nursing management of common cold

Marianne is a staff nurse during the day and a Nurseslabs writer at night. If symptoms don't improve, see your doctor. 4. Drug therapy for viral common colds produces few measurable benefits. According to the Red Book, from 1990-1995, approximately 48,000 cases of epidemic diphtheria were reported in the former Soviet Union and central Asia. Use hard candies or cough drops to soothe a dry throat and to inhibit coughing. Yet anxious parents or carers frequently seek advice from nurses in primary care about symptoms and management, and some request treatment with … The primary concern for pharyngitis in children aged 2 years or older is that untreated GABHS pharyngitis may subsequently cause rheumatic fever. Legal responsibility for the error is: A. The Common Cold The term “common cold” refers to a mild upper respiratory viral illness. The incidence of the common cold varies by age. BMJ Clinical Evidence 2011;3:1-27, 22 DH. Common cold in Team Finland during 2018 Winter Olympic Games (PyeongChang): epidemiology, diagnosis including molecular point-of-care testing (POCT) and treatment. Consume warm fluids (soup or tea) to provide relief for a stuffy nose and to loosen phlegm. Pharyngitis is a leading cause of pediatric ambulatory care visits. institutions. Following this, symptoms diminish and last for about a week (although in younger children it can be 10 to 14 days).5 A fever of 38-39oC is commonly seen in younger children with colds, although it’s less likely in older children and adolescents.8, Complications from a cold virus occasionally happen after viral spread to adjacent organs, or secondary bacterial infection such as lower respiratory tract infection, exacerbation of asthma, otitis media, bronchiolitis, pneumonia and croup.6, Flu is characterised by sudden onset of fever, myalgia, headache, malaise, dry cough, sore throat and nasal congestion, and illness is often worse than with other viral infections.3 Children may also experience gastrointestinal symptoms including nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.3 In infants and young children, the virus can cause lethargy, poor feeding, breathing difficulties and febrile convulsions and the risk of serious illness is higher under six months of age.4, Outbreaks of flu are likely to occur in a 10-week period each winter causing high morbidity and mortality in at-risk groups.9 For this reason flu vaccination has been offered to all children aged two to eight years since 2013, in addition to all those at increased risk.9  For otherwise healthy children, flu is an unpleasant but usually self-limiting disease with recovery usually within seven days. Millions of people in the U.S. will get a cold each year. “The common cold is usually caused by a virus, most often a rhinovirus,” explains Dr. Lauren Wilfling, a Mercy Clinic family physician. March 2017., • Bureaucracy is stopping retired clinicians helping with Covid vaccinations, • Social care workforce: finding solutions to recruitment and retention, • Insomnia: providing support during the pandemic, 1Scottish nurses angry over Covid vaccination payments, 2Sadly child abuse cases have increased – but school nurses have risen to the challenge, 3How to manage Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy, 4Obesity bigger killer than smoking, study finds, © Cogora 2021Cogora Limited, 140 London Wall, London EC2Y 5DN Registered in the United Kingdom. Our ultimate goal is to help address the nursing shortage by inspiring aspiring nurses that a career in nursing is an excellent choice, guiding students to become RNs, and for the working nurse – helping them achieve success in their careers! Nursing Management (bed rest ,skin assessment, mouth care &normal saline gargle & self care teaching . 2009, 21 Arroll B. Common cold The common cold shows the following symptoms: a sore throat, runny nose, headache, and watery eyes. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency 2009, 20 Joint Formulary Committee. Pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine are the most common oral decongestants in OTC cold medications. 5. She is a registered nurse since 2015 and is currently working in a regional tertiary hospital and is finishing her Master's in Nursing this June. D. Weak cough and high-pitched noise on respiration. The physician orders penicillin for a patient with streptococcal pharyngitis. 2. Respiratory virus infections. Most people with a common cold can be diagnosed by their signs and symptoms. A. The natural history of influenza indicates that symptoms should be improving after one week4 and, if they are not, reassessment of the diagnosis should be considered. In the past, some practitioners used antibiotics when a purulent nasal discharge was present,21 but parents should be reassured that in cases of uncomplicated illness the symptoms will resolve spontaneously.2. 