are e collars humane

Top Rated Dog Food for Shar-Pei – 2021 Review Guide, Top 7 Highest Rated Dog Bicycle Trailers you Can Buy in 2021, Our 5 Highest Rated Crates for Dogs with Separation Anxiety. Aversive collars, or collars that rely on physical discomfort or even pain to teach a dog what not to do, are not a humane option. Here's a look at these "e-collars" and why some people question whether they're humane. These things need to be taught before introducing them to an e-collar. The research found that the dogs’ heart rate increased when a tone was followed by an electric
shock of a medium level. The only pro-ecollar pieces she cites come from  websites of dog trainers who use e-collars. Schalke, Ott, Salgirli, Bohm and Hackbarth 2010 published in: Approved training collars can malfunction, and any claims that such collars will not harm the dog are unreliable. ( Log Out /  Altogether, concerning the “bodily reactions”, the pinch collar was evaluated as the most distressful method and considering the “learning effect”, the electronic training collar was found to be the most effective method. These devices are very common when it comes to off-leash training. The abstract states that acral lick dermatitis was successfully treated in four dogs studied, and while two of the dogs relapsed in the six to twelve months following the study, a brief retraining period eliminated the behavior. This study is discussed in more detail in Spot Check’s March 2010 blog post. Tortora took an elegantly simple approach to treating what he referred to as “avoidance-motivated aggression”. found that when dogs were able to predict and control shocks, they did not show persistent or considerable stress indicators. They are dangerous to dogs both emotionally and physically. Current models come with safety switches that prevent the canines from receiving a prolonged static electric shock. Let me know if you can find a copy of this. And you’d be wrong. As we mentioned, these electronic training collars are a completely safe and humane training tool to use with your pet when they are used as recommended. In short terms, today’s shock collars have been manufactured to provide the best results with the least possible amount of static correction. Simple. At that age, he’s able to understand the new boundaries and learn to respect them, no matter the breed or temperament. I’ve included a very brief summary of each article as it relates to this post. Lockwood 2004, The Facts About Modern Electronic Training Devices, Radio Systems Corporation Technical White Paper. Of course, this is far from the actual truth – we’re here to shed some light on the matter. However, a pup needs some prior training that will help him associate this sound with positive or negative consequences for this sound to become a valid marker. Overall 2007, Editorial – Why electric shock is not behavior modification, Journal of Veterinary Behavior 2: 1-4. No matter how we put it, there will always be some controversy on the use of these devices. The term “shock collar” is quite outdated, as it relates to devices used all the way back in the 1960s for the training of the hunting dogs. Let’s have a closer look at all three modes: In the beep mode, a beep will be emitted whenever the dog owner presses the collar controller. Applied Animal Behavior Science (also cited as The Journal of Applied Animal Behavior Science) is the official journal of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE). Some canines are far more sensitive to pain than the others are. I didn’t have any luck. Vet. Since they cited his work, I don’t understand why Schilder and Van Der Borg completely ignored the dramatic long term ‘behavioral effects’ of Tortora’s training program. When a dog is infirm or in later stages of pregnancy, an owner should avoid using an e-collar and wait for the pooch to get back into the normal state. Like Tortora’s, this article does not appear to be cited by most authors studying the use of e-collars. Harnesses are a better option to control your dog safely. Polsky 1998, Shock collars and aggression in dogs. Therefore, we set out to investigate the direct behavioral reactions of the dogs upon administration of above mentioned training methods. Polsky specifically states that “Punishment training with an electronic shock collar is not advisable for aggression stemming from dominance, aggression arising out of fear, or other kinds of misbehaviors that are fear-related. Given the widespread references /cites to studies that support the idea that e-collars are not only cruel and abusive, but that they can also elicit aggressive behavior — imagine my surprise when I came across an article providing strong evidence that e-collars were astonishingly effective in rehabilitating aggression in dogs. According to Jacques and Myers (see below): Karen Overall’s June 22, 2009 “open letter regarding the use of shock collars” is a strongly anti e-collar opinion piece (though many wrongly cite it as a ‘study’). “The electric collar is the one and only way to rehabilitate aggressive dogs. For one thing, the electric current flowing through the collar is controlled a great deal more. Most puppies master the basic commands by that time and aren’t scared of leashes and trivial things like their own shadows. An excellent way to prepare your pooch for the static correction is to build a DIY fence and train with him. Just like the clickers in the clicker training, this sound can be used as a marker. This is largely because, as Steven Lindsay writes: Coleman and Murray 2000, Collar mounted electronic devices for behavior modification in dogs. If Schilder and Van Der Borg read Tortora’s study, they apparently ignored or discounted absolutely everything he wrote about using the e-collar to train dogs. How they work Shock collars typically have two pointed contacts that touch a pet's neck. I spent dozens of hours searching google scholar for articles related to shock collars, remote training collars, electronic training collars and electric collars. Tortora’s 1983 study is not cited. It includes technical data on electronic training devices but doesn’t discuss training methods. The fact is, the prong collar, when fitted properly, is designed to be the most humane way to train and to NOT harm your dog. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This is why it’s of paramount importance to wait for the right moment and thus avoid having your little friend scared of collars for life. Haverbeke, Laporte, Depiereux, Giffroy, Diederich 2008, Training methods of military dog handlers and their effects on the teams’ performances, Applied Animal Behavior Science 113: 110-122. Hiby, Rooney and Bradshaw 2004, Dog Training Methods: their use, effectiveness and interaction with behaviour and welfare, Animal Welfare 13: 63-69. Tortora was not referenced. Let’s have a quick look at canines and owners that shouldn’t use e-collars: Unfortunately, some owners just can’t imagine imposing any boundaries on their pets. We advise you to beware of these gimmicks and simply accept these devices for what they are. Bousnic Dog Training Collar 2018 Upgraded 1000ft Remote. As you probably already know, there’s a particular stigma surrounding these devices. The internet hosts hundreds of articles warning you about the dangers of electronic training collars (e-collars). The level of shock used was intense enough to cause the dog to fully flex his leg off the table. All rights reserved. … the word shock is loaded with biased connotations, images of convulsive spasms and burns, and implications associated with extreme physical pain, emotional trauma, physiological collapse, and laboratory abuses. Angie Hill is a freelance writer, editor and dog lover based in Atlanta, GA. She studied English Language and literature in Boston, MA and she enjoys spending most of her free time with her puppies Labrador Nora and Boxer Ernie. If a study demonstrated similar results for clicker or food lure training it would be cited on tens of thousands of sites across the internet. When their frustrated owners resort to after-the-fact punishment, the dog’s expectations are reinforced, a feedback loop is created and the dog’s aggression escalates. Slip and prong collars can cause injury to your dog’s neck and spine. Lynch and McCarthy 1996, The effects of petting on classically conditioned emotional response, Behavior Research and Therapy 5(1): 55-62. The invisible fence and the e-collar can’t work by themselves – an owner needs to be committed to teaching his pooch how to appropriately respond to this new system. They stated that dogs that made more mistakes or were more highly distracted received more punishments than the other dogs, then they made a stunning and confusing leap in stating that the increased punishments caused the distractions, not vice-versa. There are a high number of pet parents that don’t understand how important it is to hold off with the e-collars until the pooch is wise enough and old enough to understand the whole process. Whenever the dog starts barking, the collar will automatically deliver a correction. The Impact of Training on Police Canine Force Outcomes, Police Practice and Research 7 (4):  323-335. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. Schalke, Ott, Salgirli, Bohm and Hackbarth 2010, Comparison of stress and learning effects of three different training methods; Electric training collar, pinch collar, and quitting signal, Journal of Veterinary Behavior 5(1): 43-44. Even though it states clearly that this is an editorial piece, Overall’s 2007 paper is cited as a “study” by many opponents of the e-collar. I reviewed this article in detail in a previous post. While stores are selling fewer and fewer of these tools it seems everytime I go to … They simply note that previous studies of the relationship between training methods and problematic behavior yielded “apparently conflicting results”. For another, there are many similar kinds of collars as well. Otherwise, you’re risking having your little canine friend running back to the house after the first contact with static correction. 2009 were published in: However, introducing the puppy to an electric collar before he’s six months of age can have serious repercussions – it could leave the pup very scared. !” →, Talking about YouTube – Happy Girl With Happy Puppy →. It is unlikely that an electronic training collar … UFAW believes that good science can inform, motivate and facilitate that change – whether through developments in legislation, professional ‘best practice’ or the actions of other organisations and individuals. Lindsay 2005, Chapter 9: Biobehavioral monitoring and electronic control of behavior in Handbook of Applied Dog Behavior and Training: Procedures and Protocols, Vol. We are especially interested in finding out which method leads to less stress in dogs by comparing their behavioural effects. “If you read the science ( which I have done) and