there's a fine, fine line

[Chorus] G D/F# Em Am7 D7sus D7 There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend; G D/F# Em Am7 D There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend; G D/F# Em7 Cmaj7 Cm And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb. Maybe he's invincible. Ben decides to take Gretchen to OB and page Robbins. He cut into her abdomen and quickly removed her baby. It was sung by Justin in the first episode. They just had a custody battle this morning. Nathan makes a cut in the baby's neck. Ben says he was out of options. Bailey says she's sorry. She wants him to tell her what happened. Jasmine says her brother lost his tooth. SKU: MN0140002 37:16. There's a fine, fine line between love And a waste of time. It's a luxury we don't have when the patient is splayed open in front of us. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei Finn's passive aggressive. Alex runs up the stairs in the main lobby, and then spots Gage hiding under the steps. He didn't know when they were gonna open, so he had no choice. I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime, But there's a fine, fine line between love. Sheet music is available for Piano, Voice, Guitar and 9 others with 7 scorings in 2 genres. Bailey arrives and sees the baby. He passes Isaac, and opens the door with his badge. Print and download There's a Fine, Fine Line sheet music from Avenue Q. Bailey asks Meredith if she asked Ben if he was good, or if he told her he was. Songtext powered by LyricFind. They're just a little stuck. 1:42. Nothing too harsh, whatever he deems fit. Penny gets paged to the NICU. The Online Pianist Ltd 2021 © All rights reserved. One of them has two loose teeth, but that was the case before the accident. He says no. Print and download There's a Fine, Fine Line [Excerpt] sheet music from Avenue Q. Print and Download There's A Fine, Fine Line sheet music. I Wear the Face There's a fine, fine line between a fairytale and a lie; And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye." Bailey asks Meredith to take over and follows Alex. He's sure about that, because Ben said it. Andrew says he paged people, so they're coming. And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore . View and download Avenue Q - There's A Fine Fine Line.pdf on DocDroid Ben has to go now as the baby's lost almost his entire blood volume. Based on the requested song: 7 Things by Miley Cyrus Warning: some … Ben says he would have lost them both if he hadn't done it. She says she had Ben take Gretchen to CT. She doesn't remember what she was doing, but a resident can take a stable patient to CT. Flash Thompson hated Peter Parker. Phil said he was right: Gage was hiding. Tongue-in-cheek parody of political correctness, or potentially dangerous blunt stereotyping? He knew it, Parker knew it, all of Midtown High knew it. Richard asks if she's sure. She tells him to stay in the office and talk to nobody. Avenue Q the Musical - There's a Fine, Fine Line Lyrics Kate Monster: There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend; There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend; And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb. We can't rewind. Gretchen gets out of the scanner and Ben informs her her scans look clear. I used to spend hours studying old footage of my mother's surgeries. There's a fine, fine line between love And a waste of time. He takes supplies from the cart to cut her open, because they have no other choice. Ben tells her all her kids are fine, knowing their names. There's a fine, fine line between love. Gretchen asks him to save the baby over her. Jackson doesn't want Ben to tell him anything, but then decides to give Ben 10 minutes, and they'll pretend it didn't happen. Bailey gets a page and runs off. They leave the room. Ben is waiting anxiously in Bailey's office. Arizona is scrubbing in for Gretchen's crash C-section. Our arrangements for There's A Fine, Fine Line can be seen below. She wanted to believe that. Richard comes over. Jasmine thanks her and goes back to her brothers. Gretchen asks him if her baby's going to die. Alex does think it's time for code pink, as the kid probably ran away from his dad, who's got anger issues. These piano accompaniments are Mp3 piano tracks created as a digital music download by a professional pianist. The Online Pianist - Home to High-Quality Piano Backing Tracks Click here to download There's A Fine Fine Line by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx from Avenue Q! This sample track is ‘There’s A Fine Fine Line’ in the key of ‘G Major’, Based On: Avenue Q Original Broadway Cast. Ben looks up for a second, and then proceeds to make the cut. Bailey leaves the OR. There's a fine, fine line between a lover, and a friend. running out of time, there's fine lines to be drawn I see you smiling as you're talking on the phone Hiding your messages, but I already know that I'm. Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Nathan says he needs to go on ECMO as it's the baby's only chance. Bailey asks Richard to discipline Ben in her place, since he's the head of the residency program. Amelia and Alex wrap the baby in a blanket. Bailey and Andrew work on Gretchen McKay As he takes supplies, he sees Arizona in the other trauma room. Ben knows to put her on her left side and support her with a pillow, which helps. In the trauma room, Arizona tells Gretchen the baby is strong. Learn more. There's no replay. They rush to reach an OR in time before they're stuck somewhere. There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend; There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend; And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb. By: 1-800fangirl (Cross-posted in Hair Dye.) Alex asks how far along the mother was. Omar was unrestrained and got T-boned from the side. They just have to wait it out a little longer. This piece of music was composed by Avenue Q, Jeff Marx, Robert Lopez, Alan Billingsley.. You can preview the first page of There's A Fine, Fine Line by clicking on the preview icon next to the the arrangement that you that you would like to view. G Notes: Play m 41-56 - Edit. He asks how Gretchen is. Bailey enters the NICU, where Alex and his colleagues have failed to save the baby. Arizona asks Ben to page her when the scans are done. There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie; And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye." She believes him if he said he had to do it. Leave or Stay 2. Find your perfect arrangement and access a variety of transpositions so you can print and play instantly, anywhere. Phil asks Gage's mother for a description of her ex-husband. April tells Jackson she wouldn't have filed the restraining order had she known he wasn't trying to take the baby. Jo says Ben is a level-head. Bailey has the tooth and she gives it to Jasmine, who asks Bailey if she has any money, as the tooth fairy is supposed to come. Jo offers her some chips. There's&a&Fine,&FineLine& There's#afine,#fine#line#between#alover#and#afriend;# There's#afine,#fine#line#between#reality#and#pretend;# And#you#never#know#'til#you#reach#the#top#if#it#was#worth#the#uphill#climb.# There's#afine,#fine#line#between#love# And#awaste#of#time.# # There's#afine,#fine#line… Jasmine came into the hospital after a car accident. Ben can tell him anything and he'll forget it ever happened. There's a fine, fine line between together, and not. Isaac runs after him. She had a stiff neck, but was otherwise okay. Flashback. Charles Leclerc has shed some light on his mindset going into his first campaign alongside new teammate Carlos Sainz, who arrived at Ferrari over the off-season. Did he overstep? Written by Jasmine is in charge now, so Bailey can tell her the truth. April tries to help. Since the parents are both in the OR, they don't need parental consent. Bailey then decides to call it. She's happy to hear that and says they chose to temporarily name the baby Cosmo, because it took 3 cosmopolitans at a boring partner dinner for the baby to be conceived. Deadly Wives S1 Ep8 Where There's A Will Theres A Way. Print and download There's a Fine, Fine Line sheet music from Avenue Q. Omar, 36, came into the hospital after a car accident. He asks her to keep breathing, but she soon loses consciousness. Zur deutschen Übersetzung von There's a Fine, Fine Line. It was Robbins's case. If you say that there is a fine line between one thing and another, you mean that they are very…. There's a fine, fine line between love, and a waste of time There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale, and a lie. And I don't have the time to waste on you anymore. There is a fine line between - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. The first being Finn, his now step brother, but … Bailey takes Ben into her office. There's a fine, fine line between reality, and pretend; And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb. She takes Isaac's chips. Bailey comes in and tells Meredith a resident did the emergency C-section on Gretchen. Ben screams he's her damn husband. Arizona and April continue to operate. You gotta go after the things you want while you're still in your prime. Ben uses another pillow to prop her up a little more. Jackson checks up on Ben. Meredith asks Bailey how Gretchen and the baby are, but Bailey leaves the OR without replying. Während du noch in den besten Jahren bist. Jeannot Szwarc Lyrics licensed by LyricFind. there is a fine line between phrase. There's a lot of blood and Andrew is performing CPR on the mother. She asks Arizona where she was when it all happened. Phil thinks the kid is probably just hiding. There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie; She says he saw what he wanted to see, as he made a choice. The fetus was stable as well when she left. Mehr Other Songtexte. You gotta go after the things you want While you're still in your prime. That resident may be out of control. Ben has made the cut and reaches into Gretchen's uterus for the baby. April arrives to answer her page. There's a fine line between us Can't waste another day Such a fine line There's a fine line between us. Arizona says they'll get her to CT first, then OB. [Chorus] D7 G D/F# Em Am7 D7sus D7 There's a fine, fine line between together and not G D/F# Em Am7 D And there's a fine, fine line between … This episode's title originated from the song There's a Fine, Fine Line, originally from the musical Avenue Q. A resident could be responsible for the deaths of two patients and that's above his jurisdiction. Ben tells Bailey he had to do it. And there's a fine, fine line between what you wanted, and what you got. The elevator doors close. The Arrangement Details Tab gives you detailed information about this particular arrangement of There's a Fine, Fine Line - not necessarily the song. Arizona worked to stop the bleeding, but the loss was too great and she was pronounced dead in the OR at 17:02. Flashback. Phil says he can only move through the hospital with a special badge. I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime, But there's a fine, fine line between love And a … He is, so she leaves. Because of the code pink lockdown, they prepared to do a thoracotomy in the trauma room, but when the lockdown was lifted, they were able to move him to the OR before operating. He was scared about the peritonsillar abscess. There's a fine, fine line between a lover, and a friend. Gretchen's belly is hurting. Meredith meets up with Bailey outside the NICU. There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale, and a lie. She doesn't feel good. Andrew tells Bailey that Gretchen's pulse was a little low, she was clammy and shivering, so Ben made a call. Stephanie says they almost did a thoracotomy in the ER and she's bummed they didn't get to do it. As they're moving her, she asks if they can find out about her husband. She says they are staying here tonight, like a slumber party. Arizona once again assures Bailey Gretchen was fine when she left. After her emergency c-section, Gretchen was bleeding heavily. Bailey tells Ben he had a choice. Ben had Andrew find a crash cart and he made the decision to do a crash c-section in the hallway. Ben comes in and tells Gretchen Omar is on his way to surgery. Ben watches her walk away over the catwalk. Print and Download There's A Fine, Fine Line (from Avenue Q) sheet music. There is no licensed music in this episode. Gretchen is worried about her three other kids and Omar, her husband. April 14, 2016 Bailey says how they know Robbins even got there. I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime, But there's a fine, fine line between love There's a fine, fine line Between together and not And there's a fine, fine line Between what you wanted and what you got You gotta go after the things you want While you're still in your prime But there's a fine, fine line between love And a waste of time Drucken Songtext. Bailey wants to know when and why Meredith left her. Fine Line . Gage apologizes to his mother. There's a fine, fine line between love, and a waste of time. Right before making the cut, the elevator doors open. 0:20. A new exhibition explores the fine line between genius and insanity. Gage, 6, had a peritonsillar abscess for which he needed surgery. There's a fine, fine line Between together, And not. There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie; And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye." Flashback. Bailey is looking at the security cameras with Phil, the head of security at the hospital. And there's a fine, fine line between "you're wonderful" and "goodbye". It's easy to figure out what you should have done when you replay it. Bailey arrives and asks Ben to speak with him privately. Richard once again tells Bailey he saw Robbins. Bailey enters the room. It's hard to watch. See All tracks from Avenue Q. The story's spun out of control, as Isaac heard he did an amputation. She asks what else she's supposed to believe after seeing the footage. Penny finds Stephanie and Jo outside Bailey's office and tells them that the McKay baby is on an oscillator. AlexandraTelfer. Bailey says she found something. Scenes featuring the catwalk outside the Chief's office were created with CGI. Ben is not there to entertain them. He replies she has to help. She demands he come with her instead of helping out Alex. Miranda, as Chief, is faced with the repercussions of the event and whether or not Ben's impulsive actions were justified. There's a Fine, Fine Line is a song originally sung by Avenue Q. She tells him not to tell her a single thing, because she'll have to use every thing he tells her. Alex arrives and tells Bailey he needs her for a possible code pink. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Theres A Fine Fine Line by Misc Soundtrack arranged by jb08123 for Piano, Flute (Solo) You see your mistakes. Arizona came in to examine her and said they both looked healthy, but she ordered a CT to confirm. There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend; There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend; Kurt Hummel understood that lyric. Alex says he can easily fix it, and he'll feel better after. Scamboogery. Stephanie reminds her that he used a clipboard before to cut open a patient. Bailey is watching the camera images from the hallway where it happened. She replies they don't want to freak people out. Phil's job is to overreact and he's not there yet. 10 March, 2021. Bailey gives her all the money she has on