"@id": "https://staterequirement.com/pennsylvania-insurance-renewal/" Applicant must hold an active renewable license in Pennsylvania and an active equivalent license for the requested lines of authority (LOAs) in Pennsylvania. } However, in order to avoid your application being returned, you must include a cover letter explaining why you are unable to apply online. StateRequirement is not affiliated with any state, government, or licensing body. 310.8(e), will temporarily waive CE requirements for licensees who cannot meet requirements due to extenuating circumstances related to COVID-19. "name": "Computer with internet connection" For continuing education courses and credits, StateRequirement recommends: If you have a producer license in more than one line of authority (ex. Don't just study, PASS your course! No partial renewals are allowed. Instead, classroom courses may be offered via internet based webinar format. The online courses usually require a reading of the subject at hand, then a test at the end. Help keep people safe in their communities and on Pennsylvania's roads "name": "How To Renew Your Insurance License in Pennsylvania", Any and all renewal requirements, including CE, are still applicable and the Department will work with licensees once COVID-19 has been contained to meet these requirements. Renewing your vehicle and/or trailer registration can, in most cases, be completed online, at any of PennDOT's On-Line Messenger services or through the mail.. To renew online you will need your plate number, title number, insurance information, and a valid credit card. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website | When readers purchase services discussed on our site, we often earn affiliate commissions that support our work. Government that Works. Please note an NPN is assigned within 48-72 hours of licensure. STATE CONTACT INFORMATION. Pennsylvania State License Division Information. Public Adjuster Lapsed License Renewal Fee: $400 RENEWING YOUR VEHICLE AND/OR TRAILER REGISTRATION. For non-resident individual producers, the license may simply expire by disregarding the renewal invoice. Pennsylvania Insurance Continuing Education. COVID-19 Continuing Education and Licensing Renewal Information. Welcome to the Pennsylvania Licensing System (PALS) PALS can help you apply for, renew, and check your professional license. Please Note: Due to the COVID-19 public health threat, the Pennsylvania Insurance Department has waived proctoring requirements for self-study online courses until further notice. LICENSE RENEWAL Licensees will renew their license through Sircon and pay all renewal fees by the due dates or the license will lapse. State Insurance Department Bulletins. "name": "How To Renew Your Insurance License", An operator who fails to renew their certification cannot make process control decisions after the expiration date. Renew an Existing License. Inspectors may renew their certification by passing the required examination within 180 days of their expiration. Applicants cannot renew or reinstate license day 61 through day 63 after expiration date (may apply on day 64). "width": 164, For non-resident individual producers, the license may simply expire by disregarding the renewal invoice. Lapsed licenses cannot be renewed online at this time. "@type": "ListItem", 310.8(e), will temporarily extend the licensing renewal deadline for licensees impacted by extenuating circumstances related to COVID-19. A $3.00 service fee applies. Benefit from automatic licensing updates, renewal reminders, and direct access to the most up to date regulatory requirements and producer information. Check out StateRequirement Jobs - a job board just for insurance professionals |, Find what it takes to become a real estate agent |. "totalTime": "PT10080M", }, "height": 35 You will still need to pay the license renewal fee for non-resident licenses held in other states. How to Renew a Pennsylvania Insurance License. Lapsed License Renewal Fee: $165. While the Insurance Department strongly encourages licensees to renew their licenses by the due date, as well as take advantage of online CE courses, we understand that at this time, the circumstances related to COVID-19 may prevent some licensees from being able to renew their licenses or complete CE requirements in time. All CE requirements must be satisfied before your license can be reinstated. }, Renewal applications are available no sooner than 90 days prior to your license-expiry date and no later than 60 calendar days following your license-expiry date. "description": "Step-by-step instructions on how to renew your insurance license in Pennsylvania. There is no requirement to take another exam from the state, though depending on the format of your continuing education, it is possible that you may take a short knowledge test at the end of the course to be sure that you understand important insurance concepts, laws, and regulations. "@type": "ListItem", The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has limited ability to waive CE requirements on an individual basis under Act 147 of 