most dangerous jail in pakistan

Her husband abandoned her and her family was ordered not to support her. In Nigeria, especially the northeastern region, Christians are facing what feels like an ongoing attack on their lives, their churches and communities. For a long time, I didn’t know any other Yemeni Christians. IMO–the more he speaks truthfully about Islam the better. As PRCS pointed out, it is probably better to have these outspoken types who tell the truth about Islam’s vile nature. But too many people just assume Muslims telling the truth are just “extremists” and that most Muslims don’t think like this. 2. The FBI's Most Wanted list is a rogues gallery, a who's who of baddies terrorizing the American people. Expatriate Christians avoid traveling in general, but especially in areas where there might be checkpoints. Editor’s note, 2/24/21: This article has been updated with new information. To do that, surely only a far tougher approach will work. Content copyright Jihad Watch, Jihad Watch claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Andrew Harrod The “Queen is the enemy of Islam and must die,” one Choudary follower preached from prison. “How we survive daily only God knows,” a secret Aghan believer shares. Seven of the 10 most censored countries-Eritrea, Ethiopia, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Iran, China, and Myanmar-are also among the top 10 worst jailers of journalists worldwide, according to CPJ’s annual prison census. What is your ambition?’ they should say, ‘To dominate the whole world by Islam, including Britain – that is my ambition’.”. The Authorities know this as a Metropolitan Police provide ample protection to him & his cohorts. The COVID-19 pandemic offered a new weapon for persecutors, as Christians in many parts of India were often deliberately overlooked for official COVID-19 food and aid. 1 most dangerous country for Christians. “When we go to sleep at night, we are never sure whether we will make it alive to the next day,” says Pastor Jeremiah* whose Nigerian village was attacked by Fulani militants. “Even if we die, we are in the hands of God.”. You can also download our FREE World Watch List handbook to learn about all 50 countries and get specific prayer points for believers in each nation. Iran: Living with the daily threat of arrest. Yet. After the ouster of former dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Libya plunged into chaos and anarchy. Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Robert Spencer in PJ Media, Articles at Jihad Watch by Coerced marriage is often used to ensure a woman stays a Muslim. For attacking three members of a family in a dispute over a panchayat election in 2008, a court in Junagadh has sentenced a Congress MLA and his three sons to one year in jail. That an empire which once never saw a sunset is now pandering to Islam; effectively over run, by those it once conquered, should be alarming to all non Muslims. 1 ranking. Leaving Islam is forbidden, and all Yemenis are considered Muslims by the state. “I am so excited that God is with me wherever I am; I am also glad the Lord listens to my prayers.”. Enter your email address to subscribe. Daniel Greenfield And that situation has not changed. “Ban on Anjem Choudary’s gospel of hatred is about to be lifted”. “The trouble for new believers really starts when they speak out about Jesus,” says Charley*, an Open Doors partner in the region who coordinates the work of the organization in several countries in North Africa. This year, Indian nationalists led a violent door-to-door Ghar Wapsi campaign aimed at reconverting Christians to Hinduism. 10. President Buhari’s government seems unable or unwilling to protect its Christian citizens. Throughout 2020, Christians were arrested and imprisoned for house church activities. Junagadh, February 20 A court in Gujarat’s Junagadh district on Saturday sentenced a Congress MLA and his three sons to one year in jail for attacking three members of … Many Christians are held in inhumane prisons because of their faith, and their loved ones often don’t know where they are or even if they’re still alive. For the third consecutive year, India has ranked as the 10th most dangerous place for Christians. Pakistan remains one of the hardest places to live as a Christian, and violent persecution against Christians and church buildings continues to be particularly high. The Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Choudary, leader of the banned Al-Muhajiroun group, was jailed for five-and-a-half years after inviting support for Islamic State. Federal Tax ID# 23-7275342. Behind every statistic and fact is a life, a family, a church that represents deep suffering but also courage and resilient faith. I hope so, Tim. Pakistan: Violent persecution continues, especially for Christian girls, 6. If there is anyone who can teach the rest of the world what Islam truly represents, it is AC. Ever since his release from Prison on parole, some years ago, he has been spouting off his Fascistic, Supremacist Bilge outside Finsbury Mosque, London. When I came to faith, I thought I was the only believer in Yemen. In almost all areas of Yemeni life, persecution remains extreme. That’s 1 in 8 Christians who are targeted, discriminated against and attacked for following Jesus. It’s not just the authorities who persecute Christians. But the church in Eritrea, while under duress, is not fading away. © 2000 - 2021 Open Doors USA, All Rights Reserved. “Ban on Anjem Choudary’s gospel of hatred is about to be lifted as security sources fear the notorious Islamic preacher will immediately resume his campaign to radicalise young Muslims,” by Abdul Taher, Mail On Sunday, January 30, 2021: Britain’s most notorious Islamic preacher will soon be free to spread his gospel of hate again, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Nigeria entered the top 10 of the 2021 World Watch List primarily because this violence has increased and begun to spill out into other parts of Nigeria. