900 Jorie Boulevard, Suite 190 Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 Really our biggest differentiators are our people. We help them solve the bottlenecks they were suffering while helping improve the pricing, actually they’re quoting orders, quality manufacturing and is a result of that and other factors. Configure One, Inc. has 75 total employees across all of its locations and generates $7.25 million in sales (USD). Meet the most robust CPQ platform on the market, A product configurator with endless possibilities, Advanced pricing tools that you can rely on, Personalized quote docs for every customer, Omnichannel selling for your extended sales force, Interactive 3D & 2D graphics, CAD automation, Scalable API technology built for the future, The backbone to all of our integration services, Powerful tech to integrate with any CRM or ERP, Integration solutions for every major CRM and ERP, Embrace the revolution and lead your company into the future, The technology, support, and community you need to, Discover customer journeys to CPQ success, Looking back on two decades of CPQ experience, A major step forward in digital innovation, Our team of experts can answer all of your questions, Our Platform is designed with enterprise in mind, Keep up to date with the latest news from us, Configure One Recognized for Commitment to Customer Satisfaction, Configure One Welcomes Aleks La Rosa as Director of Enterprise Sales, Customer Advisory Board Meeting – Fall 2020, Configure One’s Community Forum Turns One, Northeast/Eastern Canada User Group Meeting, April Michigan-Indiana User Group Meeting, Mick McDonnell visits Strategies and Ideas for U.S. The Configure One... Configure One is thrilled to announce Rachel Wasem as the latest addition to the Customer Success – Integration team. Certainly from a “what does the market want,” but also from what’s possible and what’s durable and in what achieves the goals we’re looking to achieve. CEO Solutions. Configure One's key executives are Mike McDonnell. I just read it, I think it was a couple of days ago and it just – you guys made it easy to understand and in such layman’s terms, I walked away saying “I can repeat that story”. Principally the paper, but also the windowing. Over the past two decades, Configure One has become a pillar of CPQ software innovation. Tom Suter named CEO In 2019, Tom Suter joined ESI as its CEO with a mandate to drive growth through innovation and customer experience. in some cases, PLM, some cases CRM, it really depends on the organization and what their workflows are. In other words, they make some of the order, engineered to order, designed to order products. Ensuring that all the information that’s required to make the product is captured. And it was almost like destiny that you guys got together and built this. Used by manufacturing and service companies alike to reduce errors,improve quotation lead times and create various outputs e.g. And when they first came to us, I looked at him and said, “How hard can envelopes be? It’s a lot of time that could be focused in other areas by having something like the Configure One CPQ system in stock. “Some of the things that Configure One handles best are the same things that are... Maintainer Corporation of Iowa, one of the world’s largest custom truck bodies manufacturers, has announced its partnership with software company Configure One. If you see a fire truck en route to a rescue scene in Montreal or Quebec City, chances are good that it was built by Maxi Metal, a fast-growing custom vehicle manufacturing business launching Configure One’s CPQ software. This release represents a major step forward that includes a brand-new query API and authentication service, as well as an interactive 3D viewer for CAD models and much more. To kick things off we had two roundtable discussions and got to hear from our customers about two important topics. Sales order entry, manufacturing processes were all bottlenecks in their own way. Where is Configure One headquarters? Businesses Podcast, Configure One announces 11.88 CPQ release, Vermeer Drives Greater Efficiencies with Configure One CPQ, Configure One Announces New Community Forum for Our Growing Customer Base, BilJax Adopts Configure One to Streamline the Company’s CPQ Processes, Benshaw Advanced Controls & Drives Announces the Adoption of Configure One to Update their CPQ Processes, M.H. Thank you. Mick McDonnell: Yes, absolutely. Taking it further downstream, once that quote is accepted, we generate whatever information is required to make it. Configure One partner Vermeer, an internationally renown manufacturer of heavy construction equipment and solutions, is based in Pella, Iowa... Manufacturing firm Industrial Brush Corporation (IBC) has joined the ranks of Configure One’s large business partners, recently having licensed Configure One’s proprietary software to roll out the CPQ platform in its business operations. In every engagement, someone has placed a bet on us. Founded in 2000, Configure One is a privately held CPQ (configure, price, and quote) software company headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, near Chicago. EBY has already reported a favorable introduction to a host of