2002. New applicants who apply online can verify their information on the PA website once the license is issued. The South 70th Street Photo License Center at 2904 S. 70th St., Unit 8, Philadelphia, will close early at 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 9. "@type": "HowToStep", Welcome to the Pennsylvania Licensing System (PALS) PALS can help you apply for, renew, and check your professional license. Written by: Ethan Peyton | Updated: March 1, 2021, { } { "name": "StateRequirement", INSURANCE PRODUCER AND TITLE AGENT LAPSED LICENSE RENEWAL FORM For fastest processing, submit your reinstatement online at www.nipr.com or www.sircon.com/pennsylvania. "@type": "Organization", Use the following online searches to verify that you are dealing with a licensed insurance company and/or professional: In light of the COVID-19 spread in this Commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Insurance Department ("Departmentâ) issues this notice to all licensees of this Department. The Department of Insurance requires agents to pay a $110 fine if continuing education is not completed within the renewal period. State Insurance Department Bulletins. Extenuating circumstances, such as military service, must be well documented in order for CE requirements to be waived. The license renewal fee is $55. COVID-19 Updates. "dateModified": "2020-07-17" Licenses within the late renewal cycle window will remain in active status beginning the day after license expiration and continue until 60 days after expiration. If you hold a license in Pennsylvania, use the License Number/National Producer Number Inquiry to find your NPN today. The State of Pennsylvania requires that resident individual licensees complete twenty-four (24) credit hours of continuing education every two-year renewal period. Address: Pennsylvania Insurance Department Bureau of Licensing and Enforcement 1209 Strawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 Phone: 717.787.3840 option 3 Fax: 717.787.8553 Email: [email protected] Providers previously approved for classroom training do not need to contact the Department to offer courses via webinar. Wonder what your National Producer Number (NPN) is? The board sends a renewal application 60 days prior to the expiration date. "image": "https://staterequirement.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/How-to-Renew-Your-Insurance-License-in-Pennsylvania.png", "name": "StateRequirement" All Pennsylvania licensees: print your license from the PA website at www.insurance.pa.gov/licensees. Applicants renewing the following license classes may renew from expiration date until 60 days after expiration date. While the Insurance Department strongly encourages licensees to renew their licenses by the due date via electronic means such as Sircon and NIPR, as well as take advantage of online CE courses, we understand that at this time, the circumstances related to COVID-19 may prevent some licensees from being able to renew their licenses or complete CE requirements in time. You may obtain your own license history by using the Check Your Status with a State service. You may take your continuing education courses either in person in a classroom setting or online as a self-paced course. Beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, all in person classroom continuing education (CE) approved by the Department is temporarily suspended due to the circumstances related to COVID-19. New applicants who apply online can verify their information on the PA website once the license is issued. The Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs offers prospective licensees the opportunity to apply for initial licensure, current licensees the opportunity to renew their license, and licensees, employers and the general public the opportunity to conduct searches of licensed professionals via our secure PALS website. In response to the COVID-19 spread in the Commonwealth and pursuant to 40 P.S. easiest way to manage your personal compliance, ensure that your agency and agents are authorized to sell, Check the Status of a Renewal/Reinstatement, Change an Individual Address, Name or Email Address, License Number/National Producer Number Inquiry, https://www.insurance.pa.gov/Licensees/MaintainYourLicense/Documents/Letter_of_Clearance_Request_Form.pdf. }. We encourage you to take advantage of our online resources to renew your license. You can view your current accrued CE credits using the Pennsylvania State Information Center Insurance Licensing Search and Renewal tool. You may verify approved continuing education or pre-licensing education courses and course providers, use the Look up Education Courses or Transcript service and then click on "Approved Courses Inquiry". Additionally, Sircon’s Renew or Reinstate a License is available to insurance agents, brokers, and adjusters who previously used the service as an on-time renewal but were not able to renew their license because not all of the requirements to renew were met prior to the license expiration date. To the extent that education providers have currently approved