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The current state of affairsThe Sevenoaks Local Plan is currently on hold. If you wish to be notified of the progress of the Local Plan documents including future consultations and Call for Sites, please register on the Mailing List. Sevenoaks Vision 2015-2035 and Objectives of the Local Plan Chapter 1 - A Balanced Strategy for Sustainable Growth in a Constrained District Chapter 2 - Providing Housing Choices “We firmly believe we had followed the relevant guidance when we developed the plan. We are now finalising the Local Plan in preparation for Regulation 19 publication. Following a firm rejection of a j udicial r eview of the Planning Inspectorate ’s decision on the l ocal p lan by the High Court, the authority has now lodged an application to appeal against the ruling. Sevenoaks District Council has been granted permission to bring a judicial review against the Planning Inspector’s decision to reject the draft Local Plan. Sevenoaks District Council Local Plan Judicial Review ... Oxenhill Woods - Sevenoaks District Council. “Taking court action is not something we would take lightly, but we feel we have no choice.”. The WWW proposals failed to satisfy the very high bar of ‘very special circumstances’ set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 144. This is an important first step to getting our Local Plan approved. 1.3 On behalf of our client, Iceni have reviewed the ‘Draft Sevenoaks District Local Plan Consultation Version’ (July 2018) having regard to the school’s current operations and future aspirations for the use of the site. Sevenoaks in legal challenge over local plan . The council has received further bad news – not only has the Sevenoaks Council failed in its duty to cooperate, the inspector also has serious concerns over the overall soundness of the local plan. A Local Plan sets out our strategic planning strategy. It shows how we aim to meet the housing, economic and environmental needs of the District. by Michael Hardware, Director of Planning and Property . However, the Council strongly rejected this conclusion, which only surfaced after the first round of the Local Plan hearings in October, seven months after the Council had submitted the Plan and supporting evidence to the Inspector. We’re grateful for their support and we hope this moves the Plan forward.”, Copyright © Sevenoaks District Council 2021, Parking permits, season tickets, waivers & vouchers, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction. The evidence we provided to the Planning Inspector backs this up. Sevenoaks Vision 2015-2035 and Objectives of the Local Plan 1 A Balanced Strategy for Sustainable Growth in a Constrained District 2 Protecting, Conserving and Enhancing Green Belt, Landscape and the Natural Environment 3 talking about this. In April, the Council began Judicial Review proceedings to overturn the Inspector’s decision. The High Court issued a notification on Tuesday 2 June 2020 granting permission for the review. OD008 Sevenoaks Economic Development Strategy A High Court judge has thrown out Sevenoaks District Council's local plan as it sided with planning inspectors on technical grounds. The High Court decision followed the news that the three MPs who represent the Sevenoaks District wrote to Robert Jenrick MP, the Secretary of State for Local Government, on Monday (1 June). The neighbouring councils and other organisations involved in the development of the Plan supported the Council’s evidence and approach on this matter. Sevenoaks District Council took legal action after a planning inspector rejected its local plan midway through its public inquiry last autumn. Please note that the consultation closed on Sunday 3 February 2019. ... "Today our reception ... Sevenoaks District Council - Local Plan Update - Horton ... Home - Sevenoaks Town Council. By email: [email protected] By phone: 01732 22 7000 On 2 March 2020, the Inspector wrote the final report on the examination of the Sevenoaks District Local Plan. The Kent Messenger brings you all the latest live news, sport, business news and what's on in Sevenoaks and Westerham OD006 Sevenoaks District Draft Local Plan Consultation July 2018. Sevenoaks District Council download - ED44 Inspector's letter to SDC | Planning and building control | Planning | Planning policy | Emerging Local Plan Planning - Sevenoaks Town Council. In light of the recent news that the Planning Inspectorate has advised Wealden District Council that it failed in its legal duty to cooperate and therefore cannot proceed with its local plan, Kate Jardine, senior associate of planning at Thomson Snell & Passmore, looks at the importance of duty to cooperate in Local Plans and advises on best practice for planning authorities and public bodies Sevenoaks Council is not giving up on its Local Plan. The High Court issued a notification on Tuesday 2 June 2020 granting permission for the review. The Planning Inspectorate (PINs) has hit back at fierce criticism by Sevenoaks District Council over its handling of its draft local plan. “In our opinion, the Planning Inspector has incorrectly interpreted key parts of the Local Plan requirements. Sevenoaks District Council has launched a judicial review against an inspector’s recommendation to withdraw its local plan. Council appeals Judicial Review ruling. The Plan contains policies and land allocations to meet housing needs as far as possible, maintain the vast majority of Green Belt in the district, strengthen local employment and protect our valued natural environment. In early December, we lodged an application to appeal against an unsuccessful Judicial Review of our draft local plan. It looks like the battle over the local plan process in