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964. Life is especially difficult for women. These jihad terrorists are accorded high status in jails, and Choudary is hailed as a legend among them. Women in Pakistan make up 48.76% of the population according to the 2017 census of Pakistan. Christians in Yemen usually keep their faith secret, because if they’re discovered, they could face the death penalty. He might also be one of those extremely arrogant, supremacist Muslims who would proclaim his vicious nonsense no matter what. AC is unapologetically Muslim. Our friends and neighbors need to understand that this “hate preaching” is really just telling the truth about Islam. In June 2020, the UN reported that there was “no meaningful progress “toward addressing human rights violations in this country that is often called the “North Korea of Africa.”. Rape is often used as a weapon of persecution by Islamic extremists. Since 1950, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has published an updated annual list of their Most Wanted fugitives. But instead we have traitors and capitulators as Joe Biden. Why? Choudary should have never even have been freed, given the clear danger he poses to the British public. North Korean refugee and ex-prisoner Hee-Yoi* shares a sobering request: “I ask those who have been praying for North Korea from all around the world to pray for North Korea to be able to come to the gospel. Why, Heaven’s no! I’m not aware that he has been permitted to do that, jca. Taliban-controlled areas are particularly oppressive. Men and boys are particularly vulnerable to being killed. Because of Jesus and His work on the cross, Christians represented by the World Watch List are our family. Without a central government, the country is effectively in a state of lawless anarchy. However, I have also had an opportunity to live in Spain, Germany and UK. Learn more about it and sign up to get regular updates delivered to your phone. He’s not honest–he’s just emboldened. Christians are still gathering in secret to worship wherever they are—even a prison cell. You will receive a daily mailing containing links to the stories posted at Jihad Watch in the last 24 hours. As you say, the thing is definitely to get the sleepwalkers to wake up and believe that Islam really is as barbaric as scum like Choudary and some others say it is. Islam is a mortal enemy to any who would speak against it. The 13 most dangerous men in the world right now The 13 most dangerous men in the world right now ... of 223 Christian schoolgirls who BH say won’t be freed until an “army” of fighters are released from Nigerian jail cells. Here are the most dangerous criminals to ever make the FBI's Most … Some even tried to cover for us. But those restrictions will be lifted towards the end of May – and now security sources fear that Choudary will immediately resume his campaign to radicalise young Muslims. Women in Pakistan have played an important role throughout Pakistan's history and they are allowed to vote in elections since 1956. That’s true, PRCS. Open Doors has shared multiple accounts of women abducted and forced into sexual slavery or marriage to a Muslim man. The facts and numbers are important. People cannot possibly believe Islam is better, can they? Open Doors USA is a 501(c)(3) organization and charter member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability. In certain countries like North Korea, Afghanistan and Somalia, converting to Christianity can be a death warrant. Violence against Christians by Boko Haram, Fulani militants and ISWAP (Islamic State West Africa Province)—as well as other, unidentified armed attackers—has led to tremendous suffering among the Christian community. Darya* is part of the country’s underground church: “I am very thankful to be able to serve God here in Iran,” she says. Will the UK travel ban on Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller also be lifted? Then, there’s bad news: Choudary’s version of Islam is the strictest SALAFITE version of Islam. Ah, of course he is one of the protected class. Where there is persecution, the gospel is being shared. We are often told that Australia is the driest continent and we’ll soon enough cop another drought and bad fires once again. In 2020, more of India’s 28 states instituted anti-conversion laws, used to abuse, harass and intimidate Christians, and the BJP has made it clear that it wants to impose these laws nationwide. For the 20th consecutive year, North Korea ranks as the No. At some point the absolute life and death necessity will emerge, to simply summarily execute such criminals as Chaudary, who work for this enemy Islam; and any who would propagate it. Our FBI is corrupt, institutions in tatters, no borders and half the country doesn’t care. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. Images on this blog are copyright to their respective owners. Enter your email address to subscribe. I cannot stand Anjem Choudary, he wouldn’t think twice of slitting the throat of a Kafir if he thought he could get away with it. Those people loved what we taught and shared. In many of these countries, life is already difficult. Research estimates that 70 to 80 percent of all Afghan women face forced marriage; more than half are married before the legal marriage age of 16. A survey conducted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation has ranked India as the world's most dangerous country for women, ahead of Afghanistan, Syria and Saudi Arabia. For three generations, everything in this isolated land has focused on idolizing the ruling Kim family. Christine Douglass-Williams Yemen: Death penalty for leaving Islam. This is what we’re trying to teach people.”, “Next time when your child is at school and the teacher says, ‘What do you want when you grow up? It’s difficult to talk about Christian persecution in Nigeria without reporting on the prevalenct threat of sexual violence. And in rural India, Hindu tribes uses water and food as weapons against Christians, cutting them off from access to the village’s water supply and government-subsidized groceries. The ongoing civil war, humanitarian crisis and COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen are impacting all citizens, but Christians are especially vulnerable. And the situation has not changed. I thought that might be the case, gravenimage. In 2021, modern-day persecution against Christians is at an all-time high—with numbers increasing at an alarming rate. While some Christians are middle class, they are still considered inferior to Muslims and often face severe workplace discrimination. The experiences are uniquely mine and have taught me a lot. These nationalists use extensive violence to achieve their goal, particularly targeting Christians from a Hindu background. In Pakistan, Christians are often silenced. In the Horn of Africa, COVID-19 revealed religious persecution as we received inside reports that Christians were blamed for bringing the pandemic to their communities. Australia is a huge land mass (lots of empty flat desert type areas and only 25 million population) and the bushfires (very bad fires it seems) are near Perth in Western Australia, which is so far away that it almost seems like another country and the Western Australians do sometimes talk about breaking away. While we have  relatively few reports of violence against Christians, we do know that violence has worsened slightly in the past year. Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. Pakistani Christians also suffer under the country’s notorious blasphemy laws that are misused to target Christians such as Asia Bibi who spent nearly 10 years on death row accused of blasphemy. Jamie Glazov New United Nations report claims ‘Islamophobia’ is on the rise, Vicious Hack ‘Journalist’ Linda Stasi Who Smeared Jihad Terror Victims Springs to Andrew Cuomo’s Defense, Australia: Two women arrested for planning female genital mutilation of two-week-old baby, “When Sharia law is implemented, maybe in 10 or 15 years’ time, she [the Queen] would be expected like all women in Britain to be covered from head to toe, only revealing her face and hands.”, “Thieves would have various warnings first, and only in cases where he has stolen more than £20 of non-perishable goods from a private house would his hand be chopped off.”, “Under Sharia and under the Koran the sale of alcohol is prohibited and if one were to also drink alcohol, that would be 40 lashes.”, “There will be no more pubs, no more gambling houses, no more national lottery.”, “All women would have to be covered up appropriately and wear the niqab or veil and so there will be no prostitution.”, “By 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim country. Christians can be arrested and imprisoned without trial. It’s very likely that there is more violence that goes unreported. To my mind, it should be so bloody obvious to almost everyone by now. Though I don’t take that much interest in the details, the meteorologists tell us that our weather this summer is being influenced by the la nina weather pattern, which brings rain. He despises the British and has no respect for them. The gospel can’t be chained!”. Hope that a peace agreement with Ethiopia would improve human rights in Eritrea has waned as there has been little indication of this—and unrest at the Ethiopia/Eritrea border in fall 2020 has threatened stability. An Islamic state by constitution, the country does not permit any faith other than Islam to exist. Several believers were forced to flee the country only hours or days before they were to report to prison. Pakistani authorities are embracing strengthening religious belief among the population to bring the country closer together. Choudary, a father-of-five, is understood to have written an autobiography, although is unlikely to make any money from it because he is banned from having a bank account…. Emergency relief is mostly distributed through organizations that use local Islamic leaders and local mosques to give aid—believed to discriminate against anybody who is not considered to be a devout Muslim. And given this dhimmitude, why shouldn’t he be? Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts, Feb 3, 2021 9:00 am By Christine Douglass-Williams 39 Comments. He speaks the tenets of his faith truthfully and w/o euphemism (mostly). Because of security issues, we are unable to share stories or quotes from within Pakistan. Since 1993, Eritrean President Afwerki has overseen an authoritarian, brutal regime that rests on massive human rights violations. Colonel Richard Kemp, who monitored Saif's movements for the government in the 2000s, told the Mirror: “He is highly likely to be the new leader as he is hugely respected amongst al-Qaeda but crucially he also respected amongst Islamic State. They feel very separate and they are. Perpetrators are seldom brought to justice. Several believers were forced to flee the country only hours or days before they were to report to prison. Christians who are migrating from other areas of Africa, aiming to reach Europe, are often held in overcrowded detention centers around Tripoli. COVID-19 has hit the country hard, and many believers are in desperate need of food and aid. They are given jobs perceived as low, dirty and dishonorable, and can be victims of bonded labor. “We were all dead, but Jesus came to save us and give us a new life … I leave my life in His hands,” she says. However, it’s nearly impossible to research and verify violent attacks due to the war, the secrecy Christians must maintain, and the challenge of communication with underground believers. Below, we look at the top 10 countries where Christian  persecution is highest. Governments have strongly advised against travel there, and for good reason: as a foreign traveler, you’ll be in constant danger from a variety of causes the second you set foot in … She did condemn Jihad at least once in passing in one of her Christmas addresses: “Queen’s Christmas message includes horrors of jihad terror attacks in London and Manchester”, Somalia: Where Christians are ‘high value targets’, 4. Another way to look at it is that if an imam was *not* preaching hate, he would be *lying* about islam…, “Queen is the enemy of Islam and must die,”. It is impossible to live openly as a Christian in Afghanistan—Christian converts face dire consequences if their new faith is discovered. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. In extreme and heinous circumstances, young girls are forcibly recruited and used as suicide bombers. In Libya, there is no freedom of speech, no freedom of religion and very limited possibility of public church life. It looks really dry there from what I see on the TV news. Spencer and Geller may cause a “breach of the peace” by upsetting triggered muslims and their Leftist apologists. Would you join us and be part of this powerful story that God is telling? Through prayer and by supporting Open Doors’ work around the world, you are reminding God’s people they are part of one Church; part of one Family. Why that alone has not motivated a international effort to neutralize Islam is beyond me. In much of India, saying “yes” to Jesus has become a risky decision that costs Christians and their families greatly. Today, most mullahs are too afraid to preach jihadism openly. Islamic extremist groups vehemently “defend” these laws, including attacking or killing those who oppose them. As Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Friday, the air quality in Lahore is so dangerous that it could reduce a person's life by 6 to 11 years. It will be the end of freedom of democracy and submission to God.”, “We don’t believe in democracy, as soon as they have authority, Muslims should implement Sharia. He almost never sugar-coats Islam. Not the way to defeat islam. Latest news from around the globe, including the nuclear arms race, migration, North Korea, Brexit and more. “I couldn’t read the Bible at home, that would not be safe,” Mohammad remembers. To help you pray with our sisters and brothers,, Open Doors has a mobile prayer app that alerts you to prayer requests from believers. In 2021, modern-day persecution against Christians is at an all-time high—with numbers increasing at an alarming rate. It comes down to honor. To my mind, there’s enough evidence about islam’s evil nature out there to have woken up almost everyone, but, unfortunately, it just doesn’t seem to be the case. PRCS, I live on the east coast of Australia and this summer we have had a lot of rain. Now he and his wife Aima* lead a house church. The really dry years are influenced by the el nino weather pattern. Right now, more than 340 million Christians worldwide are living in places where they face high persecution—just because they follow Jesus. Now I know many, and there are many more like us.”, Hours before reporting to Evin Prison outside Tehran, Pastor Victor bet-Tamraz and his wife Shamiram Issavi Khabizeh fled their native country after their appeals were repeatedly rejected. No Infidel is allowed in a position of authority over Muslims. Although he is deemed to be the “most dangerous” jihad preacher, Choudary’s reputation and his links to the jihad murderers of Drummer Lee Rigby, as well as to other jihadis, weren’t enough to prevent his release in October 2018, or the lifting now of his ban on public speaking. Dozens of Choudary’s followers joined Islamic State in Syria, including Siddhartha Dhar, also known as Jihadi Sid, who featured in a video showing him executing a victim. Would you mind