tobias eaton movies

When she comments to him about this, he says it "wasn't something I wanted to watch. Caleb volunteers, knowing that Tris and the others have no sympathy for him with his lack of care. He is an actor, known for his role as Tobias "Four" Eaton in the films, The Time Traveler's Wife HBO Series Teams Rose Leslie & Theo James, ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife’ TV Series at HBO Casts Theo James and Rose Leslie to Lead, ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife’: Theo James & Rose Leslie Cast In HBO Series Adaptation, 9 Things to Know About 'Underworld: Blood Wars', Weekend Box Office Predictions: March 27-29. However, as said in. He finished first in his initiation class, and chose to work in the intelligence sector of Dauntless, but also decided to train the initiates. When Tris tells Tobias that he may not be in her fear landscape anymore, he says that everybody could call her Six, referring to her then only having six fears, to which Tris replies, "Four and Six". Caleb tells Tobias Tris' final message that she didn't want to leave him. Tris starts to be exploited by others who realize that Tobias becomes unhinged when someone tries to hurt her. Tobias reveals that he was planning to become factionless after training this group of initiates. "A stiff, the first to jump? They share their first kiss during this time. Tris is offered a position on the Bureau's board of GPs, and finds out David is planning to reset the entire city and restart the experiments. Tobias then tells them his name in order to stop them from attacking. His mother supposedly died and left him with his abusive father, who would strike him with his belt. Theo James has been cast as Tobias "Four" Eaton. As their relationship deepens, Tobias becomes unwilling to let Tris go into battle, not just because he's not willing to lose her but also, because he feels as if Tris risks her life recklessly, not caring about dying. Though Christina is the one who captures the flag, Four tells Tris "well done," acknowledging her role in their win. Tobias insists he was trying to protect her so no one would know their relationship and accuse him of choosing favorites; Tris understands, and they reconcile. Tobias was initially very close to his mother until her "death," but when he found out she was alive, he was angry and their relationship became strained. Four hears her screams and rescues her, severely injuring Drew in the process. Just as Four is getting ready to throw, Tris stops him and voluntarily takes Al's place. Marcus Eaton (Father)Evelyn Eaton (Mother) He later sees Johanna and Marcus break into a safe house, and steal ammunition Evelyn had locked up. Tris later notices that all the members Eric picked have bigger builds compared to Four's picks. They find out that their city, Chicago, is an experiment in order to get rid of genetic damage believed to have been responsible for the Purity War years before. ", Four gives Tris tips on combat skills saying "Your fast and you have that as an advantage and aim to the throat". Divergent Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Saved by Jenny Lefebvre Jenny Lefebvre Affiliation Tris, meanwhile, tells Tobias she knows that Caleb has volunteered out of guilt, not out of love for her. Under the tattoos on his back are the scars from the belts Marcus used to beat him with. Tris later notices him going alone toward the room, and follows him. Alongside Lauren (instructor of Dauntless-born initiates), he is the instructor of the transfer initiates. | » Fanpage. Eventually, they sentence him to death, and he tells Tobias to execute him, hoping he will have to live with the guilt.

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