial processes with our agency network and to reach more standard and secure customer service, (Morristown, N.J.)…The Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has issued guidelines and instructions for the 2017/2018 high risk season (September 1, 2017 to, Bunker Surcharge – August 2017 June 30, 2017 Dear Customer, We take this moment to advice that as a direct result of the global fluctuation on fuel prices, the Bunker, Dear Valued Customer, Hamburg Süd is pleased to announce an enhancement of its weekly North Europe – South Mediterranean Service. Emergency Equipment Imbalance Surcharge Turkey to all North European destinations Dear customer, Due to a severe imbalance between exports and imports in all Turkish ports, Emergency Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) Egypt to all North European & Mediterranean destinations Dear customer, In order to keep providing you with reliable and efficient. United Kingdom Imports - Lift On/Lift Off Surcharge (Morristown, N.J.)â¦Effective October 1, 2020, Hamburg Süd will re-introduce a Lift On/Lift Off (Lo/Lo) surcharges for all import cargo arriving into the United Kingdom. Production at factories throughout Asia has quickly returned to pre-CNY levels. Something went wrong while submitting the form. From April 1st, Hapag-Lloyd will increase its Freight All Kinds (FAK) rates by 333%, CMA CGM plans to set its rate levels 282% higher than today’s rate and from March 1st, MSC will set its FAK rate levels 250% higher. userBpName, Dear Valued Customer, In order to keep providing you with our global services, Hamburg Süd is introducing the Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) for Dry Cargo from the UK and Ireland, Dear Valued Customer, In order to keep providing you with our global services, Hamburg Süd is introducing the Peak Season Surcharge (PSS) for Dry Cargo from North Europe to East, Dear Valued Customer, We would like to inform you that the reefer plug utilization has improved in the port of Dalian. As with the Med trade, post CNY, there has been a slight decrease in volumes and subsequently rates have marginally declined. The revised charges will apply to all cargo, Dear Valued Customer, Hamburg Süd wish to inform their customers of a revision to the level of Terminal Handling Charge applied in all Slovenian ports. The United Kingdom is due to leave the European Commission under the terms of the. Chassis’ are also in short supply. The revised charges will apply to all cargo loaded, Dear valued customer, Hamburg Süd wishes to inform their customers of a revision to the level of Terminal Handling Charge applied in Finland. As with most trades, bookings must be made at least 4 weeks in advance. A, Dear valued customer, Hamburg Süd is pleased to announce the reconfiguration of the South America West Coast and Caribbean to Europe services.
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