Jethro Tull Stand up I thought the list was overall pretty good. Savoy Brown “Looking In” The toilet on the original cover of If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears also proved to be a no-no in 1966. i think what’s going on here is some of these albums became really popular hence the covers became somewhat iconic. E Pluribus Funk (a da moeda): Grand Funk Railroad…, Good selection. Nothing to much iconic about that selection, where is Symarips Skinhead Moonstomp cover, now that itself is well known for all old BootBoys old and new, Budgie – Squawk UFO – “Phenomenon” If you have sergeant pepper’s then you should have we’re only in it for the money by the Mothers of Invention. Candy-O is one of the two best uses of pin-up art on a rock record, along with…. The Gimmick- Covers of the 60s and 70s, and Storm Thorgerson’s “Hipgnosis”- Designs ranks very near the top, I’d say! Barnes’s sensual figures and jubilant dancers reflected the carnal nature of Gaye’s 1976 album. Huge selection of 500,000 tabs. PiL’s follow-up to their famous Metal Box cover was even more effective, showing non-performing bandmember Jeanette Lee with a rose in her teeth, a weapon in her hand, and a murderous look in her eyes. Then he discovered Khan's videos. Anyway, the WCAOD cover is lot more iconic than quite a few of those 100 covers in that dumb review. Basically any Genesis cover could’ve made it here. How about some love for the greatest live album ever recorded? Bandleader Cyril Jordan’s terrific comic art has turned up on numerous The Flamin’ Groovies covers and posters over the decades. It should, however, have been pictured with the “Belly-Belt”. is not only a thrilling read, it's proof that one ordinary person, with the right combination of character and determination, really … CD size artwork is just too small. That means that all the students have to be at the same place at the same time. My Hero Academia's world is an expansive one, and a potential video game could have Izuku could wander that world while fighting crime in style. A single (and rather difficult) electrical engineering course from MIT attracted 155,000 students this past spring, and Coursera, a Mountain View, Calif.-based startup that hosts classes from 33 different universities (and received $16 million in venture funding earlier this year), claims 1.7 million people have signed up for at least one of its courses. Rick Griffin artwork ! Since people were already using LPs to store and clean marijuana, the Airplane gave you a cardboard box holder for it, along with the pot, or at least a realistic-looking photo. ", Watch: One Teacher. Roger Dean was a genius. Ian Dury – New Boots and Panties (how the hell did you miss this ?) The most interesting development in Cover Art through the 20th century on the other hand; happened in the Classical genre, where either photo of Performer in Penguin-Suit / Evening Dress or a Romantic Landscape Painting were the strict code, definitely loosened up by the late 80s and forward up to our time. "Maybe I could reach a billion people. "What gets exciting is that you can imagine a lot of differentiation of teacher roles in the future," says Michael Horn, coauthor with Clayton Christensen and Curtis Johnson of Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns . No Peter Saville or Vaughan Oliver works? It was their party; you could join if they let you. Class time once reserved for lectures would be devoted to mentoring and one-on-one tutoring. When you walked into a record store, you could see this album clear across the room. What are you trying to prove? Metallica’s trademark mix of shock value and social commentary had few better expressions than this image of a modern take on Lady Justice for their 1988 album …And Justice For All. OMG – Where are the judges? I’d suggest the cover with the red/yellow profile picture of Hendrix which was used in North America. Some good covers in there but all subjective and hard to disconnect with the music the covers represent. Anyone who was or is a fan of Supertramp needs to see Roger’s show – it’s fantastic – his voice is incredible and what a band he has. Exactly! How could Music From Big Pink by the Band not be on here? some of these covers are just bands posing. Einstürzende Neubauten – Strategies Against Architecture Juicy Lucy? Cool list. Shouldn’t Jean-Michel Jarre’s Oxygene be in that list? Great Selection, with a bit of a bias for British and U. S. Productions. Nico – The Marble Index Why never name the covers artists? Walking a razor-thin line between exploitation