stanisław ii poland

[6] He went on his first foreign trip in 1748, with elements of the Imperial Russian army as it advanced into the Rhineland to aid Maria Theresia's troops during the War of the Austrian Succession which ended with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748). [6] In 1750, he travelled to Berlin where he met a British diplomat, Charles Hanbury Williams, who became his mentor and friend. He died in semicaptivity at St. Petersburg. Petersburg. [17] Catherine threw her support behind Poniatowski. [34], The aftermath of the Partition Sejm saw the rise of a conservative faction opposed to the Permanent Council, seeing it as a threat to their Golden Freedoms. [77] His cultural projects were attuned to his socio-political aims of overthrowing the myth of the Golden Freedoms and the traditional ideology of Sarmatism. Biogram został opublikowany w 1936 r. w II tomie Polskiego Słownika Biograficznego. Dane z jego strony opisu znajdują się poniżej. Many reform leaders, believing their cause lost, went into self-exile, although they hoped that Poniatowski would be able to negotiate an acceptable compromise with the Russians, as he had done in the past. [11], Poniatowski had to leave St. Petersburg in July 1756 due to court intrigue. [25][29] In 1770, the Council of the Bar Confederation proclaimed him dethroned. [71] He also worked on his memoirs. [75], Stanisław August Poniatowski has been called the Polish Enlightenment's most important patron of the arts. [41][42] However, in the ensuing Four-Year Sejm of 1788–92 (known as the Great Sejm), Poniatowski threw his lot in with the reformers associated with the Patriotic Party of Stanisław Małachowski, Ignacy Potocki and Hugo Kołłątaj, and co-authored the Constitution of 3 May 1791. [75] This was done in secret and caused controversy in Poland when the matter became known. Autor: Marc Fumaroli. Romans ostatniego polskiego króla z rosyjską carycą to nie żaden sekret. [84], He was also patron to numerous painters. He was temporarily kidnapped as a toddler, on the orders of Józef Potocki, Voyevoda of Kiev, as a reprisal for his father's support for King August and held for some months in Kamieniec-Podolski. A controversial figure in Poland's history, he is criticized primarily for his failure to resolutely stand against and prevent the partitions, which led to the destruction of the Polish state. While at the Russian court, he apparently did little for the family’s interests but succeeded in becoming the lover of the future empress, Catherine II. One month and one day later, on 25 November, Poniatowski signed his abdication. [78][81] He also sponsored historical studies, including the collection, cataloging and copying of historical manuscripts. A revolt by Roman Catholics followed in 1768 and was not fully suppressed for four years. [16] In 1762, when Catherine ascended the Russian throne, she sent him several letters professing her support for his own ascension to the Polish throne, but asking him to stay away from St. [30] The following year, he was kidnapped by Bar Confederates and was briefly held prisoner outside of Warsaw, but he managed to escape. [16], Upon the death of Poland's King Augustus III in October 1763, lobbying began for the election of the new king. His pacta conventa specified that he should marry a Polish noblewoman, although he himself always hoped to marry into some royal family. Mazzei, Filippo, 1730-1816. Rising from the middle nobility (though his mother was a Czartoryska), the candidate was handpicked by Catherine II (the Great) of Russia not only because he had been her lover but because she felt that he would be completely dependent on her. Poniatowski tried to govern the country in the brief period after the fall of the Uprising, but on 2 December 1794, Catherine demanded he leave Warsaw, a request to which he acceded on 7 January 1795, leaving the capital under Russian military escort and settling briefly in Grodno. Poniatowski's supporters and opponents engaged in some military posturing and even minor clashes. The election of Stanisław II August Poniatowski as the last king of Poland (reigned 1764–95) was the work of the powerful Familia. [59][60] The confederates aligned themselves with Russia's Catherine the Great, and the Russian army entered Poland, marking the start of the Polish–Russian War of 1792, also known as the War in Defence of the Constitution. [34][36][37] The Sejm also created two notable institutions: the Permanent Council, a government body in continuous operation, and the Commission of National Education. Stanisław II August, King of Poland, 1732-1798 Sources found : Kwiatkowski, M. Stanisław August, król--architekt, 1983: p. 271 (Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski) Naśladując przykład świętych – Stanisława i Jana Pawła II, postępujmy drogą świętości, dając odważne świadectwo wiary i przynależności do Kościoła” – zaapelował do wiernych metropolita krakowski. [101], Poniatowski is depicted in numerous portraits, medals and coins. Not all sources agree she was Poniatowski's child. Opis. The concept Stanisław, II August, King of Poland, 1732-1798 represents the subject, aboutness, idea or notion of resources found in Bowdoin College Library. [78][88] Among the endeavours in which he invested were the manufacture of cannons and firearms and the mining industry. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Tłumaczenie: Anne-Marie Fabianowska, Maria Aldridge. To zupełnie inny repertuar od tego, który do tej pory prezentował uczeń radomszczańskiego "elektryka". [68] However, Marek Jerzy Minakowski's website on descendants of Great Sejm participants lists neither Kazimierz Grabowski nor Konstancja Grabowska as Poniatowski's children; and for Elżbieta Szydłowska, it lists only Kazimierz Grabowski as Jan Jerzy Grabowski's child.[113][114]. [61][66] On 23 November 1793, it annulled all acts of the Great Sejm, including the Constitution. "[93] Still, according to many, his reforms did not go far enough, leading to accusations that he was being overly cautious, even indecisive, a fault to which he himself admitted. [75] In 1938, when the Soviet Union planned to demolish the Church, his remains were transferred to the Second Polish Republic and interred in a church at Wołczyn, his birthplace. "[48] According to a contemporary account, Poniatowski himself described it, as "founded principally on those of England and the United States of America, but avoiding the faults and errors of both, and adapted as much as possible to the local and particular circumstances of the country. [23] Thus, although he had a majority in the Sejms, Poniatowski was unable to pass even the smallest reform. His two-volume Mémoires was published by S.M. [75][76] A third funeral ceremony was held on 14 February 1995. [28] In the War of the Bar Confederation (1768–1772), Poniatowski supported the Russian army's repression of the Bar Confederation. "Poniatowski". Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [81] Writers and poets who received his patronage included, Stanisław Trembecki, Franciszek Salezy Jezierski, Franciszek Bohomolec and Franciszek Zabłocki. [78] At the Royal Castle in Warsaw, he organized an astronomical observatory and supported astronomers Jan Śniadecki and Marcin Odlanicki Poczobutt. [6], The following year Poniatowski was apprenticed to the office of Michał Fryderyk Czartoryski, the then Deputy Chancellor of Lithuania. [10] By late August he had arrived in Paris, where he moved among the elites. [106] [34][38] The new legislation was guaranteed by the Russian Empire, giving it licence to interfere in Commonwealth politics when legislation it favoured was threatened. 20 października 1677 we Lwowie, zm. The later part of his reign saw reforms wrought by the Diet (1788–1792) and the Constitution of 3 May 1791. [16] In August 1763, however, Catherine advised him and the Familia that she would not support a coup as long as King Augustus was alive. Stanisław Ślęzak w The Voice of Poland 10 swoim niskim głosem zachwycił trenerów. Miasto-forteca, Stanislawow, Pokucie - Kresy. He also supported numerous public initiatives, and attempted to use the royal treasury to cover the state's expenses when tax revenues were insufficient. Stanisław August Poniatowski (ur. [25] The dissidents, supported by the Russians, formed the Radom Confederation. [25] After an unsuccessful attempt to raise allies in Western Europe, France, England and Austria, Poniatowski and the Familia had no choice but to rely more heavily on the Russian Empire, which treated Poland as a protectorate. The defining crisis of his early reign was the War of the Bar Confederation (1768–1772) that led to the First Partition of Poland (1772). Zapraszam do odwiedzenia witryny „Z Grodu Rewery – Stanisławów” nie tylko Kresowian, ale każdego komu bliskie są dawne Kresy południowo-wschodnie Rzeczypospolitej. [50], In foreign policy, spurned by Russia, Poland turned to another potential ally, the Triple Alliance, represented on the Polish diplomatic scene primarily by the Kingdom of Prussia, which led to the formation of the ultimately futile Polish–Prussian alliance. [78], Poniatowski himself left several literary works: his memoirs, some political brochures and recorded speeches from the Sejm. [78][79] His weekly "Thursday Dinners" were considered the most scintillating social functions in the Polish capital. [85] Nonetheless contemporary critics frequently accused him of being a spendthrift. Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb. Stanisław August Poniatowski: Date of birth: 17 January 1732 Vowchyn (Grand Duchy of Lithuania) Stanisław Antoni Poniatowski: Date of death: 12 February 1798 Saint Petersburg: Manner of … married Walenty Sobolewski; had three daughters. [17] One of the points of contention between Poniatowski and the Familia concerned the rights of religious minorities in Poland. Its effect was to make Stanisław even more dependent on Russian support. and Aleksander Poniatowski (1725–1744), an officer killed in the Rhineland-Palatinate during the War of the Austrian Succession. [10] He returned to the Netherlands, where he met many key members of that country's political and economic sphere. Mazzei, Filippo, 1730-1816. [11][12], Poniatowski owed his rise and influence to his family connections with the powerful Czartoryski family and their political faction, known as the Familia, with whom he had grown close. [68] He notes that the discourse concerning Poniatowski is significantly