pulling strings in spanish

putting in the muscle and work, they might well have a chance at putting the old disappointments right. to pull at or on a rope tirar de una cuerda; the car is pulling to the right el coche tira hacia la derecha; the car isn't pulling very well el coche no tira 2 to pull at or on one's pipe dar chupadas a la pipa; to pull at … Netanyahu aún podría agregar que mientras Hamás tenga poder en Gaza y siga ganando terreno en la Margen Occidental, mientras la república. pull the strings definition: 1. to be in control of an organization, often secretly: 2. to be in control of an organization…. See authoritative translations of String-pulling in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Contextual translation of "pulling strings" into Spanish. This is not a good example for the translation above. There are sufficient indications, my good sir, There is of course a battle between large and small, between technocrats and democrats, between results-orientation and, bureaucracy, and everything revolves around the question of who, Existe, por supuesto, una lucha entre grandes y pequeños, entre tecnócratas y demócratas, entre la orientación por, los resultados y la burocracia, y todo gira e, (FR) Madam President, on behalf of the Members of Parliament who represent the Front national , the Vlaams Blok and the Movimento sociale italiano , I should like to ask the question: in this outrageous interference in internal Austrian affairs which the European Union has undertaken in contravention, of general international law, in contravention of the Treaties, in contravention of, (FR) Señora Presidenta, en nombre de los diputados del Frente Nacional, del Vlaams Blok y del Movimiento Social Italiano, planteo estas preguntas: en esta pasmosa injerencia interna a la que se ha entregado la Unión, Europea, violando el derecho internacional general, violando los Tratados, violando, Llorenç Barber, a master bell-ringer who researches different types of, Llorenç Barber, maestro campanero e investigad, In other words, the intention is to transform. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo.com! títeres al servicio de unos titiriteros ocultos que actúan en segundo plano. los instrumentos de cuerda noun. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. It is about a single father and struggling Mariachi singer who falls for a U.S. Embassy employee while seeking for a visa for his daughter. Many translated example sentences containing "pulling strings" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. subjugation of the United States, its next "president" will have no choice but to play a, Mientras el Sur de Corea 54 permanezca bajo el dominio de EE.UU. Get a pulling the string mug for your Facebook friend Trump. Translation for 'to pull strings' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. to string {verb} enristrar - encordar - desfibrar - enfilar - deshebrar. distributed among several levels and guarantees mutual support. figurative (be in control) manejar los hilos loc verb locución verbal : Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). This channel was generated automatically by YouTube's video discovery system. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English pull the/somebody’s strings pull the/somebody’s strings to control something or someone, especially when you are not the person who is supposed to be controlling them It was widely believed that Montagu was secretly pulling the strings behind the prime minister. strings translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'bass strings',string',string bag',string bean', examples, definition, conjugation Similar translations for "string-pulling" in Spanish string noun cordón - cordel - guita - rastra - rosario - seguidilla - bramante - mecate - pita - cáñamo - piolín - cinta - hilo - para cuerdas - para instrumentos de cuerda - sarta - hilo - ristra - sucesión - fila - hilera - serie - cadena - serie - sarta - retahíla - cuadra - grupo - cadena - hebra - hilo - cuerda Kingdom and Germany - that glosses over' its imperialist policies, and its interference and attacks on the sovereignty of States and peoples. Pulling Strings ( 2013) Pulling Strings. Translate String-pulling. figurative (use influence) mover los hilos expr expresión : Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o … An unsuccessful attempt on the part of a former Bulgarian politician to prevent the broadcast of a television report on corrupt customs officials has brought to light once again the dimensions of organised smuggling in Bulgaria, which lies on the border of the EU. Interestingly enough, the studio behind Derbez’ smash Instructions Not Included is releasing the new movie Pulling Strings this week, which places Camil in a starring role.He, along with his fellow castmates, recently spoke to us about the project. What does pulling strings expression mean? Official Trailer PULLING STRINGS - YouTube. instrumentos de cuerda. weapons - peace will remain as elusive as a mirage in the Judean Desert (which Hamas also claims). Cookies help us deliver our services. Controlling someone like a puppet. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. pull strings translate: pistonner. Parents need to know that Pulling Strings is a subtitled movie in Spanish that involves a night of excessive drinking at a work party and the ensuing chaos. Learn more. pulling strings phrase. Translate Strings. … strings. strings {plural} cadenas. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, As far as the assassinations in Russia are concerned, even the highly respected Neue Züricher Zeitung has stated quite clearly that there is not even a scrap of circumstantial evidence to show that it was Chechens who were responsible, and the Neue, Züricher Zeitung thinks that we are dealing here with rather dubious, Hasta el prestigioso Neue Züricher Zeitung expresó muy claramente que no existe el menor indicio de que los atentados cometidos en Rusia fuesen obra de chechenos y dicho, periódico opina que éstos tienen un trasfondo más bien dudoso y, Indeed, the EU often does not appear to know who, I would very much like to know whether you actually mean all of this seriously or whether, Me gustaría saber si realmente está usted convencido de todo esto o si hay, Any response to whining or crying, even punishment, shows that a child is in, al llanto, incluso el castigo, muestra al niño que él controla la, The crisis was the responsibility of the politicians who, La responsabilidad incumbe a los políticos qu. Jong y Mark van Bommel poniendo el músculo y el trabajo, bien podrían tener posibilidades de ajustar viejas cuentas. Los actores claves son aquellos que están, While you're watching the magician, that lovely innocent is actually, Mientras mira al mago, esa dulce inocente. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. pull the strings v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." Human translations with examples: tira, cables, string, cadena, cadenas, cordaje, "cadena", tira (hallazgo). Among the teams within this category are Group 2 leaders Korea Republic, who have found a couple of youngsters to follow in the, footsteps of Manchester United star Park Ji-Sung, with Ki Sung-Yueng and, Entre esas selecciones, ocupa un lugar primordial el líder del Grupo 2, la República de Corea, que ha encontrado a una pareja de jóvenes dispuestos a seguir los pasos de la, figura del Manchester United Park Ji-Sung, con Ki Sung-Yueng y Lee, Inaugural winner Nigeria, unlucky to drop their quarter-final on. Indeed, the EU often does not appear to know who it is actually funding and who is pulling its strings. Él siempre mueve los hilos de otros lugares, desde un lugar seguro. Translation for 'string-pulling' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Translate text from any application or website in just one click. (American English also pull ˈwires) (informal) use your influence in order to get an advantage for somebody: She doesn’t want me to pull any strings for her; she says she prefers to be offered a place on her own merit. Exact: 329. pulling the strings translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'pull ring',pull in',pulping',pummelling', examples, definition, conjugation to use one’s influence or that of others to gain an advantage tocar teclas, utilizar sus enchufes/influencias The politician was accused of pulling strings in order to get his girlfriend a British … How to say strings in Spanish. Elapsed time: 143 ms. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More, Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More, Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More. to pull strings translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'pull about',pull ahead',pull along',pull apart', examples, definition, conjugation The Spanish for pulling strings is mover palancas. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. We’ve already seen what an independent bilingual film has done for Eugenio Derbez’ career; so could the same be said for Jaime Camil? Spanish word for strings, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Translations in context of "strings" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: strings attached, pulling the strings, pull some strings, pulled some strings, a few strings The translation is wrong or of bad quality. El intento fallido de un líder político búlgaro de evitar la emisión de un informe televisivo que implicaba a funcionarios de aduanas corruptos ha mostrado una vez más la dimensión del contrabando organizado en las fronteras búlgaras de la UE, opina el criminólogo Tihomir Bezlov en el periódico 24 Chasa y reclama una. pull strings, to phrase. su "presidente", aunque sea, otra persona la que ocupe este lugar, no podrá menos que ser un títere que, De lo que yo he oído, parece que hay diferentes, Netanyahu may further argue that so long as Hamas wields power in Gaza and is making inroads on the West. pull strings translation in English-Spanish dictionary. Results: 329. a Francia, el Reino Unido y Alemania- que «blanquee» sus políticas imperialistas, así como su interferencia y sus ataques contra la soberanía de los Estados y de los pueblos. strings {noun} encordado - cuerdas - cordaje. Spanish Translation. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. See 24 authoritative translations of Strings in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. After a night of drinking, Rachel (Laura Ramsey), a diplomat working in Mexico City finds her world turned upside down after she's saved by Alejandro (Jaime Camil), a Mariachi singer whose visa was rejected the day before - by Rachel. paz seguirá siendo tan esquiva como un espejismo en el desierto de Judea - que Hamás también reclama. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "pulling strings". Pulling Strings, in theaters October 4th!Starring Jaime Camil, Omar Chaparro, Laura Ramsey, Stockard Channing, and Tom Arnold! He was actually the very last person entitled to get this second version of the Constitution adopted by Parliament, but these are the lengths that some, people will go to in order to draw attention to themselves and make themselves, En realidad era la última persona con derecho a promover la aprobación por parte del Parlamento de esta segunda versión de la Constitución, pero estos son los extremos hasta los que, están dispuestos algunos a llegar con el fin de llamar la atención sobre su persona. varios niveles y que garantiza el apoyo mutuo. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. More Spanish words for strings. ♢ I’m sure his uncle in the BBC must have pulled strings for him. He's safe and sound somewhere pulling the strings. Definition of pulling strings in the Idioms Dictionary. strings. sartas. Il servizio gratuito di Google traduce all'istante parole, frasi e pagine web tra l'italiano e più di 100 altre lingue. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. What does pull strings, to expression mean? George Bush the Second and friends are almost certainly. Learn how to say strings in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker. Pulling Strings (better known in Spanish as Amor a primera visa) is a 2013 bilingual and Mexican-American romantic comedy film directed by Pitipol Ybarra and starring Laura Ramsey and Jaime Camil. Definition of pull strings, to in the Idioms Dictionary. Parents need to know that Pulling Strings is a subtitled movie in Spanish that involves a night of excessive drinking at a work party and the ensuing chaos.Expect some sex-related banter and mild profanity ("ass"). pull strings v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Criminologist Tihomir Bezlov calls in the. ‘It's not the employees, it's the Government that is pulling the strings of employers.’ ‘In his view, this will make it possible for the ruling majority to pull the strings of the supervisory body.’ ‘Girls are the smart ones, they let the guys think they control the world, but they pull the strings.’ to string {transitive verb} ensartar - colgar - tender - ponerle cuerdas a - ponerle las cuerdas a - enhebrar - quitarle las hebras a. string {noun}

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