how to know if sun is malefic

guru chandal yog Give jaggery to monkeys on Sundays. Ascendant is Mithuna. "How to Judge Debilitated Planets" in Astrology, "Astrological … I will be grateful if you can share some thoughts to guide me. Finally one more aspect of this list must be considered. Then those periods when Mercury goes combust in the skies. In the horoscope, check if the ascendant lord is influenced by these functional malefics. Now you see, Jupiter, Ketu, Saturn, are/ will be transiting their 6th, 7th, 8th houses back to back. INDIA, 91- 0 - 9871921188 Moon is the fastest planet going at 2.25days/sign. Mars completes one round of the zodiac in 2yrs, Jupiter in 12yrs and Saturn in 30yrs. Karkardooma Community Center, And recovery from these episodes will be slow. Give water to Sun daily in the morning through copper vessel and also put red chandan, red flower in it. Now whenever the Sun is a functional malefic, you should analyse his proximity to Mercury too. Wear Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha around your neck in Red Thread. Remedies for Malefic Planets in Horoscope - When one or more planets in a horoscope becomes debilitated, combust, conjunct Rahu / Ketu or malefic, or owns/occupies 6,8,12 houses it … 14. Throw copper coin or gur in running water (river) facing the flow of water on Sunday. People born under these ascendant signs have more happening and traumatic events in their life. For 11 Sundays eat only curd in the afternoon. Your ascendant sign is very important sign in your birth chart. If Malefic. So what would you think of Ketu Scorpio 14 in 1st House of Libra with Vesta 6 Scorpio, Then Sun 13 Capricorn conjunct Mercury 5 Capricorn in 3rd House, and Jupiter at 1 degree Leo 10 House Retrograde? 16. This scenario is possible for Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces ascendants, so check this in the individual chart. In body, heart, brain, head, eye, bones, chest, lungs and stomach are the parts signified by Planet. The Sun rules the 5th house of Poorva Punta Sthana and Jupiter rules the 9th house of luck. There can be more frequent problems as the Moon transits around the zodiac in about 28days. If you have not read that article, it is recommended to read Part-1, before proceeding to this part. But do remember that even if a planet’s regular sign falls in these 6th, 8th and 12th houses of turmoil, he can be an agent of pain in your life. Considerations in Judging a House The neutrals in a horoscope are:—(1) The Moon—when he is lord of Lagna, (2) the Sun or the Moon as the 8th lord, (3) the Sun … The next planets are Jupiter and Sun. Nail four copper nails in the bed's four corners. 17. The Sun can combust all the 5 tara-graha, but this possibility is more for Mercury and Venus as they are the inner planets, closer to the Sun. eg if your birth rising degree is 3deg Leo, the middle of the 1, If the functional malefic is closely conjunct or. 15. This reduces his power to adjust your personality and your environment with each other. REMEDIES. This logic is based on the ‘functional malefic’ concept. SUN: Being as mid malefic Sun lordship over 4th house which is a quadrant makes Sun to loose it malefic nature even then Sun won’t behave as a fully benefic planet,but its association with Saturn, Mercury and Venus can provide wealth, cars, good house, land and good relationship with mother, provided Sun is strong in strength. This is because Mars is strong in the sign of Aries and it can cause so much damage to the strength as well as some other significances of exalted Sun. It indicates courage, power, vitality, personality authority, consciousness, sattvic nature of the Person. Except Rahu and Ketu who are astral planets entrusted with the express job of creating turbulence in our life. Touch feet of father, elders and teachers and take their blessings. To know, if Planet Sun is benefic or Malefic in a Horoscope, you can avail our service of Horoscope Reading and ask our Astro expert to guide you on specific query you have with regard to your Horoscope. However, in practice, Jupiter has proved to be malefic in certain situations, i.e. For Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces ascendant people, the outer planets, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn figure in the list. // Through Vedic astrology we can find which planets in your horoscope are going to benefit you and which planets are going to harm you. Place Surya Yantra in your Puja Ghar. Two houses of turmoil, 6th and 8th and 7th is a very cryptic house, decisions taken here convert to karma very quickly. GOOD Moon is the ruler for Kendra as it rules the 4th house. However, if malefic Mars afflicts benefic exalted Sun in the sign of Aries; this may become a serious issue. If he eats meat (non-veg.) Diseases signified by Sun are weak eyesight, headache, disturbance of blood circulation, fevers, bone weakness, palpitation of heart, I am Libra lagna with Ven-Sat in lagna, moon in 6th, Jup-mars in 3rd house and Sun/Merc in 12th house (merc is within degree behind). {Shukla paksha). This material may not be used in any way whatsoever, sold, incorporated in any sort of documents or products, or used for promotional