air force functional manager list

You're looking at OpenBook,'s online reading room since 1999. Functional managers chair their own requirements boards (see AFI 33-103, Requirements Development and Processing). Finding 3-1. Base functional manager responsibilities. Captain manning is also generally problematic. In it, the comptroller directed reductions in Air Force manpower from 2007 to 2011 totaling over 40,000 people, including active, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve civilian, officer, and enlisted personnel. The ratio of assigned captains to lieutenants in the Air Force generally (see Table 3-1) is 2.1:1 (16,257 to 7,648) while the authorization ratio is 3.0:1 (17,899 to 5,948). The 61S and 62E career fields have below-average proportions of field-grade authorizations but also have below-average proportions of field-grade strengths, probably reflecting some combination of low retention, low promotion rates, and migration of more experienced or tenured officers to the 63A career field. An FOA performs field activities beyond the scope of any of the major commands. flexible to permit enlisted personnel to specialize and develop their skills and abilities while allowing the Air Force to meet changing mission requirements. To search the entire text of this book, type in your search term here and press Enter. HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. Field-grade strengths are set by law (originally promulgated as the Defense Officer Personnel Management Act) as a sliding-scale function of total officer strength. Under the Air Force’s Non-Rated Personnel Prioritization Plan, officer positions that are available to be filled are categorized as Must Fill, Priority, or Entitlement. c.) Ensuring deph and breadth of career field training experience, and development by rotating 3a1x1. In several presentations to the committee, representatives of various Air Force communities shared common concerns regarding the consequences of these manning conditions for officers in the five STEM-degree-requiring career fields. ³Ï;f®Îø=±ßŠdO•äY©xHËÕú3’³Îy®Ø…´‚‡™ºÃÇ07ü³Ì8«d÷â`;]«¬dºTï�ÜV»{´İkĞh7ªmyMòÖ6¯+Umc‘ã�Ö@9^Ë뱇6cˆ‹XåQ½#“ZJ Õ‹õŸÆ¨Ä&§V \îYU\ª0S. The scientist or engineer will be recognized as a technical expert in at least one discipline but will also accrue management experience through supervisory positions. Plans and Programs Division (HCX) 478-327-2128 DSN: 497-2128 Formal Training & School Tours Special Training Tours Chaplain Candidate Program Conferences, Workshops Accessions, Appointments Awards, Recognition Program Position Validation AFI, Plans Coordination Points-Only Activities . )Communicate and coordinate with MAJCOM functional manager (MFM) on issues affecting 3a1x1. Functional managers will notify HQ AMC/DPXX when personnel shortfalls are tasked to a new base and a levy needs to be sent. Prepare and annually update a functional area plan as part of their mission area or mission area support plans. Recruiting 478-327-2274 DSN: 497-2274 The career management team for the civilian scientist and engineer career field envisions three career paths for its employees. Despite recognition of the effects of these constraints on field grade manning in the career fields that require a STEM degree, improvements have not been easy to come by. While in the past the Air Force's technologically intensive mission has been highly attractive to individuals educated in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, force reductions, ongoing military operations, and budget pressures are creating new challenges for attracting and managing personnel with the needed technical skills. SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE 16 JUNE 1995. Program Budget Decision 720, entitled “Air Force Transformation Flight Plan,” was issued on December 28, 2005. by the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). The Duty Title will override the Air Force Specialty Title (AFS) on the UMD. This training is broken down into first lecture and then exercises to … Additionally, in some cases, career fields requiring a STEM degree may have experienced below-average retention or promotion rates. Highly encourage you to use your local leadership and MAJCOM functional manager before contacting the CFMs. Therefore, this path allows individuals to increase their technical expertise instead of moving into management. Total strength is set in annual defense authorization acts. Clearly, it is the area in which we lag in the most when it comes to fully implementing the inspection system. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Most SES positions in scientist and engineering functions and organizations would be expected to be filled by individuals progressing through this path.5. Assuming a relatively level number of accessions from year to year, a career field with average retention would mirror this ratio. Finding 3-3. The shortage of field-grade assignments for the 63A Acquisition Management career field is discussed in Chapter 4. Contract costs are running at $250,000 per full-time equivalent and higher. The table includes data for the Acquisition Management career field (63A) because field-grade manning in that field depends heavily on cross flow from the Scientist (61S) and Engineer (62E) career fields. Air Force TV Radio Week in Photos Coronavirus Disease 2019 Air Force Art Collection About Us. The fill rate for lieutenant colonel program managers fell from 42 percent to 31 percent, exacerbating manning issues discussed in Chapter 4. The length of technical training also affects this ratio for permanent party officer strengths. Jacqueline Henningsen, Director for Studies and Analyses, Assessments and Lessons Learned, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, briefing to the committee on December 3, 2008. This section conveys the main points in presentations to the committee from representatives of functional activities across the Air Force on the posture and status of the officer and civilian workforce in positions that require a STEM degree. B. Col Stan Perrin, Air Force Personnel Center, Director of Assignments, briefing to the committee on October 29, 2008. There are too few officers, and