online CE courses, the Department encourages you to utilize these programs to continue to provide producers with CE. Information on lapsed license can be found here. While each individual licensee has the responsibility to ensure that his or her license is current, renewal notices are sent out approximately 60 days prior to your present license expiration date. ", "description": "Renewing your insurance license in Pennsylvania is easy! Different states can have very different requirements, so insurance continuing education programs vary widely from one state to another. "position": 2, Apply Online. "@type": "Organization", "estimatedCost": { The PA Insurance Department no longer mails paper licenses. Renewal Public Adjuster Fee: $200. "supply": { In light of the COVID-19 spread in this Commonwealth, the Pennsylvania Insurance Department ("Department”) issues this notice to all licensees of this Department. After 60 days, the license status will change to inactive. DO NOT submit a clearance letter request form, as it will be returned. When readers purchase services discussed on our site, we often earn affiliate commissions that support our work. "@type": "WebPage", Renewal is determined by the expiration date of the license. No partial renewals are allowed. We encourage you to take advantage of our online resources to renew your license. 310.8(e), the Pennsylvania Insurance Department is extending the licensing renewal deadline until further notice. ... License Renewals Renewal applications are typically opened 30-60 days prior to expiration dates. 3/25/20: View temporary changes to licensing requirements from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. "name": "Insurance Continuing Education Course" Resident Business Entities - All resident business entities must obtain name approval from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and then register with the Pennsylvania Department of State. If you are unable to apply online, you have the option of using a paper application from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. To request a letter of clearance, obtain a request form from the Department's website here: https://www.insurance.pa.gov/Licensees/MaintainYourLicense/Documents/Letter_of_Clearance_Request_Form.pdf. "currency": "USD", }, Your renewed license is available within 24 hours after your license has been renewed. After you have completed your continuing education and you are within 60 days of your license expiration, you may renew your Pennsylvania insurance license online by using the Pennsylvania State Information Center Insurance Licensing Search and Renewal tool or the National Insurance Producer Registry Resident Licensing tool. "headline": "How To Renew Your Insurance License In Pennsylvania - PA License Renewal", If your license is inactive or you require a complete license history, you must submit a written request to the Department along with a $25 fee (check or money order, payable to the Commonwealth of PA). This must be done within one year from the date of expiration of the license. "@type": "ImageObject", "tool": { Review the following Licensing Tips for additional information related to your licensing process. Renewal is determined by the expiration date of the license. ... License Renewals Renewal applications are typically opened 30-60 days prior to expiration dates. Once this process is complete your license will be renewed and your new expiration date will be two years from your previous expiration date. Licenses within the late renewal cycle window will remain in active status beginning the day after license expiration and continue until 60 days after expiration. Pennsylvania Insurance CE License Renewal Timelines: Pennsylvania insurance continuing education compliance date is the license issuance date; which is every 2 years. The Center will reopen at normal business hours on Wednesday, March 10. COVID-19 Updates. - Updated July 2020", "@type": "MonetaryAmount", ", "publisher": { The fees will be higher if you have a motorcycle endorsement. While the Department strongly encourages licensees to take advantage of online CE courses, we understand that at this time, the circumstances related to COVID-19 may prevent some licensees from being able to complete CE requirements in time for their licensing renewal. We've built an insurance-focused job board to agencies and insurance companies find great employees. Filing Fee: Sircon charges a fee of $5.00 per course to report your credit hours. What license classes are required? "item": "https://staterequirement.com/pennsylvania-insurance-renewal/" The cost for renewing your PA driver's license and the renewal period will depend on your age: Under 65 years old: $30.50, valid for 4 years. }] With a Sircon solution, you get instant insight and management of all your most current credential information in one location, 24/7. "image": "https://staterequirement.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Education.png", Renewal notices are sent approximately 60 days prior to your present license expiration date. "@type": "HowTo", Initial Resident and Non-Resident Public Adjuster Fee: $200. 