purposes without the express permission of the author, Tejaswini Arvind Patil. Sir I would like to know my benefic and malefic planets.My birth details are 19th October 1985 at 8pm in Trinidad, Chaguanas in the west Indies. Delhi - 110 092, Can you please give your advice for any grahas or weak planets. Would definitely consult with a professional Vedic astrologer. baldness, Hyper irritability, bile, burning of body, epilepsy, heart disease, lucaria, appendicitis, fistula and inflammatory complaints. Offer red Lotus flowers to Lord Ganesh for 1 or 21 Sundays. In course of time the benefic effect of Sun and the malefic effect of Saturn will come in to force. So this is the list of functional malefics for each ascendant sign, Here we have followed the concept that the mool-trikon sign of the planet should fall in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses for it to be classified as a full blown functional malefic. gemini-sagi axis Due to all these reasons, it is important to know how a weak Sun can negatively impact our horoscope and our life and how one can reduce the adverse influence of the planet. proud, self opinionated, showy, dominating nature, dangerous tendencies, obstacles and difficulties also i have written a lot on rahu/ketu, which you might find a useful read, Functional malefic for an Aries lagna is Mercury as it rules two negative houses, which are the 3rd and 6th house. Functional Malefic: Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Jupiter and Mars. 8. Business related with sun articles will prove good. Their mool-trikon sign falls in the 3. be performed as mentioned below: 1. - It signifies father in relations, Father’s health, your relation and his status indicates the status of planet in Horoscope. Each of the seven planets in our solar system has its own unique astrological traits. Other Important Links : Impact of a malefic Sun in the Kundli or Horoscope. 2. so do anything which will help you balance the sun’s energy, from giving Surya arghya to doing the surya mantra on sundays.. clear and thanks for guiding me. Do not consume salt in any form on that day. Give in charity articles related to Sun on Sunday to a poor or a holy man. mahadasha and antardasha rulers are in 2/12 axis also natural enemies. Recite Vishnu Saharnamavali Daily. (Libra can come in this category if in the specific chart, Jupiter is under the influence of even more malefics and is incapable of giving auspicious results.) So the problems faced by these people do not last for long, though may have a yearly sort of periodicity. Meaning the 3rd (mild malefic) is least malefic. Do or get Surya Homa , Surya Abhisheka done on your Behalf. 91- 0 - 9717380505, Copyright 2001- 2019 @ ASTROSHASTRA, All Rights Reserved. Astrology is about seeing patterns and linking them together with common sense and a bit of intuition. You must have read about functional malefics in your studies on astrology, so this is how you gain more information using this concept. i think frm yr question, you have mentioned ‘vesta’, you follow the western system.. i am a Vedic/Indian astrologer, so if u want to use the information in this blog u will hav to get your charts calculated from a Vedic software .. Do you have an email I could write to you? To know, if Planet Sun is benefic or Malefic in a Horoscope, you can avail our service of Horoscope Reading and ask our Astro expert to guide you on specific query you have with regard to your Horoscope. Ashish Corporate Tower, 18. And Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius ascendants, have three functional malefic planets. - Optimism, administrator, respect for elders, reputation, permanent rank, general success, royalty, real love, fame, determination and people in authority, faith, power and good temperament are also the indicators of Good Planet. Hi there, but yes there will be some typical issues from time to time.. I’m worried that most of the major planets are all confined in one house. The influence of the three houses of turmoil is more in their lives and more unfavourable incidents associated with the keywords of these houses occur. Keep good character. Functional Benefic: The most functional benefic planet is Moon as he is the lord of ninth house, a trikona. - : Surya Nameshkar - A Yoga Remedy Because without looking at a chart holistically, it’s difficult to say. The more later the house falls in order the more malefic they become. - 6. Besides, the ancient scriptures have provided detailed information about the need and logic for quieting the malefic planets.This has been done to ensure that the natives themselves get first-hand hold over the steps which they need to take control ov… In previous article of this series, we learnt about zodiac signs, planets and their ownership.Those were very important concepts and, if possible, try to memorize those concepts. ketu conjunct other planets Again among the malefics the 11th lord is the worst malefic, the 6th less malefic while the 3rd the least malefic. Hi there, You must know by now that there are deeper levels to astrology than just your Sun sign.There’s your Moon sign, Rising sign, Venus sign, Mercury sign…you get the idea. it is equal to eat his own