features for improving internal efficiency. Located in Pella, Iowa, Vermeer makes equipment for agriculture, fluid management, tree care, and... September, 2019 (CHICAGO) — We are pleased to announce that we have officially launched the Configure One Community Forum! I was quite candidly ignorant of the fact that that opportunity existed. We have customers that make van bodies and elevators and then power transmission equipment and some things that you’d look at and you’d say, that’s a complex product, but we also have a customer that makes envelopes. We are incredibly competitive group of people. Having cultivated an affiliation with IFS... Oracle NetSuite's SuiteWorld Conference will educate participants, facilitate links to resources and provide networking opportunities during its three-day SuiteWorld18 event April 23-26 in Las Vegas. Configure One headquarters is located at 900 Jorie Blvd #190, Oak Brook. There are 3 companies in the Configure One, Inc. corporate family. Everyone take care. That’s the website and again, if you have questions of exactly what the process looks like, on their website, they walk through everything. “One common ‘pain point’ is in... Hoosier Crane Service needed support from Configure One, a leading producer of quote-to-production software, for one of the best possible reasons: exponential growth. from Go Configure employees. Submit that ours is the best, but we’re not the only player in this market. Martin & Co., Inc., the world-renowned acoustic instrument and... Configure One is gearing up to reprise an important role as a sponsoring Gold partner at the upcoming Industrial and Financial Systems (IFS) World Conference, slated for the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on May 1-3. Leading acoustic guitar and string manufacturer partners with Configure One to streamline their online ordering process. So they began to search for CPQ partner. Like any inventive process, product development and manufacturing their product it’s a lot of iterations. Folks want what they want, exactly how they want it and by the way, they want it tomorrow delivered on their doorstep. But ultimately they send it to their sales engineering group and say, “Hey, customer XYZ needs one of our products that does this. Mike joins Configure One’s Customer Success team with 9+ years of experience in enterprise software support and consulting, onsite training for manufacturing software, and improving e-commerce website... Dec. 17th was the inaugural user group meeting for our Southwest customers! Meet the most robust CPQ platform on the market, A product configurator with endless possibilities, Advanced pricing tools that you can rely on, Personalized quote docs for every customer, Omnichannel selling for your extended sales force, Interactive 3D & 2D graphics, CAD automation, Scalable API technology built for the future, The backbone to all of our integration services, Powerful tech to integrate with any CRM or ERP, Integration solutions for every major CRM and ERP, Embrace the revolution and lead your company into the future, The technology, support, and community you need to, Discover customer journeys to CPQ success, Looking back on two decades of CPQ experience, A major step forward in digital innovation, Our team of experts can answer all of your questions, Our Platform is designed with enterprise in mind, Keep up to date with the latest news from us, Industry 4.0: What Manufacturers Should Know. Configure one product or a whole scene so your customers can visualize your product within a fully configurable image using a simple 1 touch interface. Once it came to our attention with the help of our accountant or accounting firms, CDH and you, once we began looking into it, we realized that we were right in the sweet spot of what guaranteed credit is intended to do. Chicago Headquarters. We also received three badges on G2—Highest User Adoption, Best Relationship, and Users Love Us. Mick McDonnell: Yes. We still maintain that attitude today. Today we have in house, Mick McDonnell, CEO of Configure One which has built the most powerful CPQ software solution. It is an amazingly easy to understand example of exactly what it is and where that efficiency has really come together. We were three guys and a dog. As we celebrate the success of the customer-focused Community Forum, we look back over all the positive changes made to create the best customer experience. Mick McDonnell: Yes, Janus is a great company and really a great story. Thank you. Pete is joining us as a 3D visualization specialist. Inevitably, the rep would leave something out or forget to ask a question or identify two features to go together that were incompatible and couldn’t be used together. Our configurator platform is driven by high quality photorealistic 3D models that can also be used for on demand "Virtual Photography" of your products to replace slow and costly photography. 