her. Bailey says they're upstairs. Meredith tells Ben Robbins will be by and asks if he's okay here. Next And there's a fine, fine line between "you're wonderful" and "goodbye". Episode 18 Gretchen, 35, came into the hospital after a car accident. This episode is the first part of a two-hour event, the second being. The table read for this episode took place on February 8, 2016. The interns apologize and Callie and Jo tell them to leave. She asks him if her baby's going to die. The alarm starts. That's exactly what Bailey's doing. But that's the kicker, isn't it? There's a fine line Between contentment and greed Between the things that I want And the things that I need Between "enough is enough" Fine Line. These backing tracks can be used for rehearsal, audition or karaoke tracks. She informs him the alarm is a code pink. Her BP dropped in the trauma room, so they moved her onto her side, which brought it back up. She says she spent the day trying to uncover why he did what he did. Ben says that's not what happened. New Book Karaoke Night: Sometimes, there s a fine line between courage and crazy. Gretchen's heart rate drops drastically and the surgeons rush to replace the pads in Gretchen's uterus with fresh ones, but it doesn't help. There's a fine, fine line C'è una linea sottile sottile between love, tra l'amore, and a waste of time e una perdita di tempo There's a fine, fine line C'è una linea sottile sottile between a fairy tale, and a lie. She'll be back. There's a Fine, Fine Line is the eighteenth episode of the twelfth season and the 263rd overall episode of Grey's Anatomy. Bailey says Ben isn't a danger. She wonders who did this. Gretchen asks about her kids. Don't bother putting on good headphones because I recorded with my phone. As of this episode, the show no longer films at the VA Supulveda Ambulatory Care Center. Learn more. In the season 12 finale, Ben had to do an emergency c-section on April in Meredith's kitchen due to the weather and EMS not being able to get there in time. Your score has been saved for There's a Fine, Fine Line. Tweet There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie; And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye." G D Em Am7 Cm I guess if someone doesn't love you back it isn't such a crime, G D Em Am7 But there's a fine, fine line between love D7 G … Not sure which track type to buy? Bailey then notices something on the footage. Flashbacks to earlier that day. There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Theres A Fine Fine Line by Misc Soundtrack arranged by jb08123 for Piano, Flute (Solo) She knows he's doing his best, but just in case. That doesn't mean that she hasn't noticed the way that Finn has been acting around Blaine lately. There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend. Bailey says her dad had a long surgery, so he's going to be asleep for a while to heal. tra una favola, e una menzogna. "Yeah, right," Alex replies before continuing on his way. April says it was Warren. Es gibt eine feine, feine Grenze, zwischen Liebe. In an empty hallway, she arrives just in time to see Ben deliver a baby. And there's a fine, fine line Between what you wanted, And what you got. There is a thin line between being a … Avenue Q - There's A Fine, Fine Line (Solo/Duet) recorded by NellieBeavers on Smule. a fine line definition: 1. Read about There's a Fine, Fine Line by Original Broadway Cast and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Door to Door The Cars. A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here. Bailey finds Andrew, who's holding on to a tooth from one of Gretchen's kid. She hasn't seen the kid but she thinks he's just hiding, as kids do that. Phil's on the phone as Alex returns to him with Gage in his arms. G D/F# Em G Cmaj7 There's a fine, fine line between love D7sus G Cmaj7 D5 And a waste of time. She was rushed into surgery. Meredith left Gretchen with Warren. There’s a Fine, Fine Line Jughead x Reader The Reader and Jughead have a complicated relationship. Callie calls out his name to check if he's in there, so they at least did something. Jorja Smith. There's a fine, fine line between a fairy tale and a lie; And there's a fine, fine line between "You're wonderful" and "Goodbye." In the trauma room, Ben and Andrew take Gretchen off the board and put her on the gurney as Meredith asks for an OB consult. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Andrew starts CPR, but Gretchen flatlines. And there's a fine, fine line between "you're wonderful" and "goodbye". He understood it more than he cared to admit. there's a fine line between us all the way there's a fine line between us can't waste another day they take you in their arms and whisper what you want to hear don't you fall they show you all their charms and whisper don't you shed a tear don't you fall Submit Corrections. Andrew says they lost the fetal heartbeat, which upsets Gretchen. In the ambulance bay, Bailey talks to Gretchen as the paramedic unload her from the rig. Alex checks on the baby in the NICU. Leclerc: There is a fine line that every teammate needs to find. Alex needs to know more. , .

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