remove the bogus studies, the evidence is irrefutable, electric collar training is the best, most humane and most dog friendly system of dog training on Earth”, says Ami Moore, The Chicago Dog Coach. The shock, while of a low intensity, did cause the rats to be visibly startled. Positive, humane training methods, in which dogs are rewarded for desirable behavior, are much more effective. Sometimes, companies will describe their shock collars with words like “stimulation,” calling them “gentle training collars” and similar names. Eckstein and Hart 1996, Treatment of acral lick dermatitis by behavior modification using electronic stimulation. Oddly Polsky cites Tortora’s 1992 book on the use of e-collars, but not the 1983 article. Avoidance aggression typically starts out as aggressive avoidance responses to things like physical discomfort (such as from grooming), intrusions on areas that the dog views as his territory and commands he doesn’t want to comply with. This is called the Introductory Level. In my opinion this negates any value to this study. Prong collars, … If you know where I can find a copy, please let me know. Puppies are just like small children – they require a slow and gentle introduction to new things, as that allows them to adapt to changes and enjoy the new environment without fear. I personally never used a prong collar … Marschark and Baenninger 2002, Modification of instinctive herding dog behavior using reinforcement and punishment, Anthrozoos 15 (1): 51-68. The Animals and Society Institute is a non-profit animal protection group whose “programs focus on interdisciplinary research designed to increase the prominence of animal issues in public policy” and appears to be linked to HSUS. Even though Herron et al. My goal was to get an idea for how widely cited his article was. It presents a neutral opinion on the use of electronic training collars. From the introduction: This study measured stress parameters in dogs subjected to aversive events consisting of sound blasts, short electric shocks, a falling bag, an opening umbrella and two forms of restraint. The study discusses the use of aversives in some detail, but does not mention the use of e-collars. The rehabilitation of “Grace.” Control and Therapy Series, Post-Grad. A detailed and balanced discussion of the pros and cons of an enormous variety of training tools. About the journals Dogs that act aggressively when they’re in the presence of strangers should not be trusted on only electronic collars. Alternatives to Electric Shock Collars. But with proper training that started at the right moment, they will inevitably become social dogs that love both people and other dogs. Below the break: Links and brief summaries of recent literature related to using e-collars to train dogs, and some notes on the journals the articles are published in. analyzed how training methods used on working dogs and the performances of the dog handlers affected the dogs’ welfare. His article is very rarely cited in recent studies related to ecollars, aversives, dog training and aggression — and when it is, it is not unusual for him to be misquoted or taken out of context. Types of E-Collars. Animal behavior consultants also respect the client’s right to self-determination and embrace a non-judgmental approach.” Only the abstract of this article was available (let me know if you find the full version). Shock Collars. Salgirli 2008, Comparison of Stress and Learning Effects of Three Different Training Methods: Electronic Training Collar, Pinch Collar and Quitting Signal, doctoral dissertation University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany. Using e-collars to train dogs is a controversial and emotionally-charged issue. For optimal safety and owner control, all E-Collars dog training collarsfeature patented COS (control of stimulation) technology. Tortora is not mentioned. Oddly, he never mentions the primary focus of Tortora’s work, which was that electrical stimulation could be used to cure territorial aggression. However, one has to use the interrupt signals infrequently – owners who use it too often will notice that their pets are getting accustomed to it and are starting to ignore it. I’m on a bit of a crusade against the use of e-collars – also knows as shock collars. While the dogs developed an initial conditioned anticipatory fear reaction during the escape training portion of Tortora’s program, their fear was extinguished during the subsequent avoidance and proofing stages. You do this by placing the collar on your dog, setting the stimulation (static shock) level to zero, and begin tapping on the button while slowly increasing the level. However, the sound still frightened them, even more so than during the initial training, and their fear increased as time passed. If the canine, however, continues to bark, the device will automatically increase the frequency and the duration of the shocks. One of the very first things that you need to do when you get your new e-collaris to find the lowest level your dog responds to. Heck, I bet he’d even have his own television show – and (unlike another popular television dog trainer) there wouldn’t be a torch and pitchfork mob out to lynch him. As the name suggests, the collar will vibrate in this mode, similarly how our phones vibrate to get our attention. E. Schalke, J. Stichnoth, R. Jones-Baade 2005, Stress Symptoms Caused by the Use of Electric Training Collars on Dogs in Everyday Life Situations, Current Issues and Research in Veterinary Behavioral Medicine, Purdue University Press, ISBN 987-1-55753-409-5. Unlike the modern bark collars, these delivered a real electric shock (instead of a static electric shock). When used correctly, the e-collar is bound to keep your dog safe from getting out on the road – just be committed to teaching him how to respond to it properly. Urban Animal Management Conference Proceedings, Hobart, Australia. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Assocation 32: 225-229. E-collars have evolved quite a bit since they were first invented. An overwhelming majority of these people say that these devices are not only completely safe but that they also present an incredibly useful way to teach the pooch to stay in the yard. Ruth over at Spot Check recently summarized a few of the most often cited studies in a post on the heated rhetoric surrounding the recent ban on the use of e-collars in Wales. There are conflicting opinions on e-collars, but much of the opposition to using these devices describes cases where the collars … Anthrozoos is the official journal of the International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ). This is why most canine professionals agree on half-a-year age mark. Small dogs (not heavier than 10 pounds) on the other hand, should be trained on systems specially made for them. The only owner use of aversives I saw discussed was punishment after the fact – something that none of the dog trainers I know recommend. Even when used correctly, these collars work by causing pain. I could only access the abstract, so if you know where I can find a complete copy of the article, please let me know. Electronic training collars appear to have been used punitively. With these collars, the dog has control over whether or not they receive … The results of the present study indicate that the electronic training collar induces less distress and shows stronger “learning effect” in dogs in comparison to the pinch collar. Christiansen 2001, Behavioural differences between three breed groups of hunting dogs confronted with domestic sheep, Applied Animal Behaviour Science 72(2): 115-129. Similarly to blowing a whistle, the beep is also capable of causing a startle response. (Note: the article was also published in Australian Veterinary Practitioner in 1984, 14 (2), 70–74.) The ISAE  was created in Edinburgh in 1966, as the Society for Veterinary Ethology (SVE). “If you read the science (which I have done) and remove the bogus studies, the evidence is irrefutable, electric collar training is the best, most humane and most dog friendly system of dog … It notes that the equipment and methods used to train of police dogs varies greatly. Disclosure: Woof Dog is a small blog that sustains itself through commissions we receive from brands that appear on this site. Waiting until the 6-month mark is crucial – that’s when the puppy can have a positive response to the electric stimulation. ( Log Out /  Polsky 1994, Electronic Shock Collars: Are They Worth the Risk?,  Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 30: 463-468. I could not find this online. The electronic dog collar is a device that’s mainly used in the following areas: Every time the dog gets close to the fence-line, he’ll be corrected and thus forced to back up. These changes in behavior readily transfer readily from the trainer to the dog’s owners and others.” The goal was to find ways to measure stress quantitatively to help asses animal welfare. The goal of the study was to assess prey drive and attack severity on domestic sheep by three breeds of dogs. not only missed Tortora in their literature review – they also make no mention of Lindsay’s landmark work. While they may suppress the unwanted behavior, they don't teach the dog … Electronic Training Collar Manufacturers Association (ECMA) 2007, The Facts About Modern Electronic Training Devices. Cookie/clicker training can only increase aggressiveness-a huge problem in the method.”, ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-. The program also included teaching the dogs a conditioned safety signal that was used to reinforce good behavior and build the dogs’ confidence. To make the pooch familiar with the new rules and boundaries, these companies have equipped their e-collars with the beep and vibrated modes. For that matter, be honest with yourself – if you can’t commit to the training, don’t buy an e-collar. The author concluded that: If you can help, drop me a line. These included: stand, down, come, go, hold, drop, sit, off, place, fetch, in, stay, play, no, heel, and hup. I couldn’t. If the beep, for example, always comes before the reward, the pooch will stop and wait – he knows that he’s getting his favorite treat. But to us, the only essential opinions are from those owners who are already using these collars on their canines. According to Tortora, these dogs usually suffer from a lack of training and predictability in their lives and therefore feel like they lack control over their environment. Researchers done by experts throughout the last decades have shown that dogs respond quite well to lower levels of static correction. This is also known as the “invisible dog fence” (or “underground fence”). This study attempted to prove a longstanding theory that learning takes place and memories are formed when the same message travels repeatedly between specific cells in the brain.

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