2> Configure a pseudowire for each of the CEM groups. Michael Warady: I’m really excited about this, especially because this is the first time I’m interviewing a client on this podcast about their business and Mick, we’ve worked together, I think for about six years now on your RD tax credit and it’s worked out well. Make the envelope.” And, I immediately learned how wrong I was. So Mick, I asked you to join us today because the work that Configure One is doing really has brought a lot of value to your customers and I felt it’s worth it for our listeners and our subscribers to understand what that value is. We have hundreds of years in CPQ, engineering and manufacturing experience across the country. The market space was growing and they were growing and they just couldn’t keep up. Over the almost 20 years we’ve been doing this, we’ve seen thousands upon thousands of different products get modeled in our application to make them configurable. Formula Air, a global industrial enterprise striving for cleaner air, has enhanced its operational efficiency and improved its customer service by licensing CPQ software from Configure One. One size doesn’t fit all because of that and for a number of other benefits, we actively solicit that feedback from our customer base to ensure that we’re focusing our product development efforts in areas that will provide real value to them. So you guys have on your website, you list a very impressive list of clients and just one that came that I noticed was a company like Janus International Group and they’re listed. So we have some subscribers that are not that familiar with the manufacturing process. “Co-CEOs are ideal in many situations, especially when the executives provide oversight of each other’s actions and have complementary skill sets,” says Stephen Ferris, a finance professor and Rogers Chair of Money, Credit and Banking at the University of Missouri’s Trulaske College of Business. You don’t need to spend your money on us. Theresa Martinez Indirect Underwriter at LSI Wonder Lake, IL. Here’s more about the details of these win-win partnerships. Developer of configurator software. By way of example, consider how a product is specified. Industry is now known as CPQ, but nobody used that term at the time. Alex grew up in Berwyn where everyone knows him as a football or baseball player. Mick McDonnell: Of course, Michael, it’s been my pleasure. Configure One has 82 employees. CFO Network. What does the flap look like and how does it interact with other features of the envelope? EBY envisions a more consumer-friendly future with Configure One, Embracing hyper-personalization: Configure One at the 2018 Manufacturing Innovation Summit, Maxi Metal gears for growth with Configure One’s CPQ software, Formaspace relies on Configure One’s CPQ software to assist team members and clients, Configure One helps Vermeer equip customers to do more, Industrial Brush Corp. acquires sweeping upgrade from Configure One, Configure One to light up Liverpool on June 20 during Manufacturing Innovation Summit, Formula Air improves operations with Configure One’s CPQ, Cadcraft collaborates with Configure One to deliver CPQ in Sweden and beyond, Ontario’s Peelle Doors selects Configure One for CPQ system and more, C.F. The intent of User Groups is for regionally-aligned customers to develop relationships with one another and... We are pleased to announce that the Michigan-Indiana User Group met for a successful day of learning Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Ryan previously worked for Siemens PLM as a solution architect and... OAK BROOK, IL – September 10, 2017 – Configure One has been invited and will speak at Future Shock 3, hosted by Advanced Solutions, on September 28, 2017. Michael Warady: Wow, that’s a great story. The West User Group meeting featured 7 companies based in the Western region of the United States. Configure One is a leading provider of web-based product configurator and CPQ (configure price quote) software. Jeff Chandler. But all of that data is centralized now and it’s done at light speed compared to how it was once done and it’s done right. Some of that’s experience just `cross the entire company. We three co-founders, Ron Mau, Dan Howe and I simply saw a market opportunity to leverage internet and make CPQ widely available. Understand the CPQ market and decide which features are important for your company with our CPQ Solutions white paper. Configure One recently welcomed global industrial manufacturer Peelle Doors to its client roster. on iTechBlog.co - iTechBlog.co update news daily related science and technology articles, Saturday , March 6 … So Mick, just to get started, can you give a back story of Configure One and really how did you get into the industry? News: What Is a DMZ and How Do You Configure One on Your Community? Configure One, Inc. is located in Oak Brook, IL, United States and is part of the Business Intelligence Software Industry. Configure One Mick McDonnell is Co-Founder of Configure One, a global leader in configure, price, and quote software for manufacturers. The company also offers web services to Configure One as part of its CPQ application. They’ve gone to their boss, the board and said, “Configure One is the right partner for this effort.” And we take that really seriously. Schedule a live demo with one of our CPQ experts and learn how we can drive your digital transformation! We help our customers sell more, accelerate the sales process, reduce costs, increase quality, reduce errors, and quoting, as I