went landfill extension eia

5. ESB-119/2004) (Environmental Protection Department) 36. 1,2 The USVI has no fossil energy reserves, but does have some renewable resources, particularly solar energy. Faced with the imminent waste management problem, the Administration Administration is to commission landfill extension before the exhaustion of the existing landfills. 10. The operational period for LFE and AIF is set to be 10 years, in accordance to WENT and NENT landfill extension environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports (HKEPD (Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department), 2007, HKEPD (Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department), 2009). PROPOSED EXTENSION OF THE SENT LANDFILL 4. Southeast New Territories (SENT) Landfill Extension (EIA Study Brief no. Site B of about 240 hectares) lying between the existing WENT Landfill at Nim Wan, and the China Light and Power (CLP) power Station at Black Point. Lantau Logistics Park Development (EIA Study Brief no. In order to further consolidate and reinforce the institutional and legal framework for the protection of the environmental assets of Mauritius and a sustainable development, a new Environment Protection Act is in force as from 5 September 2002. ESB-121/2004) (Civil Engineering and Development Department) 27. Mauritius first adopted formal procedures for EIA in June 1993 following the amendment of the Environment Protection Act (EPA) 1991. The estimated operating life of the proposed landfill extension is about 15 years, which may vary according to future development such as extent of waste reduction, and will be reviewed in the proposed study. West New Territories (WENT) Landfill Extensions (EIA Study Brief no. In this connection, the engineering feasibility and environmental impact assessment studies on the extension of the three strategic landfills have been completed. ESB-117/2004) (Environmental Protection Department) 35. Landfill extension EIA must assess air quality impact, says inspectorate. West New Territories (WENT) Landfill Extensions (EIA Study Brief no. West New Territories (WENT) LFE, which is located at Tuen Mun, is chosen as the subject of study as it has the highest filling capacity (81 Mm 3) among the three proposed landfill extensions in Hong Kong (LegCo, 2013).In addition, the current WENT Landfill receives the highest MSW disposal rate compared to the existing SENT and NENT Landfills (HKEPD, 2010). ESB-117/2004) (Environmental Protection Department) 26. The U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), part of the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles, has been a U.S. territory since 1917 and is located in the Caribbean Sea, about 1,100 miles southeast of Miami, Florida. and environmental impact assessment studies for the extension of the NENT Landfill and SENT Landfill, while those for the WENT Landfill are still in progress. The developer behind a huge proposed landfill extension and hazardous waste facility in Northamptonshire has been told by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) that the scheme’s future environmental statement cannot scope out the effects of particulate matter pollution. proposed extensions of the NENT Landfill, WENT Landfill and SENT Landfill in accordance with the EIA Ordinance in 2004/2005”. The TMDC members raised objection and passed a motion against the proposed WENT landfill extensions and the conduct of EIA. We have completed an engineering feasibility and environmental impact assessment (EIA) study for the WENT Landfill Extension project in 14. The WENT A and B Landfill Extensions are planned to commence in two phases with the first phase (WENT A) in operation around end 2009, and have a total estimated capacity of 71 million cum. Landfill extension developments in Hong Kong : a study of agenda setting and policy dynamics ... EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPD Environmental Protection Department EnB Environment Bureau ... (“WENT”) landfill, will respectively reach full capacity in 2015, 2017 The EPD has studied five options to extend the SENT Landfill with a view to reducing the environmental impacts as much as possible and at the In March 2004, Tuen Mun District Council (TMDC) was consulted on the WENT Landfill Extensions.

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