2147432, The importance of a healthy diet and exercise, Ten top tips on management of anticoagulation, Spotting the signs of Covid-19-related skin conditions, Widespread confusion over face masks in general practice,,,,,,,,,,, Over four in 10 black people are vaccine hesitant, Pathways and protocols for NHS England led-Covid Oximetry @home programme, Scottish nurses angry over Covid vaccination payments, Sadly child abuse cases have increased – but school nurses have risen to the challenge, Obesity bigger killer than smoking, study finds, Children with symptoms of the common cold should be evaluated for more serious illness, Under-fives with flu and fever are at increased risk of complications and hospitalisation, Parent/carer education on symptom relief is the primary treatment for viral upper respiratory tract infection, Antibiotic treatment is unnecessary and should be reserved for bacterial illness, In 2017/18 influenza vaccination for children in schools will be extended. What treatments are available for a cold? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Consider changing to the other agent if the child’s distress is not alleviated. You can often treat a cold without seeing a GP. “It typically lasts about five to seven days, and can cause symptoms, including nasal congestion, runny nose, low-grade fever, cough, sneezing, sore throat, headache, muscle aches and fatigue.” Common Cold in Children What is the common cold in children? C. A special mask (N95) should be worn when working with the client. B. ... chronic care facilities and rehabilitation . Influenza-Seasonal. Bronchitis. Signs and symptoms may appear less than two days after exposure to the virus. Fever in under 5s. 4. D. Only the physician’s—she gave the order, the nurse is obligated to follow it. You can have a cough with a common cold or a chest cold. Cough – acute with chest signs in children. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2014;186:190-9, 9 Influenza – Chapter 19. This document reviews the efficacy and safety of cough and cold medicines in young children (under 5 years of age) with an acute respiratory infection. Inhale steam from a hot bath or shower to relieve congestion in your nose, head, and chest. The national flu immunisation programme 2017/18. In: Immunisation against infectious disease – The Green Book. D. Gloves should be only worn when giving direct care. Up till now, no precise medication exists to 'cure' the common cold. The common coldis one of the most common infectious conditions of childhood. The common cold, also known simply as a cold, is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract that primarily affects the respiratory mucosa of the nose, throat, sinuses, and larynx. The patient will express feelings of comfort in maintaining air exchange. The child can breathe air in but has difficulty expelling it. Paediatric history taking requires not only a systematic investigation of the presenting symptoms, but also an exploration of parental anxiety and an overview of general medical history. Attainment or progress towards desired outcomes. One example of this is the use of zinc supplements, which some studies have suggested may reduce the frequency of colds.8 This recommendation was based on just two trials and both had methodological concerns, therefore evidence is weak.2. As an outpatient department nurse, she is a seasoned nurse in providing health teachings to her patients making her also an excellent study guide writer for student nurses. Place the client on contact precaution. Complications are usually respiratory in nature and include pneumonia, exacerbation of asthma, otitis media and bronchitis.5 Children under five years of age, especially infants, who have feverish symptoms are at increased risk of serious illness and require a low threshold for re-assessment.4 Although rare, more serious complications such as meningitis, encephalitis or meningoencephalitis can also occur. The majority of respiratory infections are confined to the upper respiratory tract and most of these are simple coughs or colds. Postgraduate Healthcare Education, LLC does not view the existence of relationships as an implication of bias or that the value of the material is decreased. Treatment of uncomplicated disease is directed at the presenting symptoms and, like the strategies described above, includes antipyretics, analgesia, adequate fluid intake, rest, and staying off school or nursery until 24 hours after resolution of fever, to limit spread to others.4 But it is important to advise parents and carers of the potential risk of complications and to give clear guidance on recognising deteriorating or prolonged symptoms. A newly admitted client with pharyngitis has been placed on droplet precaution. C. Obtain stool specimens for culture. You have entered an incorrect email address! October 2015., 5 Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory illness in children and adults. Approximately 20% of asymptomatic children are chronic carriers of GABHS. B. Sickle cell anemia. Mosby 2006, 11 Howells R, Lopez T. Better communication with children and parents. D. Notify the physician about the loose stools. Coughs and colds in children are common, self-limiting and generally uncomplicated. 