the experience distribution is too junior to provide the needed expertise. There is an outstanding resource available to officers in almost any career field in the Air Force Portal. Message from the USAF EMS Program Manager/State Director (AF)-----The Flight and Operational Medicine Technician (FOMT) Course, B3ALY4N051F0A1A, has been approved for 30 EMT/Paramedic CEUs. The Air Force Negotiations Center targets its training for First Sergeants in key areas designed to help them help their Airmen. In some cases, the grade structures in officer career fields that require a STEM degree are not sustainable under the current legal and policy constraints. Figure 3-1 shows a bimodal distribution of experience (years of service) in the civilian workforce employed in occupations that require a STEM degree. Key Personnel List (KPL) • The functional KPLs contain the top members in each AFSC reviewed by the DT • The Command KPL contains the top E8s and E9s and is used to fill key and strategic positions • KPLs are referenced when making other developmental and career management decisions • MAJCOM Functional Managers (MFMs) maintain their respective functional BY ORDER OF THE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 10-406. In Air Force Basic Training, it's called an element. Not a MyNAP member yet? In response to a request from the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology, and Engineering, the National Research Council conducted five fact-finding meetings at which senior Air Force commanders in the science and engineering, acquisition, test, operations, and logistics domains provided assessments of the adequacy of the current workforce in terms of quality and quantity. The Air National Guard, often referred to as the Air Guard, is the air force militia organized by each of the fifty U.S. states, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the territories of Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia of the United States. 2018 CSAF Reading List 2017 CSAF Reading List 2016 CSAF Reading List 2015 CSAF Reading List commanders and supervisors that their communities have insufficient personnel to perform the technically demanding aspects of jobs that require STEM capability. The higher your numbers on the ASVAB – the better your chances. Welcome to the United States Air Force. AFSPC Headquarters employs contract personnel at a cost of $55 million, and the amount is growing. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available. Entitlement Category Fill Rates for STEM-Degreed and Acquisition Career Fields under the Nonrated Prioritization Plan, Summer 2007 and Summer 2008ab. This chapter begins with a discussion of issues for the five officer career fields that require a STEM degree, followed by discussion of issues for the three civilian occupational series that require a STEM degree. Wing, Wing-Level Equivalents, and Tenant Organizations will: 2.4.1. The implications of the data analyses are supported by the perceptions of. Electrical engineers understandably remain in high demand, especially in light of the computerization and information technology enablers to myriad processes and programs, with positions in the 32E, 33S, and 62E career fields all competing for quality technically based candidates in the pool of eligible accessions. The Air Force’s manpower authorizations are inconsistent with both the total officer strength authorized for the Air Force and the grade structures established by law. In practice, the committee believes that leadership opportunities for officers in these career fields would be somewhat limited, and therefore promotion rates to lieutenant colonel and colonel could tend to lag other career fields. Close. The senior leader path grooms civilian employees for organizational leadership. -Functional management of 14NX and 1NXXX personnel and equipment assigned to the Wing-Intel products and briefings related to enemy capabilities, tactics, and how to assess threats– ask about OPLANS and DFE! They will: 1.2.1. Through communications and interactions with other career fields, organizational disciplines, and Air Force operations, the senior leader. Furthermore, efforts to redress these shortages and imbalances are hampered by the fact that field-grade authorizations in the aggregate line officer force are larger than permitted by legal constraints on assigned officer field-grade strengths and the fixed (by policy) phase point for promotion from lieutenant to captain. Promotion from first lieutenant to captain is based on time in service (for line officers, four years). In a nutshell, YES. This window from roughly 7 to 16 years represents the time in officers’ careers when their accumulated Air Force–wide and career-field experience and expertise are typically leveraged by the organization to obtain the greatest value. SOURCE: Patrick Hogan, Director of Acquisition and Career Management (SAF/AQXD), briefing to the committee on December 3, 2008. Ready to take your reading offline? That is, in this range there are relatively fewer personnel at each year mark than in the years before and immediately after the low region. These levies accelerate the actual and perceived experience deficits in these career fields. For instance, many aircrew members and Security Forces (Air Force "cops") don't have a section. There is no clear Air Force STEM advocate (candidates are the Science and Engineering Functional Manager (SAF/AQR), Air Force Chief Scientist, Air Force Research Laboratory Commander (AFRL/CC), or others). CFETP 2A6X6, October 2002 5 SECTION A - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Individual enlisted personnel have a joint responsibility with commanders and supervisors at all levels to fully develop their abilities consistent with Air Force needs and within He noted that captain manning is generally low in most AFSCs, offset by high lieutenant manning. cRate is for overall career field—fill rate may vary by discipline. Company-grade manning (lieutenants and captains) was 23,905 assigned against 23,846 authorized (100.2 percent). The Department of Defense has announced the establishment of the National Security Personnel System Transition Office