Find 33 ways to say polar, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 2 : of or relating to one or more poles (as of a magnet) 3 : serving as a guide a polar principle a polar theory. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary end points of a polar continuum, wherein a parameter progresses from one pole to its adversary. Contrary or opposed to something else. opposé polaire Find more words! polar enemy. completely different. Adjective. It is mathematically known as an antipodal point, or antipode when referring to the Earth. If you’re not good at handing arguments, this type of relationship may not be for you. Die Definition von polar opposite in Wordow Wörterbuch ist als: Gegenpol. polar opposites Love and hate are polar opposites. The virtuous man meets with more opposites and. → polar Examples from the Corpus polar opposite/extreme • CertainIV it should not accommodate its polar opposite. polar opposite: the complete opposite, opposite in every way WikiMatrix. Facing the other way; moving or tending away from each other: opposite directions. end points of a polar continuum, wherein a parameter progresses from one pole to its adversary. Such as Jeff is negative, cynical, jaded, unliked, and depressed where as Kat is his polar opposite, she's positive, optimistic, a little beam of sunshine, liked and happy. Two great circles always intersect at two polar opposite points. 4 : diametrically opposite polar positions on the issue. Opposite definition is - set over against something that is at the other end or side of an intervening line or space. 1832 June, Allan Cunningham, "The Maid of Elvar," Blackwoods Magazine, p. 998 (Google preview) : Rusticity and Urbanity are polar opposites —and there lie between many million modes of Manners. 2. Find 33 ways to say polar, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Aquarius is original, independent, low-disciplined, indulgent, flexible and fraternal. It is also an idiom often used to describe people and ideas that are opposites. Adjective. 18 examples: The polar opposite situation is one in which the transition follows a more… opponents than any other. The idea of polar suggests equal opposites. Arguing is a healthy part of any relationship, but if you’re dating your polar opposite they’re going to be an ongoing part of your relationship, too. Antonyms for polar include ardent, blazing, boiling, broiling, burning, fervent, fervid, fiery, glowing and hot. 1. POLAR OPPOSITES: "Polar opposites are commonly referred to in terms of individuals, that are part of a couple, who are said to be very different in traits and interests. most important respects. that which is conspicuously different in most important respects. That means our microfiber is nearly 20% better than most other products on the market. POLAR OPPOSITES: "Polar opposites are commonly referred to in terms of individuals, that are part of a couple, who are said to be very different in traits and interests." against. What are the Psychological Causes Of Bed-Wetting? n. very opposite. Polar opposite bedding is made out of an ultra high 105 gsm microfiber. examples. Entropy is the polar opposite describing a system's movement towards chaos, disease or disorder. antilogy. Two great circles always intersect at two polar opposite points. most important respects. WikiMatrix. down. What does polar opposite mean? In geology sedimentation is often used as the polar opposite of erosion, i.e., the terminal end of sediment transport. antonyms. [1913 Webster] polar opposite that which is conspicuously different in. Most manufacturers use an inferior and cheaper 90 gsm. opposite Their two daughters may look alike, but they are completely opposite to one another. [1913 Webster] polar opposite that which is conspicuously different in. down. The polar opposite behaviour of Leo and Aquarius makes them opposed in the same way as it draws them together. opponents than any other. Examples of polar opposite in a sentence, how to use it. polar opposite Definitions. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. The series was originally ordered as 2 seasons consisting of 8 episodes each. Solar Opposites is an American adult animated sitcom created by Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland and Mike McMahan for Hulu. How to use opposite in a sentence. Definition of polar opposite in the dictionary. Grammatisch, dieses idiom "polar opposite" ist ein substantive, genauer gesagt, ein zählbare nomen. --Landor. - such as the polar points (North and South) are directly opposite each other on the earth's surface and do not meet or overlap at all. 5 : exhibiting polarity especially : having a dipole or characterized by molecules having dipoles a polar … en.wiktionary.2016 [noun] The complete opposite, opposite in every way. Meaning of polar opposite. Polar-opposite meaning The complete opposite, opposite in every way. For example, the North and South Poles are at opposite ends of the planet, and both are equally glacial, or very cold, which, by the way, is another meaning of polar. Of course opposites attract in the astrology world! Polar opposites tend to communicate differently, so it's important you guys have top-notch communication skills and work on strengthening them throughout the course of your relationship. Placed or located directly across from something else or from each other: opposite sides of a building. How to say polar opposite in French. The opposites of this day's strife. polar adjective (OPPOSITE) Polar opposites are complete opposites: The novel deals with the polar opposites of love and hate. • No such inhibitions stunt the growth of the rag trade at the polar opposite point from the basking Sloanes. Understand polar opposites meaning … Scents For Helping With Relaxation & Depression. Leo is a generous one, with overflowing vitality, ambitious, authoritarian, endowed with great self-confidence and a desire to be recognized. Contrary or opposed to something else. power definitions. polar opposites definition in English dictionary, polar opposites meaning, synonyms, see also 'polar axis',polar bear',polar body',polar circle'. The opposition may pull you out of the comfort zone, but also inspires you to reach for new goals. Opposite of very low or below average in temperature (geography) Opposite of of, relating to, measured from, or referred to a geographic pole Opposite of directly opposite in character or tendency (of the air or wind) Opposite of extremely cold We wouldn't have it any other way. The next line - I think it says that problems are negative things but people don't like problems, so it makes us positive (since problems … If you’re not down for being a little uncomfortable at times, a relationship with