2. Valtonen M, Waris M, Vuorinen T, Eerola E, Hakanen AJ, Mjosund K, Grönroos W, Heinonen OJ, Ruuskanen O Br J Sports Med 2019 Sep;53(17):1093-1098. Occasionally, authors may express opinions that represent their own viewpoint. Young children and infants can be very unwell and are at greater risk of more serious illness, particularly if they have pre-existing conditions such as congenital cardiac problems, asthma or a history of chest infections.4 Hospitalisation rates due to flu are higher in children under five than in any other age range.5 This illustrates the importance of starting your assessment by listening carefully to parents’ concerns, and documenting a detailed medical history before undertaking an appropriate examination. Antibiotics are almost never needed to treat a common cold. Check if you have a cold. The patient expressed feelings of comfort in maintaining air exchange. Since there is no cure for the common cold, treatment has two goals: to make you feel better and to help you fight off the virus.. Lots of rest is the key treating a cold… Occasionally, bacteria cause chest colds. In younger children, perinatal history and immunisation status are relevant, as they may indicate greater risk of complications and illness severity. Although unpleasant, flu is usually self-limiting in otherwise healthy children. Only the nurse’s—she should have checked the allergies before administering the medication. NICE CG 160. A cold virus is characterised by nasal stuffiness and discharge, sneezing, fever, sore throat and cough and is more likely to affect children than any other age group.6 Infections are more common in the winter months but can occur throughout the year. The common cold is a self-limited disease that can generally be managed at home. Many types of viruses can cause a common cold.Children younger than 6 are at greatest risk of colds, but healthy adults can also expect to have two or three colds annually.Most people recover from a common cold in a week or 10 days. Advise parents and carers that routine follow-up is not necessary, but they should: It is important to emphasise that there should be a lower threshold for seeking help with infants or toddlers with influenza, as these children cannot accurately communicate their symptoms. © 2021 Nurseslabs | Ut in Omnibus Glorificetur Deus! The patient experienced no further signs or symptoms of infection. September 2015., 19 Over-the-counter cough and cold medicines for children. C. Histoplasmosis. A fiery red pharyngeal membrane and fever. The content of the activity was planned to be balanced, objective, and scientifically rigorous. Care and support Pregnancy NHS services Home; Health A to Z; Back to Health A to Z. Breath sounds, presence and character of secretions, use of accessory muscles for breathing. While the features of the common cold are familiar to most parents and carers, it is important to bear in mind that symptoms can be vague and may overlap with more severe illnesses. For instance, it is necessary to ask specifically about previous respiratory problems (including asthma), hospital admissions, chest infections and medications. You should begin to feel better in about 1 to 2 weeks. It is the most common infectious disease among humans. The nurse checks the medication order sheet and finds that the patient is allergic to penicillin. Common cold. Cold symptoms come on gradually and can include: Marianne is also a mom of a toddler going through the terrible twos and her free time is spent on reading books! Conclusions drawn by participants should be derived from objective analysis of scientific data. No known treatment reduces the duration of infection.6 The main focus of advice is education to assist parents and carers to be competent and comfortable with home care of respiratory illness.5 Consistency of advice is important, and it is essential to refer to evidenced-based guidelines and not rely on personal opinion. The common cold is a viral infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory system. The primary concern for pharyngitis in children aged 2 years or older is t… Many studies have shown that vaccination of nursing home residents and staff can significantly decrease rates of hospitalization, pneumonia, and related mortality. The common cold is one of the most common infectious conditions of childhood. Treating your symptoms will not make your cold go away, but will help you feel better. Evaluate the usefulness of zinc, vitamin C, and echinacea in manag-ing the symptoms of the common cold. Rates are highest in children younger than 5 years. This clinical detail is essential in order to inform your diagnosis and to rule out more serious illness. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) help lower fever and relieve muscle aches. Symptoms of nasopharyngitis are more severe in infants and children than in adults. The peak prevalence of GABHS pharyngitis is in children aged 5-10 years. Each year it leads to more healthcare provider visits and missed days from school and work than any other illness. Spotting the Sick Child 2015., 14 NICE. Diagnosis is made from clinical findings and can be confirmed by laboratory testing of the mucus. Diagnosis and management of colds and flu in children Coughs and colds in children are common, self-limiting and generally uncomplicated. A cold is a mild viral infection of the nose, throat, sinuses and upper airways. Eat a well-balanced diet. A hospitalized 8-year-old client who has been receiving antibiotics for 10 days tells you that he is having frequent watery stools. Nursing Interventions Nursing Care Plans for Common Cold Pain Management Administer analgesics, as indicated Energy Management: Regulating energy use to treat or prevent fatigue and optimize function Exercise Promotion: Facilitation of regular … 5. Examination of the ears and throat should always be left until the final stage.10 Remember that if a child is unwell, feverish and drooling it is essential that throat examination is not performed, as symptoms may indicate epiglottitis (a serious bacterial infection that requires urgent paediatric referral).13. Recognition of alarm features is dependent on detailed evaluation of the history, and nurses should recognise when to refer to specialist services. The common cold (upper respiratory infection) is one of the most common illnesses in children. As the manager of client care, registered nurses must be able to identify the functions, roles and responsibilities of the other members of the multidisciplinary health care team members in order to correctly garner these services. The common cold, an acute upper respiratory tract infection of viral origin, is among the most widespread ailments in the world. It's usually harmless, although it might not feel that way. Quality standards on fever in under-fives14 state that, as a minimum, health professionals must record temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and capillary refill time if fever is suspected. The common cold is a viral infection of your nose and throat (upper respiratory tract). Paediatrics and Child Health 2008;18:381-5, 12. Responses to interventions and actions performed. Common colds turn into chest colds when the virus travels from the nose and throat to the lungs. Children younger than five years of age (especially infants) who have feverish symptoms are at increased risk of serious illness and require a full clinical examination.12 The approach, technique and findings of physical assessment vary considerably between birth and adolescence, and competence in examination of all age groups is required when undertaking paediatric consultations.13, Examination should be opportunistic rather than sequential (for example, respiratory and heart rates should be measured while the child is settled), and structured in order to perform the least (potentially) distressing elements first. Answer: A. Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement 2013., 6 NICE. The Common Cold 2013, 10-17 JJustad, MD, DDP . Yet anxious parents or carers frequently seek advice from nurses in primary care about symptoms and management, and some request treatment with antibiotics. B. Yet anxious parents or carers frequently seek advice from nurses in primary care about symptoms and management, and some request treatment with antibiotics.1 As autumn approaches, with its predictable surge in respiratory viruses, it is timely to consider the diagnosis and management of colds and flu in children, as well as how to differentiate between the two infections. It is self-limited therefore it will go away without treatment. Being in cold weather does not cause the common cold, but cold weather promotes close contact. If you cannot, ensure you are getting enough nutrients by taking a daily multivitamin. 3. ... Common cold… Department of Health 2013, 10 Engel J. A chest cold, or acute (short-term) bronchitis, causes irritation and a buildup of mucus (snot) in the lungs. 