described a moment ago, and improve the overall process. Now in its 15th year, the company’s three branches (one in Chicago and two others in Indianapolis and... Brian Turner recalls one of the most memorable things about Cincinnati Inc. recently moving to partner with Configure One is that nothing about it seemed to be going against the grain. Building on a background in the CPQ software industry, Aleks has more than 15 years of technology sales experience. Michael Warady: That’s amazing. Mick McDonnell: Thank you Michael. This is Michael Warady, Certified Financial Planner and Regional Director at Source HOV Tax. Thank you for being with us today, Mick. This is Michael Warady, Certified Financial Planner and Regional Director at Source HOV Tax. You’re going to print on the envelope. It really depends on what is specific to that product, what our customer wants to present to their customer in order to ensure that customers make an informed decision and that there is no questions once a product is delivered that “Oh, I didn’t ask you what color it is, so I assume you wanted it white and the customer wanted it in gray.”. When you configure a CEM group on the port, the router creates an interface that has the same slot/port number as the port (for example, CEM0/1). Owner, CEO Greater Chicago Area. So as we’re talking about this, I know there are going to be some of our listeners that will still – they still want people be able to get their arms around this. Configure One announces 11.88 CPQ release - Configure One Configure One is pleased to announce the 11.88 release of their CPQ software! Happy to be here. Download our PDF on essential CPQ functions sought out by top manufacturers to increase revenue and accelerate sales. They went to an evaluation process, brought a number of vendors in and we were fortunate enough to be able to be selected at the end. Dennis C. demonstrated for us and the other users how their CPQ... At the end of 2020, Configure One achieved a 96% Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score! So they had errors in order entry, pricing errors and consistent pricing, manufacturing errors, delivery problems, sending the wrong product or sending product that they thought the customer wanted, but really realized they wanted something different, paying all the freight to return it. Founded in 2000, Configure One is a privately-held CPQ (configure, price, & quote) software company headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois. CIO Network. On top of that, Configure One becomes the primary CPQ software among several leading brands and organizations, such as Gamber Johnson, GSI, Dietz Power, and Reco USA. Diana joins Configure One’s Customer Success team with 13+ years of experience in the learning analytics industry on a variety of roles. "Having the... Configure One is very pleased to announce that Vermeer Corporation recently went live with Configure One CPQ and is already seeing positive gains right from the start. Adapting to the needs of an ever-evolving market requires manufacturers to employ the latest technology, so Texas-based workspace design firm and furniture manufacturer Formaspace recently licensed Configure One’s CPQ software for both internal and dealer use.... Configure One provides configurator and business-to-business CPQ software to help quote complex and configurable deliverables. Global leader in the meters and edge device industry selects Configure One CPQ to streamline their quoting process OAK BROOK, IL – June 14, 2017 – Configure One™ , a leading provider of web-based product configurator and CPQ (configure, price, quote) software, today... Configure One has finalized an agreement with Autodesk to acquire the Autodesk CPQ business OAK BROOK, IL – May 3, 2017 Configure One has finalized an agreement with Autodesk to acquire the Autodesk CPQ (configure price quote) business, formerly known as Autodesk... Enterprise management to keep you connected. Alex joins us today as an Implementation Consultant. Please feel free to call Configure One with any questions you may have about our company or offerings. Is that fair to say? And while that’s extremely valuable, it’s really the commitment of our people to make our customers a success that differentiates us from our competition. Headquartered in the Netherlands and offering a website that’s translated into... Building smart solutions for manufacturing companies, Sweden-based Cadcraft recently signed on with Configure One to join the many other businesses now taking advantage of Configure One’s innovative CPQ platform. Thank you for being with us today, Mick. “Maintainer sees the many benefits of automating our process, from the initial customer contact through... With its mantra of “do more with less,” Louisville-based Advanced Solutions has its eye on creating efficiencies for its customers, according to Eric Strassheim, the firm’s vice president of sales. There’s a lot of really good technology out there. Configure One enables companies to overcome these challenges, increase revenue, and reduce cost by automating the configuration, pricing, quoting, and manufacturing processes. EBY licensed Configure One CPQ (configure-price-quote) software in September and has already