listing a citation or two to that end, please. The trick: getting the public to understand that he IS telling the ugly truth. Thus, being discovered as a Christian is a death sentence. Here, we take a look at some of the most notorious (and dangerous) men detained in America’s toughest prison. Imprisonment is the most effective form of intimidation and harassment used against journalists. Still, despite persecution, the church in Iran is growing exponentially—last year an independent study estimated that the number of Christians in Iran now numbers 1 million. In fact in 2020, more Christians were murdered for their faith in Nigeria than in any other country, with ISWAP making its presence known through abductions and ISIS-style executions. Islamic militant groups threaten Christians from a Muslim background with death, and tribes may kill or banish anybody converting to Christianity. That “ban” was NEVER enforced. This discrimination turned deadly, leaving many starving believers struggling to survive, particularly since many Indian Christians are part of the Dalit caste and thus very poor. And Jihad is not just a key part of Salafism, but of Islam. Jihad, however, is a core component of written, Orthodox Islam. Such laws are often used as an excuse to disrupt church services and harass Christians, making it incredibly difficult for believers  to share their faith with others without fear or legal repercussions. Or the appalling treatment of Tommy Robinson. Afghanistan: Where Christianity is a death warrant, 3. After all, unlike Choudary, a speaking engagement by Spencer and Geller there would not have been conducive to the public good. Converts from Islam undergo persecution from the government; if they attend an underground house church, they face the constant threat of arrest. He took over Pakistan in 1969 and implemented martial law as well. Zawahari took the reins from Osama bin Laden following his death in 2011, but has not been seen for years. It is, of course, highly unlikely that the ban lessened his influence in the first place, but now he will be more influential than ever. But you can help. India: Constant pressure to renounce Christ. Yahya Khan used army and security forces in East Pakistan to crush political politics, which led to war between India and Pakistan in the year 1971. The outcome of the country’s national elections in 2019 gave the ruling Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) even more political power—emboldening ultra-nationalist radicals to spread their message that to be Indian is to be Hindu and that the country should be rid of Christianity and Islam. You will receive immediate notification. What drives the government’s relentless oppression and attack on Christians? Going to ‘lift the ban ‘ on Mr. Choudary! But the World Watch List research offers a bigger vision and story. Yes and no–Muslims only use Taqiyya when they fear Infidels learning the truth–and are honest when they are so emboldened that they don’t care if the Infidels are alerted to the danger of Islam. So what are we afraid of? Robert Spencer Measures to combat the virus have also made communication between Christians difficult, and they are increasingly exploring online fellowship and discipleship. Years ago, I once drove over to Perth with some friends and it was an incredibly long trip there and back. If a Christian’s family discovers a family member has converted, their family, clan or tribe must save its “honor” by disowning the believer, or even killing them. *representative names and photos used for security reasons. Christians from a Muslim background are considered a “high-value target” by al-Shabab, who have often executed believers on the spot, when discovered. Seems a pathetically weak approach to this vile creature. It is better to have these creatures who tell the truth about Islam rather than the lying, slimy types of Muslims who sugar coat Islam’s nature and try to keep us all slumbering on and believing that islam is peaceful and benign. A TAXI driver found guilty of supplying drugs to be sold in a remote NT community will spend two-and-a-half years behind bars, despite receiving a glowing character reference After finding a Bible in a second-hand shop, Mohammad  became a follower of Jesus. Risking arrest, Eritrean Christians continue to worship in secret. Making the decision to follow Jesus and live as a Christian is a choice that puts your life, family’s lives and livelihood in further jeopardy. You’re absolutely right. In Somalia, all minority religions are heavily persecuted, with research suggesting that 99 percent of Somali citizens are Muslims. Libyan Christians from a Muslim background face violent and intense pressure from their family and the wider community to renounce their faith. Violence continues to worsen in Eritrea. There have also been reports of targeted trafficking of Christian girls for both bonded labor and a prostitution ring that smuggles Christian girls into China. Yet behind the news headlines, a massive underground church of an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 believers is growing in North Korea. The pandemic has led to tighter security at the Chinese border, and a stranglehold on the black market, which many use to survive. General Agha Mohammad Yahya Khan was born in Kalwal. If anyone is an enemy of the state, he is.

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