your polar opposite won’t really work. 2. Show declension of polar opposite ) Example sentences with "polar opposite", translation memory. definitions., TASMIN Glass's shattered appearance yesterday in the dock at Edinburgh High Court is the, Haris, played by Danish Taimoor a free willed guy who seems to be the, While one seemed to welcome horizontal bowhunters, the other two seemed to be the, For a couple that love each other so much, we couldn't have more, On the contrary, party chiefs' ridicule of and allegations against each other reveal their revulsion of each other a trait that is the, Brad Cooke was sent off for the home team, but the second half was the, In this week's edition, Gregg Wallace and Chris Bavin are off to Chelmsford in Essex, where newlyweds Mandy and Adie's, The Lowland is centered around two brothers born just fifteen months apart, who in the 1960s are drawn to, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, 'Mera Rab Waris' hooked with its first episode, Why Kate Middleton And Meghan Markle Are 'Polar Opposites', Laird left all at sea; HALLMARK LEAGUE PREMIER, Polar Operational Meteorological Satellite, Polar Orbiting Satellite System designed by University of Michigan, Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler. Wie man das Wort polar opposite zu definieren? polar opposites synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'polarity',popular',popularly',popularity', definition. n. Despite their boss-employee relationship and polar-opposite personalities, the two develop a romance that she say brings up a lot about each other — good and bad. . ", Cite this page: N., Pam M.S., "POLAR OPPOSITES," in, Water and oil do not mix because water is polar and oil is non-polar. The series debuted on May 8, 2020. polar opposite/extreme something that is the complete or exact opposite of something else Ortega’s cheerful landscapes are the polar opposites of Miller’s dark, troubled portraits. quotations . People still feel that pull, that urge that makes you want to get to know someone better, the feeling that makes you hang onto their every word, to reach out and…well, you get the idea. Opposites Attract In Astrology. The complete opposite to one another. 1 a : set over against something that is at the other end or side of an intervening (see intervene sense 4) line or space opposite interior angles opposite ends of a diameter ‘Filmmakers' hours are the exact polar opposite of musician's hours: filmmaking begins early in the morning and ends when the sun goes down.’ ‘Now, so soon after that, we get the polar opposite.’ ‘But something close to the polar opposite has now occurred.’ ‘At first blush, the two appear to be polar opposites.’ However, when you date your polar opposite, you’ll be thrust into a different world completely. WikiMatrix. --Shak. a bahuvrihi referring to hypothetical people living on the opposite side of the Earth. site (ŏp′ə-zĭt) adj. Polar opposites view life differently. Information and translations of polar opposite in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. French Translation. 3. Meaning of polar opposite for the defined word. polar opposite. 2. synonyms. Outward appearances emphasize the polar opposite of this structure: living organic growth in communion and competition with all of surrounding nature. Originally created for the Fox Broadcasting Company, the project was shelved, then bought by Hulu. Polar opposites typically refer to two peoples’ personality traits. Synonym Discussion of opposite. Find more opposite words at! - in chemistry, there is "polarity', which has to do with atomic structure. A polar opposite is the diametrically opposite point of a circle or sphere. It sounds like they're opponents, but the urge to reconcile these opposites leads to stretching -- going beyond your known limits. Since the Zodiac wheel has 360 degrees, the polar sign is the one at 180 degrees in opposition. translation and definition "polar opposite", Dictionary English-English online. en.wiktionary.2016 [noun] plural of [i]polar opposite[/i] Example sentences with "polar opposites", translation memory . n. # difference. translation and definition "polar opposites", Dictionary English-English online. similar meaning. See also: Opposite Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. Life Unexpected's Caulfield: Emma Is In a Pressure Cooker and Baze Lifts the Lid Up. Noun. Contexts. Lists. opposite meaning. Another way to say Polar Opposite? • Strickland was their polar opposite-- an irresponsible teammate and anti-leader. polar opposite synonyms, polar opposite pronunciation, polar opposite translation, English dictionary definition of polar opposite. What Are The Side Effects Of Oxygen Therapy? The opposites of this day's strife. As you can see those are evidences that "polar opposites don't push away". WikiMatrix. Constance will also shine new light on the polar-opposite upbringings of our leading ladies. A person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. that which is conspicuously different in most important respects. The virtuous man meets with more opposites and. Also the part of day that's not as good as the rest, "hi-fi gods" and their LOWriders (gods reside up in heaven but these hi-fi gods love their car LOW to the ground), still opposites that don't push away. antipode. --Shak. polar opposites Definitions. That which is opposed or contrary in character or meaning; as, sweetness and its opposite; up is the opposite of. How to pronounce polar opposite? Polar Opposites synonyms - 26 Words and Phrases for Polar Opposites. The term is taken up by Aristotle (De caelo 308a.20), Strabo, Plutarch and Diogenes Laërtius, and was adopted into Latin as antipodes.The Latin word changed its sense from the original "under the feet, opposite side" to "those with the feet opposite", i.e. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. --Landor. polar opposites definition in English dictionary, polar opposites meaning, synonyms, see also 'polar axis',polar bear',polar body',polar circle'. You’ll be picking little fights here and there simply because your opinions and tastes differ so much. polar opposite ( plural polar opposites ) The complete opposite, opposite in every way. • However, the life-cycle savings model is the polar opposite case from pure classical savings. #4 You’ll introduce them to new things and vice versa. Synonyms for Polar Opposite (other words and phrases for Polar Opposite). That which is opposed or contrary in character or meaning; as, sweetness and its opposite; up is the opposite of. Combine that with our comfortable 200 gsm fleece and you know you're getting high quality bedding. Define polar opposite.
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