and cultural commentary was the Geto Boys’ modus operandi, and nothing exemplified this dynamic more than their 1991 LP cover. "If you can put a chunk of that product--not all of it, but a lot of it--through a pipe and get it to people directly, it's inevitable. But like the good revolutionaries they are, the entrepreneurs on the front lines either dismiss that history as irrelevant or read something entirely different into it. If there was nothing new, Salman Khan wouldn't have hundreds of millions of views.". All these covers are DOPE. The fact that it looked remarkably low budget only made it funkier. A good cover became a great one the moment when a bored Johnny Ramone decided to give the photographer the finger. ", Khan is nonplussed. You may want to reconsider Yellow Submarine – by Heinz Edelman – (not Peter Max) and Hot Rats by Cal Schenkel. TOUGH CHOICES! I agree! John Riley, an Irish immigrant soldier recruited in the American army during the Mexican-American War faces anti This Reagan-era concept album makes its visual point by using a photo of Beatles records being burned that followed John Lennon’s “more popular than Jesus” remarks. Roger Hodgson’s title track is as fresh today as when it was released. i’m thinking of ACDC’s back in black, come on, it’s hardly a great cover. Sporting a photo of JS Bach with a Moog synthesizer, Wendy Carlos’ pioneering electronic album Switched-On Bach was unlike anything people had seen (or heard) before in 1968. John Cale – Walking on Locusts It's Benchmark. It’s probably responsible for more teenage boys wanting to join the high school band and more trumpet sales than any other single event. Deceptive Bends and Kansas Left Overture to name a few.. ELO – Out of the Blue I grew up shopping in the vinyl era, and there were so many great covers then. why on earth is Ian Dury & The Blockheads ‘Do It Yourself’ not on that list and covers like Madness and Elvis Costello are? My first album (x2) that my Grandma bought me cause I told her I liked it; Mom was not pleased when I opened it at XMas and played LOUD! The reason? I do not know where you culled the images for this article, but whoever was responsible is clearly a dunderhead. With education several things were needed that until this decade hadn't materialized: widespread broadband, low content costs (both creation and distribution) and rapidly proliferating mobile devices. Dylan’s Highway 61 Revisited belongs – Self Portrait doesn’t. Anyone still interested in this old thread? Steely Dan – “The Royal Scam”. Those schools were dedicated to teaching citizens the three Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic), with the secondary, more cynical, objective of creating a docile working class accustomed to submitting to authority. Eric Clapton – 461 Ocean Blvd Very much so, any album cover from Yes shoild be there. Agreed! The London Howlin’ Wolf Sessions…Clapton, Winwood, Wyman, Watts all on the cover. You omitted both Argus & New England by Wishbone Ash. That came to mind immediately. Ian Dury New Boots and Panties I read, write and think for a living, can mate you in less than 30, but can't break 100 for the life of me. Violent Femmes “Hallowed Ground” is another. C’mon – it devaluates this list! Whenever hip-hop started to take itself too seriously, ODB was there to disrupt, agitate, and give the middle finger to convention. Just the album cover, not necessarily the vinyl. I think Sakis Gouzonis’s first album, “First Contact,” belongs here as well. Some for consideration…. It was first issued as a double A-side single with "Day Tripper" in December 1965. Quicksilver Happy Trails not in the top 100 ? It’s fair that the cover was a little mysterious since the songs revealed everything else. T Rex electric warrior. Can’t believe some of what they entered….but I think Styx’s “Equinox & Grand Illusion” along with Pink Floyd’s “Wish You Were Here” And Kansas’s “Audio Visions, Song For America, & Leftoverature” were neat album artwork/photography. Albums like ABBA Greatest Hit Volume One and Arrival are very classic look or Super Trouper could be easily picked. The brilliance of the novel is Orwell's pre Among the seminal texts of the 20th century, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a rare work that grows more haunting as its futuristic purgatory becomes more real. The great thing about the Blondie Parallel Lines cover isn’t just the black-and-white composition but the way Debbie Harry (the only one not smiling) exudes power, while all the guys look a bit goofy. Can think of twenty more pieces of art