reported a... Configure One recently participated in the annual Manufacturing Innovation Summit which drew together 75 manufacturing professionals to talk product, process and people innovation – attracting SME and MNC manufacturers from across the industrial spectrum. It takes the right kind of people, the right mindset, the attitude and our people are really our secret weapon. Enterprise management to keep you connected. CEO Network. Mick McDonnell: Yes, I think it is a fair statement. We had an amazing turnout of 17 customers from 11 different companies. Henry Ford, “you can have any color as long as it’s black.” Approach no longer works. We didn’t know how to do it, but with your help and your team’s assistance, we made our way through it and we’ve been going after it every year since. As an Implementation Consultant, Bill’s role includes support for customer projects and code updates. That can be simply a list of options, but frequently, and with more complex products, can include bills of material, manufacturing, routers and instructions. CAD files of the assembled product, and if it’s component products, drawings of the product and its components and all of those integrated to the right systems so that there’s no double entry, there’s no errors. But how has their comments and their, their postings, how’s that helped the evolution of Configure One? Mick McDonnell: Twenty years later. Configure One™, a leading provider of CPQ software, announced today that C.F. In order to best serve existing and joint customers, Configure One... Oilmen's Truck Tanks of Spartanburg, South Carolina recently inked an agreement with Configure One to support its fleet and logistics systems. "Cheers" to all our Autodesk friends! But our vision was to take product knowledge that was locked inside engineer’s minds within an organization and centralize it to expose it to the larger enterprise, allowing folks who lack the deep knowledge of a particular product to interact with an application, configure a product while adhering to all the engineering and manufacturing rules that are relevant to it. With CEO you can easily manage cash flow and liquidity, monitor accounts for fraud, analyze and report on balances and transactions, receive critical alerts and manage accounts and users. Here are a few words from Pete about himself: Hi everyone, I’m Pete Sedlacek and I live... Configure One has grown again with the addition of Bill Spell and we are excited to have him on board. The Southeast User Group gathered virtually for its inaugural meeting on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. When you consider the cost of errors, whether it’s rework or scrap or customer concessions, that drives a lot of cost into the equation. They were working in CAD, working for PTC and they saw that there was a demand out there for it. It’s amazing. Early on, our goal was to automate computerized design programs, CAD programs. So, speaking of your website, I did read some comments by some of your customers and I love the honesty that they provide and even more impressive that you actually respond to their comments. It’s been a pleasure. That’s wonderful to hear. We were making a configurator as far as we could tell and how we marketed it. How many employees does Configure One have? Configure One is known as a world leader in configurator and CPQ software. Configure One is, once again, an independent CPQ vendor and we're looking forward to the future! They had which one of those first world problems, a great problem. The amount of time spent on quoting a job and the back and forth and the re-dos. Point-and-click admin setup makes it easy to define the rules for each product. So you know, we’ve, like on the Allstate commercial, we’ve seen it all right? Also the sales and quoting processes. They’d write that down, maybe put it in a spreadsheet, email, whatever. Each CEM group represents a set of time slots from the TDM circuit attached to the port. Configure One General Information Description. So we saw an opportunity to help simplify configuration pricing, quoting and manufacturing processes for companies that make other than stock products. It was a great day of learning and sharing for all who attended. Today we have in house, Mick McDonnell, CEO of Configure One which has built the most... Configure One is pleased to announce the 11.88 release of their CPQ software! As an integration consultant, Rachel will work directly with our customers to provide training and mentoring, technical expertise, and turnkey... Configure One hosted its inaugural Upper Midwest User Group meeting on Thursday, August 20. What’s interesting is that two companies in the same industry, same size in the same city, may have very different challenges they’re trying to solve. Together, we quickly broke that dependency, created the ability for our users, our system admins, to model their products within our application itself. And they make – think the junk mail that arrives at your house. So that specifying process or the C in CPQ, the configuration process. So that’s great. The meeting included representatives from several companies throughout the southwest United States.
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