coloured by the fact that he was the last King of Poland – the King who failed to save the country. [52] Russia's wars with the Ottomans and Sweden having ended, Catherine was furious over the adoption of the Constitution, which threatened Russian influence in Poland. Stanisław II August (King of Poland) Publisher J.C. Żupański, 1862 Collection americana Digitizing sponsor Google Book from the collections of Harvard University Language French. Wikipedia (Stanisław August Poniatowski): Stanisław August, urodzony jako Stanisław Antoni Poniatowski herbu Ciołek (ur. Stanisław Bogusław Leszczyński herbu Wieniawa (ur. Wychowywał się razem z młodszą siostrą Heleną. Encyclopædia Britannica. [61] The Sejm voted to increase the Polish Army to 100,000 men, but due to insufficient time and funds this number was never achieved. [75], King Stanisław Augustus remains a controversial figure. These reforms were opposed by some Polish nobles and by Catherine, who threatened to have him deposed. [30], Although Poniatowski protested against the First Partition of the Commonwealth (1772), he was powerless to do anything about it. [43][44][45][46] The Constitution introduced sweeping reforms. [84] Jan Filip Holzhaeusser was his court engraver and the designer of many commemorative medals. He had several notable lovers, including Elżbieta Branicka, who acted as his political adviser and financier,[107] and had children with two of them. [75] Paul I sponsored a royal state funeral, and on 3 March he was buried at the Catholic Church of St. Catherine in St. [50] Poniatowski also planned a reform to improve the situation of Polish Jews. Reportedly, his sister, Ludwika Maria Zamoyska and her daughter also his favourite niece, Urszula Zamoyska, who had been threatened with confiscation of their property, had contributed to persuading him to sign the abdication: they feared that his refusal would lead to a Russian confiscation of their properties and their ruin. [85] The Sejm promised several times to compensate his treasury to little practical effect. "[17] The Familia, which was interested in strengthening its own power base, was dissatisfied with his conciliatory attitude as he reached out to many former opponents of their policies. Liczba stron: 64. przejdź do e-sklepu. To jego wojenne doświadczenia złożyły się na literacką postać, która dała nazwę całemu pokole [68] He is discussed in Luise Mühlbach's novel Joseph II and His Court,[97] and appears in Jane Porter's 1803 novel, Thaddeus of Warsaw. [11][13] Still in St. Petersburg, he appears to have been a source of intrigue between various European governments, some supporting his appointment, others demanding his withdrawal. [35] This faction was supported by the Czartoryski family, but not by Poniatowski, who proved to be quite adept at making the Council follow his wishes. Stanisław II August, King of Poland, 1732-1798. Whereas Poniatowski reluctantly supported a policy of religious tolerance, the Familia was opposed to it. [80][81][82][83] He sponsored many articles that appeared in the Monitor. [39], In the 1780s, Catherine appeared to favour Poniatowski marginally over the opposition, but she did not support any of his plans for significant reform. [84] His chief architects included Domenico Merlini and Jan Kammsetzer. Stanisław – podobnie jak każdy syn szanującej się, arystokratycznej rodziny – wiele podróżował po Europie. Prof. Butterwick: Stanisław August Poniatowski - król, który chciał naprawić Rzeczpospolitą 7 września 1764 roku we wsi Woli pod Warszawą miała miejsce ostatnia elekcja królewska. When she made it clear through his envoy Rzewuski that she would not marry him, there were hopes of an Austrian archduchess,[103]Archduchess Maria Elisabeth of Austria (1743–1808). However, in the event Russia imposed the Partitions of Poland rather than choose to support internal reform. [45] The passing of the Constitution of 3 May, although officially applauded by Frederick William II of Prussia, who sent a congratulatory note to Warsaw, caused further worry in Prussia. [15] The two became lovers. [22] Catherine had no wish to see Poniatowski's reform succeed. 1923) – jeden z dwóch pierwowzorów słynnego "Kolumba" – Stanisława Skiernika z powieści Romana Bratnego Kolumbowie. [17] In his first years on the throne he attempted to introduce a number of reforms. [78][90] In 1778 he was awarded fellowship of the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences, and in 1791 of the Berlin Academy of Sciences. [81], For his contributions to the arts and sciences, Poniatowski was awarded in 1766 a royal Fellowship of the Royal Society, where he became the first royal Fellow outside British royalty. [105], A few historians believe that he later contracted a secret marriage with Elżbieta Szydłowska. [80][89] In 1765 he helped found the Monitor, one of the first Polish newspapers and the leading periodical of the Polish Enlightenment. [94][95] He was accused by others of weakness and subservience, even of treason, especially in the years following the Second Partition. The reforms were dropped, and Catherine then interfered in Poland even further by pressing for full rights for non-Catholic religious dissenters.

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