that deserve to be here. You’d think this list was made in the 1950s. Example: ANYTHING by either Storm Thorgerson, Hipgnosis or Roger Dean as an album cover deserves consideration. Glad to see the original Electric Ladyland cover. Carole King – Tapestry Yes, the Beatles were a brilliant band, the springboard for EVERYTH8NG THAT CAME AFTER. Model Barbara Cheeseborough’s screaming visage on the cover captured the swirling chaos of the 70s and searing funk-rock of Maggot Brain. Alice Again-School’s Out. Ten points if you can find where the Beatles are hiding in the 3D image on Their Satanic Majesties Request. What about the Mom’s Apple Pie album? ! How come the Destroyer album from Kiss or Love Gun for that matter didn’t make the cut? Another Hipgnosis job, the cover for XTC’s Go 2 boasts a dense block of typed copy that taunts and messes with the album buyer’s head. The design-centric 4AD label did some of its finest work on for the Cocteau Twins. Well, I’ll just put my personal fav into the mix. – Spirits in the Material World by The Police Ten Years After “SSSSH, “Stonehenge”, and Cricklewood Green” Too many dumb (actually sad) choices to call out. A website that examines what it means to be a good man in today's society. "I could have started a for-profit, venture-backed business that has a good spirit, and I think there are many of them--Google for instance," says Khan, his eyes dancing below his self-described unibrow. Leaves a lot to debate on. Thank You for such a wonderful list even though you overlooked some of my personal favourites. It's a prototypical Silicon Valley ethos, with one exception: The Khan Academy, which features 3,400 short instructional videos along with interactive quizzes and tools for teachers to chart student progress, is a nonprofit, boasting a mission of "a free world-class education for anyone anywhere." That’s been fixed now. Are they so great? What is it wit all the Beatles albums???? "I decided I wanted to send a little contribution," Doerr recalls. I would certainly add The Live Adventures of Mike Bloomfield and Al Kooper with album artwork by Norman Rockwell. I’m talking about the image chosen for Meat Loaf’s Bat Out Of Hell album. Confused by t rex’s the slider over electric warrior which is clearly the superior cover. Like all goth-influenced artists, Chelsea Wolfe has a strong sense of the dramatic. "Sal Khan is arguably the most impactful educator in the world, and he has done it in 24 months," says GSV's Moe. The cover for The Miracles’ 1961 debut encapsulates the old-school showbiz that Motown would soon lead the world away from. "Spent the entire summer on your YouTube page ... and I just wanted to thank you for everything you are doing," he wrote. Dire Straits – Brothers in Arms? Rush’s greatest album covers expressed both their grand concepts and their cerebral sense of humor. This is the first time I’ve heard somebody besides myself mention Crawler or Back Street Crawler in any way . Thin Lizzy: Jailbreak Carly Simon – “No Secrets” Definitely Stand Up with the woodcut popup gatefold. “The Magician’s Birthday” to name one. What the heck are the Beatles covers doing in this list? It won NME’s award for best album artwork in 1969. There are some truly great album covers here, but one hell of a lot of these are great albums with OK covers. A masterpiece! Gentle Giant – In A Glass House, Great album covers but would have to add Where is the first Moby Grape cover and no Jefferson Airplane cover ???? Goude’s visual re-imagining of the androgynous singer led to some of the best album covers in music history, from Nightclubbing to Slave to the Rhythm and the arabesque grandeur of Island Life. Psychedelic album covers were an art form in themselves, and the explosion of color (with the band looking suitably avuncular) made Cream’s Disraeli Gears one of the definitive ones. Adam created some of the most iconic visuals in musical history. come on, nobody noticed? On the one hand, he made opportunity for women and their safety a key election issue (a 2018 report ranked the … The last two that haven't changed yet are video and education, and I think both needed more broadband and better devices. plus Carl Glover, Storm Thorgerson, etc. Lots of lovely covers for well-loved albums, but I didn’t spot any Magnum. One computer. There’s plenty of punk attitude on Joe Jackson’s classic second album I’m the Man, where he portrays the hero of the title song – a sleazy character who’ll sell you anything – as long as you don’t really need it.
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