310.8(e), the Pennsylvania Insurance Department is extending the licensing renewal deadline until further notice. 3. 3/01/21: PA issued Notice 2021-02, announcing the discontinuation of extensions for licensing renewal deadlines and CE due to COVID-19 effective May 14, 2021. "@context": "https://schema.org/", "text": "Complete your insurance continuing education course. The renewal letter directed the technician to a website to register and a toll-free number. For more information, please contact your state's authority on insurance. "item": "https://staterequirement.com/insurance-licensing/" All certified operators must renew their certificate every three years. RENEWING YOUR VEHICLE AND/OR TRAILER REGISTRATION. "@context": "https://schema.org/", Property & Casualty and Life & Health), you do not need to complete double the hours. If this is the state you reside in, then renewing your license will also keep any non-resident license you have in good standing. 65 years old and older: $20, valid for 2 years. Please make sure you allow enough time for processing. You should, however, print a copy of this certificate to keep in your records just in case there is a dispute later. Please refer to your license for your specific expiration date. Applicant must renew all active lines of authority. "@type": "HowToTool", Information on this page has been gathered by a multitude of sources and was most recently updated in November 2020. "datePublished": "2019-09-26", Renewing your vehicle and/or trailer registration can, in most cases, be completed online, at any of PennDOT's On-Line Messenger services or through the mail.. To renew online you will need your plate number, title number, insurance information, and a valid credit card. "value": "110" The PA Insurance Department no longer mails paper licenses. }] "@type": "HowToSupply", Please make sure you allow enough time for processing. "url": "https://staterequirement.com/pennsylvania-insurance-license#step2" },{ After 60 days, the license status will change to inactive. To renew your license, you'll need to complete your renewal application and pay renewal fees online. "@type": "HowToStep", OLMs may charge an additional fee to process. Licenses within the late renewal cycle window will remain in active status beginning the day after license expiration and continue until 60 days after expiration. Renew Your Insurance License In Pennsylvania After you have completed your continuing education and you are within 60 days of your license expiration, you may renew your Pennsylvania insurance license online by using the Pennsylvania State Information Center Insurance Licensing Search and Renewal tool or the National Insurance Producer Registry Resident Licensing tool . The License Renewal Period for Pennsylvania Licensed Agents begins 60 Days prior to their Expiration Date. "itemListElement": [{ It is required that you update your address with the Board within 14 days of any change. In order to maintain your license, the appropriate renewal fee must be paid. "@type": "Article", "@context": "https://schema.org", Learn More. }, This unique identifying number is assigned to licensed individuals by the NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) and most states now use it for various licensing purposes. State Insurance Department Updates. How to Renew a Pennsylvania Insurance License. "@type": "BreadcrumbList", Any Information on this site is not guaranteed or warranted to be correct, accurate, or up to date. Applicant must hold an active renewable license and an active equivalent license for the requested lines of authority (LOAs) in Pennsylvania. Surplus lines license applicant must have an active non-resident Pennsylvania producer license with property & allied lines and casualty & allied LOAs prior to applying. Individuals age 65 or older have the option of renewing their license every two years, instead of standard four years. "name": "Continuing Education", Please refer to your license for your specific expiration date. Pennsylvania Insurance DepartmentBureau of Licensing and Enforcement1227 Strawberry SquareHarrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120, Website: https://www.insurance.pa.gov/Licensees/Pages/default.aspx. For a free continuing education transcript, use the Lookup Education Courses or Transcript service and then click on "Continuing Education Transcript Inquiry". StateRequirement and its members and affiliates are not responsible for any losses, monetary or otherwise. Find the perfect job in your industry today! In response to the COVID-19 spread in the Commonwealth and pursuant to 40 P.S. Upon completion of these courses, the company who you took the course should send the certificate of completion directly to the state. Renewing an insurance license in your state, or other states in which you may have interest in doing business is not difficult, if you know what to … Applicant must renew all active lines of authority. StateRequirement Jobs is a specialized jobs board for licensed professionals like you. A notice for renewal will be sent biennially prior to the expiration date of the current license or certification. "image": "https://staterequirement.