and the selection of John H. James Jr. as its director. The 3D0 CFM is CMSgt Hellesen. SOURCE: AFPC Interactive Demographic Analysis System, December 2008. If you search “Assignment Team” you will likely find a page with information specific to your career field. Lieutenant and captain manning could be balanced by redistributing the grade authorizations, pumping up captain retention (e.g., by offering retention bonuses), or reducing the promotion phase point to less than four years. Purpose of the CFETP. Forces Japan and 5th Air Force. Must-Fill positions were filled 100 percent; Priority-category positions were 85 percent filled. It has been difficult to retain technically qualified personnel, both military and civilians (as complementary components). The committee makes the following general observations based on the data presented in these charts: As shown in Figures D-3 through D-8, these six career fields except 33S share some sort of workforce “bathtub” for officers with 7 to 16 career years of service (CYOS). Of these, 19,610 were field-grade officer assignments (majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels), against 21,441 field-grade authorizations, resulting in overall field-grade manning of 91.5 percent. As reflected in Table 3-5, the respective manning percentages in the Scientist and Developmental Engineer career fields generally degraded between summer 2007 and summer 2008, exacerbating the manning imbalances discussed above. Badges of the United States Air Force are specific uniform paraphernalia authorized by the United States Air Force that signify aeronautical ratings, special skills, career field qualifications, and serve as identification devices for personnel occupying certain assignments. In Appendix D, Figures D-3 to D-10, which were included in presentations from the Chief of the Force Management Division and the Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center, present additional perspectives on the current authorization structure and inventory for the five career fields that require a STEM degree and the Acquisition Management career field. Assessments of recent development and acquisition process failures have identified a loss of technical competence within the Air Force (that is, in house or organic competence, as opposed to contractor support) as an underlying problem. becomes more of a strategist than a technical expert. The Air Force has formally defined career paths for officers. title for a specific UMD position. ...or use these buttons to go back to the previous chapter or skip to the next one. ... Community for current, future, and past members of the US Air Force. Their assignments are expected to include career-broadening into areas such as program management. TABLE 3-5. As indicated in Figure D-4, the 32E career field has demonstrated overmanning, in that assignments are consistently greater than authorizations. The NSPS Transition Office will oversee the design and implementation of an enterprise-wide performance management system, hiring flexibilities, and a DoD Workforce Incentive Fund, authorities for which were granted to the Secretary of Defense under the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- As the Air Force continues to streamline guidance and target improvements that impact Total Force Airmen in the squadrons, the Air Force’s Personnel Center has implemented an initiative placing all special trophies and award descriptions and eligibility information into a single location for maximum visibility to Airmen, … 0. 4. Field operating agencies are subdivisions that carry out activities under the operational control of a headquarters Air Force functional manager. Chair warriors. In the STEM-requiring career fields, as indicated in Table 3-3, the captain-to-lieutenant authorization ratios range from 2.4:1 to 6.8:1. Needs and effects are not characterized or understood within each of the 26 career fields. Among other topics, she discussed the effects of the Program Budget Decision 720 force reduction on the analyst workforce, as well as the role that AF/A9’s value model played in distributing the required reduction across officer career fields. retention (military and civilian) Civilians may opt to continue on the technical expert path, leading to increased in-depth, technical experience. While the 61S career field absorbed significant drops in authorizations, as mentioned above, current and emerging mission requirements indicate a potential significant increase in requirements (both documented and undocumented) for scientists in the coming years. For the aggregate line-officer force, field-grade authorizations are 47.3 percent of total authorizations, while field-grade assigned strength is 45.1 percent of total (see Table 3-1). The 33S career field has an above-average proportion of field-grade authorizations but a below-average proportion of field-grade officers assigned, consistent with the lower field-grade manning levels shown in Table 3-2. The senior leader path is for scientists and engineers who choose to balance technical depth with breadth of alternative functional experience. 2.4. This is not the same thing as the Duty Title in MILPDS. Gen. Leonard J. Kosinski is the Vice Commander, 5th Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Relative to its current authorizations for line officers, the Air Force remains overmanned in lieutenants and undermanned in captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels (Table 3-1). The Air Force-wide requirement to designate a Functional Area Records Manager (FARM) to manage records at the unit level will be eliminated. These challenges come at a time of increased competition for technical graduates who are U.S. citizens, an aging industry and government workforce, and consolidations of the industrial base that supports military systems. administration and use within their organizations, and include Air Force Functional Manager pol-icies associated with their programs. In addition, there are high demands on field-grade officers in the Scientist and Engineer career fields to deploy for ongoing and future contingency operations.

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