2. Smoking causes increased mucus production, vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, inflammation of the lung lining, and decreased numbers of macrophages in the airways and mucociliary blanket. The common cold is a mild, self-limiting, viral, upper respiratory tract infection that occurs frequently in young children, probably because they have close contact with one another, act as reservoirs of infection, and have greater susceptibility.2 In contrast, flu-like illness tends to be worse, with a sudden onset and more severe symptoms.3. Acute nasopharyngitis is caused by any number of different viruses, usually rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, influenza virus, or parainfluenza virus. A. C. Foul-smelling breath and noisy respirations. Robohm, Christina MS, PA-C; Ruff, Cathy MS, PA-C. ... Current recommendations against the use of OTC medications, which have adverse effects in children, make the management of colds a challenge in this patient population. The child’s age and development level should lead the approach to history taking and examination. The pharmacist, physician, and nurse are all liable for the mistake. British guideline on the management of asthma – a national clinical guideline. There are many viruses that cause ‘common cold’ symptoms, including rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and coronaviruses.7 Children experience an average of five to six colds per year, but younger children who attend primary school or nursery may have up to 12 colds per year.6, The onset of symptoms after infection is sudden and peaks within two to three days. Common in adults who work or live in dusty surrounding ,use the voice too excess , suffer from chronic cough , & habitually use alcohol & tobacco. This may seem obvious, but young children often feel misunderstood by health professionals.11. 3. Guidelines on recognition of sepsis have been published by NICE15 and provide a clear indication of risk factors, including low oxygen saturations. 3. Primary bacterial pathogens account for approximately 30% of cases of pharyngitis in children. Over-the-counter medications may be used for the treatment of the common cold. The patient will expectorate sputum effectively. The bronchi and bronchioles become plugged with thick, viscid mucus, causing air to be trapped in the lungs. Antibiotics for acute respiratory tract infections: a mixed-methods study of patient experiences of non medical prescriber management. Assessment of a child with nasopharyngitis include: Based on the assessment data, the major nursing diagnoses are: The major nursing care planning goals for a child with acute nasopharyngitis are: Nursing interventions for a child with acute nasopharyngitis are: Documentation in a child with acute nasopharyngitis include: Please visit our nursing test bank page for more NCLEX practice questions. The patient will experience no further signs or symptoms of infection. 1. DO NOT use aspirin. The initial approach in assessing an unwell child is especially important, as fear has a greater physiological effect in childhood than in any other age group.10 Establishing rapport and engaging children in conversation at the outset will set the scene for the consultation that follows. BMJ Best practice. February 2017., 18 NICE. The nurse administers the drug as ordered, and the patient has an allergic reaction. Chronic pharyngitis Chronic pharyngitis is a persistent inflammation of the pharynx. Any indication of upper airway distress (acute cough, stridor, drooling, difficulty swallowing, increased respiratory rate) or lower airway distress (laboured breathing, accessory muscle usage or history of apnoea) must be urgently reviewed. Arrange a follow-up appointment if there is no improvement after one week, or if they are deteriorating. Gargle with warm salt water to ease the discomfort of a sore throat. Avoid dairy products, as they can thicken phlegm. Nurse Salary: How Much Do Registered Nurses Make? It is the most frequent acute illness in the United States. Only consider alternating these agents if the distress persists or recurs before the next dose is due. October 2016., 4 NICE. 1. There’s no cure for a cold, but there are things you can do to help a loved one with a cold … Influenza. 47. GABHS pharyngitis is spread via respiratory droplets through close contact. A distressed, uncomfortable child causes parental concern and primary care nurses are well placed to offer reassurance and advice. Multiple entities can cause irritation and inflammation of the pharynx. Place the client on contact precaution. Normally, this viral illness wanes by itself after a period of 5-6 days. Symptom relief is the most appropriate management for children, including the use of paracetamol or ibuprofen as an antipyretic or analgesic if needed.6 Guidelines regarding analgesia18 and management of febrile illness in children under five12 have clear instruction on the advice to give.

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