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/How-to-Renew-Your-Insurance-License-in-Pennsylvania.png", Applicant may reapply for a new license electronically one year after license expiration. }, "url": "https://staterequirement.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Logo-Horizonatal-blue-gray-e1531793774756.png", Information on this page has been gathered by a multitude of sources and was most recently updated in July 2020. Licensees are encouraged to monitor www.insurance.pa.gov/licensees for periodic licensure updates. You may check the status of your continuing education compliance. }, ", Resident Producer Agency licenses renew biennially by original issue date. Receive a 10% discount on courses and tools to help you pass your upcoming exams. Review the following Licensing Tips for additional information related to your licensing process. In anticipation of these concerns, beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 the Department, pursuant to 40 P.S. Note: only current, active information will be provided. Your renewed license is available within 24 hours after your license has been renewed. Therefore, until further notice, the Commissioner of the Commonwealth, pursuant to 40 P.S. PennDOT sends an Invitation to Renew (DL60A/DL60R) to each driver three months prior to license expiration. Insurance continuing education (also known as insurance CE) is required for insurance producers in states with license renewal education requirements, most often on an annual or biennial basis. Just follow these simple steps. In Pennsylvania, insurance licenses expire every one to two years, depending on the license. A $25 fee (check or money order, payable to the Commonwealth of PA) is required to surrender/inactivate the license. DO NOT submit a clearance letter request form, as it will be returned. However, it is the responsibility of each licensee to ensure that their licenses are current and do not lapse. Failure to receive the notice for renewal will not relieve you of the responsibility of renewing your license by the expiration date. Please be prepared and stay ahead by renewing early to avoid any delays or disruptions to your license. Please be prepared and stay ahead by renewing early to avoid any delays or disruptions to your license. Surplus lines license applicant must have an active non-resident Pennsylvania producer license with property & allied lines and casualty & allied LOAs prior to applying. "mainEntityOfPage": { To cancel a line of authority, please contact the state at 717-787-3840, option 3, or [email protected] for guidance. Pennsylvania State Information Center Insurance Licensing Search and Renewal, National Insurance Producer Registry Resident Licensing tool, https://www.insurance.pa.gov/Licensees/Pages/default.aspx, Get tips and tricks to ace your insurance exam |, Take a pre-license course to prepare for the test |, Get 10% off your pre-license or continuing education course |, Learn what it takes to become an insurance agent |, Learn about securities licensing for insurance agents |, Find CE requirements for insurance agents |, Looking for a new position? If you don’t know your insurance license number, you can inquire online through the Pennsylvania State Information Center. Applicant may reapply for a new license electronically one year after license expiration. "text": "Apply for your license renewal on the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance website. 3/01/21: PA issued Notice 2021-02, announcing the discontinuation of extensions for licensing renewal deadlines and CE due to COVID-19 effective May 14, 2021. Fees to Renew Your PA Driver's License . "url": "https://staterequirement.com/pennsylvania-insurance-license#step1" Renew "position": 1, "image": "https://staterequirement.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Renewal.png", The License Renewal Period for Pennsylvania Licensed Agents begins 60 Days prior to their Expiration Date. } { State Insurance Department Updates. Providers and licensees are encouraged to monitor www.insurance.pa.gov/licensees for periodic licensure updates. "name": "How To Renew Your Insurance License in Pennsylvania", },{ 3/25/20: View temporary changes to licensing requirements from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department. "name": "Renew Your Pennsylvania Insurance License", "author": { Pennsylvania Insurance Department Phone: 717-787-3840 Fax: 717-787-8553 "step": [{ This form is to be used only when you will be obtaining resident producer licensure in a new state. Depending on which license you hold your license may renew biennially or annually. To cancel a line of authority, please contact the state at 717-787-3840, option 3, or [email protected] for guidance. "logo": { The Department understands that this will necessarily impact licensees who are either renewing their licenses or preparing to renew their licenses.
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