children, Impetuous. The planets are also assigned to two groups in many types of astrology: benefic and malefic planets. Indications of Good or Benefic Sun in Horoscope 4. While there is a lot of contentment and spiritual upliftment, career wise all efforts are futile. (Cancer will fall in this list, if in the individual chart, Mercury is unable to give auspicious results. I have written several posts on the 12th house, do use the index page if you feel like reading them .. Finally Gemini ascendant has only two, ie the common Rahu/ Ketu as the functional malefic energies in the chart. And Jupiter as a potential malefic for Libra ascendant. For Scorpio Ascendant. Malefic : The native's father may die in early childhood. Mars can be considered mild malefic. one positive is tht the owner of the 12th is there himself. Second possibility is Venus being combust by a malefic Sun, as he too remains rather close to the Sun. So if in the chart, a malefic Sun consumes a beneficial/ neutral Mercury, Mercury is unable to give his results and you have one less positive/neutral planet in your chart. Second possibility is if the Sun combusts a functional malefic planet then he too becomes a malefic! In the simplest terms, a benefic planet in your birth chart means “good” or positive influences and malefic, well, means “bad” and negative (or, as we prefer to say, challenging). 10. However note the combustions of these planets in your birth chart and in transit which can modify results. - It gives, arrogance, wavering temperament, jealous, over ambitious, irritable, angry, haughty, 1) Through Astrological works, the benefic nature of Jupiter is well known. So for these people, troubles in life will last for a longer period, they will have to endure under problematic situations for months/ years. The Vedic scriptures have mentioned various methods like wearing of astrological gemstones, reciting of Mantras for cures (a special combination of words which can invoke invisible powers in the Universe), to strengthen the good planets and balance the malefic ones. I was asked to remove Diamond and wear Pukhraj + Emerald earlier this year. I shall continue to do so in the following. eg If a Cancer ascendant at birth has Mercury conjoint Sun and both aspected by Saturn. karak of 11th in 12th, 3. Broadly diseases, debts, enemies, losses, stress, catastrophic transformation etc can occur with more frequency. I finished Ven Dasha and started Sun dasha in Jan 2019. The toughest would be Cancer, Virgo or Pisces ascendants. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Aquarius have Mercury as a functional malefic so if such a malefic Mercury is swallowed up by the Sun in combustion, the Sun will take on all of Mercury’s attributes including his this functional malefic nature. eg If you know that the next 2.25days are going to be typical, you can do something about it, eg re-arrange your work schedule etc or just sit through knowing that it will end in 2.25days. So if in the chart, a malefic Sun consumes a beneficial/ neutral Mercury, Mercury is unable to give his results and you have one less positive/neutral planet in your chart. Give coconut and almonds in temple. 11. Functional Malefic: Rahu, Ketu, Mercury and Venus. In the case of houses if its lord is afflicted then it will lead to affliction over the house owned by that afflicted planet. Other Important Links : - : Effect of Planet Sun in First House, Second house, Third house, Fourth house, Fifth house, Sixth house. - Then Scorpio and Pisces have Venus as a functional malefic so if the Sun combusts a malefic Venus, he too will become a composite Sun+Venus malefic power. ... We never know the degree that the planetary energy will manifest in the life as each individual has their own specific karma. The reason is convenience. 1. This is how you learn with every chart you read. Based on your ascensant sign we come to know the sign of each house in your horoscope. There was a question on the luckiest ascendant, so a quick post. (For Moon we do not consider his Mooltrikon sign Taurus, but his own sign Cancer), If you look at this above list critically, Virgo and Pisces ascendants have a whopping five planets as clear-cut functional malefics. also go thru the posts on Keep 12 Sunday fasts starting from Shukla Paksha. If the functional malefic in the birth chart is on the exact central degree at the house he is placed in, he exerts more negative influence on the matters of this house. Wear Surya Yantra after getting its puja done on Sunday. Rahu in 6th house. I read your articles and they seemed very pain relieving as they unlocked few mysteries. Check which ascendant has slow moving or fast moving planets as its functional malefics. Remedies for Planet Sun, if malefic in horoscope, then the following propitiation should be performed : 1. 9. Taurus, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, have four planets as functional malefics. How to know if planet Saturn Benefic or Malefic in individual or mundane horoscope chart Saturn in Vedic Astrology rules over your karma, relation with employees, servants, maids, pet animals, sleep, chronic diseases, popularity etc.

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