Sevenoak s is set to continue as the Council seeks leave to Judicially Review the decisions made by the Inspector. OD007a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule. Cllr Julia Thornton, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Development & Conservation, says: “This is great news as it means the High Court believes our position that the Planning Inspectorate may have a case to answer. In October 2019, inspector Karen L Baker reported that she had “significant” concerns about several aspects of the plan. At the start of the Planning Committee Meeting held on the 13th January 2020, Tarmac Ltd gave a presentation on proposals related to the Sevenoaks Town Neighbourhood Development Plan. Welcome to the Sevenoaks District Local Plan consultation portal. Sevenoaks Local Plan is dead. Sevenoaks' housing need figure came to 11,312 homes over its 16-year plan period, but the council decide to draw up a Local Plan that would provide only … By Kasia Banas, Account Director Sevenoaks District Council has decided to legally challenge the Inspector’s decision to find their local plan unsound. Documents and details of the Local Plan examination. Sevenoaks District Council on Twitter: "More local cafés ... Sevenoaks Town Council – The Employability Points Scheme. Within the Local Plan submission, there were more than 800 pages of evidence setting out how the Council had worked with its neighbours during the production of the Plan. By Kasia Banaś, Account Director Sevenoaks Council is not giving up on its Local Plan. They share our concerns about the handling of the Local Plan examination. It should be noted that our client is not seeking significant alterations to the draft Plan, Sevenoaks Vision 2015-2035 and Objectives of the Local Plan Chapter 1 - A Balanced Strategy for Sustainable Growth in a Constrained District Chapter 2 - Providing Housing Choices It concluded the Plan was not legally compliant in respect of the Duty to Co-operate. The Council received a number of additional greenfield Green Belt housing allocations in response to our Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) consultation process. We are waiting for the High Court to consider our application. Sevenoaks District Council have excluded the 600 houses and employment centre and bypass (Which Way Westerham) from the Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) Version of the Local Plan. Building Control Technical Assistant | Council Offices ... 25 April 2013 - Sevenoaks District Council. If you have any questions or queries regarding the Local Plan consultations please contact the Planning Policy Team. SDC refused to withdraw the Plan and started judicial review proceedings but their case has been… Please note the call for sites has now closed. Thank you to everyone who has responded. In early December, we lodged an application to appeal against an unsuccessful Judicial Review of our draft local plan. Final Northern Sevenoaks Masterplan ----- Important Northern Sevenoaks Masterplan Amendment - Removal of Out of Parish Proposals Sevenoaks Town Council - Press Release – 23rd May 2017 In December 2016 the Town Council started… Sevenoaks district local plan. These tests will form the basis of the Inspector's assessment when the plan reaches examination. Thank you to everyone who responded. Sevenoaks District Council will be consulting on the draft Local Pan from Monday 16 July to Monday 10 September. Following the conclusion of consultation, and consideration by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee the final Masterplan is available to view below. Sevenoaks District Council – Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon KCB. Cllr Thornton, adds: “Our MPs recognise we have produced a robust Local Plan to provide the right type of developments in the right place, at the right time. OD007b Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulation 123 List. It also discussed the Sevenoaks District Local Plan, with regards to the Sevenoaks Quarry Site. The Local Plan is an important planning policy that says what can be built and where and what should be protected up to 2035 and includes the Government’s requirement to provide new homes. OD005 Sevenoaks District Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation 2017. Copyright © Sevenoaks District Council 2021, Parking permits, season tickets, waivers & vouchers, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction, Examination library (including Evidence Base documents). See video below on how you can get involved. The Honourable Mr Justice Swift concluded all grounds for the Council’s claim are arguable and permission for judicial review was granted, clearing the first hurdle of the process. The Sevenoaks plan is another one that has pretty much crash-landed on take off. Laura Trott MP, Tom Tugendhat MP and Gareth Johnson MP urged the Minister to use his powers to reconsider the Planning Inspectorate’s reasons for rejecting the draft Local Plan. The Government's Planning Inspector asked Sevenoaks District Council to withdraw the Plan because she believed it was not legally compliant in respect of the Duty to Cooperate. The hearing sessions started on 24 September 2019. Sevenoaks District Council has been granted permission to bring a judicial review against the Planning Inspector’s decision to reject the draft Local Plan. Sevenoaks Conservative Association ... Whilst local schools around Sevenoaks have been done a great job in supplying work for the children to do at home, ... We need your input in updating our local plan. On 2 March 2020, the Planning Inspector wrote the final report on the examination of the Sevenoaks District Local Plan.

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