nca interest groups

The Peace and Conflict Communication Division promotes the teaching, scholarship, and practice of conflict management and peace communication at all levels, such as interpersonal, intergroup organizational, community, national, and international contexts. The official Facebook page of the Group Communication Division, a division of the National Communication Association. Its members are engaged in research on and teaching of a wide range of topics relating to traditional and new media content, form, structures, effects, and processes using various methodologies (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, critical/interpretative). The division encourages a diverse range of theories, methodologies, pedagogies, and pracitces, and when relevant, the division encourages submitters to consider the applied implications of their work. The unit embraces diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to research and theory relevant to organizational communication including postmodern and humanistic inquiries, and social scientific and social constructionist frameworks. In recognition of the COVID-19 pandemic and its differential and varied effects on everyone, the NCA Executive Committee has approved two-year membership with a 10% discount and a three-year membership with a 15% discount for all Regular members. NCA sponsors 49 divisions. Trained consultants or peer tutors may assist students preparing for oral solo or group presentations, interviews, discussions, or debates, for example. Yet, at the same time, the NCA believes that the elected official has the responsibility to act in the best interests of the country and his/her constituency over a … Founded in 1914, NCA advances Communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry. ABC Special Interest Groups (SIGs) provide members with professional development and networking opportunities focusing on a particular academic interest or issue. Over 40 Years of Adoption Expertise in One Place. NCAPDA works to prevent prescription drug related addiction and overdose deaths through community education, policy change and legislative advocacy. Topics include (but are not limited to) media framings of military-connected experiences; policy debates about military-related services/benefits; family communication during military transitions; critical analyses of war rhetoric; examination of the military as a colonizing institution; health communication and self-advocacy in the Veterans Affairs Health system; narratives by veterans living with Gulf War syndrome; and organizing practices that empower student veterans. Undergraduate College and University Section. Moreover, we are committed to the premise that teaching and scholarship are powerful tools for fostering social justice and promoting social change, in the academy and beyond. As such, we embrace diverse methodologies and heterogeneous theoretical perspectives. If you wish to renew your membership, please log in. The division invites submission of thematic panels, discussion panels, and individual papers for competitive review. The division also encourages research of nonverbal communication related to mass media, persuasion, emotion, cognitive processing, and music. Researchers in this area often draw on theories of life span development, communication accommodation, social identity, and intergroup behavior (to name a few) to conduct research and practice that can improve the aging process and older adults’ well-being. If you would like to join as a new member, please select the appropriate membership category below. Retired membership is open to any person interested in the Association’s purpose who has been a member of the Association for at least twenty-five years and is no longer working full time. The term “experiential learning” refers to the innovative use of communication concepts and theories in internships, service projects and community/corporate-connected communication courses, and technological connections. Members examine a variety of family forms, as well as a variety of family communication issues and constructs, including issues of identity, attachment, dialectical tensions, family violence, conflict, divorce, (grand)parenting, storytelling, health, and affection, to name a few. Recognitions are offered for top papers, debut and contributed, at the NCA’s Annual Convention. is secondary. Public Dialogue and Deliberation Division. GS supports the synthesis of social, psychological, cultural, aesthetic, ludic, narrative, philosophical, practical, logical, technological, and industrial dimensions of games and gaming. Day 2 . Human Communication and Technology Division. Central States Communication Association (CSCA) is a professional, academic organization of primary and secondary school teachers, students, college and university professors, and communication professionals. Members of the Organizational Communication Unit support these activities by participating in scholarly discussions at national meetings and by publishing relevant books, monographs, and technical reports. The RCT Division provides a space wherein scholars and teachers with diverse interests can come together to contribute to theorizing the field. The division collaborates with and advocates for the Journal of First Amendment Studies, a peer-reviewed, NCA journal that publishes original essays which make a significant contribution to theory and/or policy on all aspects of free speech. "Changing the Players and the Game: A Personal Account of the Speech Communication Association Black Caucus Origins". Members are engaged in developing, explicating, and applying theories and concepts that speak to the diverse array of issues facing organizations and members of all types, including both the paid and nonpaid labor force, profit and nonprofit organizations, managers and employees, and the intersection of work, home, and society at large. The Family Communication Division exists to stimulate research on family communication; develop and disseminate pedagogical materials for instruction about family communication; facilitate dialogues among those interested in the study of family interaction, both within and outside of the Association; and plan convention programs dealing with family communication. These organizations may include corporations, nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental organizations, transnational entities, governmental agencies on several levels, nation states, industry associations, and public relations firms and agencies. Thus, we encourage the membership of colleagues from all areas of our discipline. Submissions to the unit must engage with theoretical aspects of the visual in some manner. The Critical and Cultural Studies Division views communication and culture as mutually constitutive, and we are dedicated to fostering critical and interdisciplinary approaches to a broad range of topics. The Language and Social Interaction Division (LSI) provides a home to those who study how social life is produced and organized through situated conversation, language use, and embodied interaction. Our calls for submissions continually reflect this diversity. Join our Key Person Program to represent the profession’s interest in vital areas of public policy. There is no membership cost for Retired members, and membership is valid for life. The study of these subjects dates back to ancient Greek theories of rhetoric, which gave us forms of speech that endure to the present day, such as Socratic dialogue and deliberative assemblies. The range of stakeholders includes both internal and external publics, such as organizational members (employees, managers, etc. Bulk memberships must be purchased by the school. The Caucus on Gay and Lesbian Concerns is the advocacy and political action arm for LGBT identified individuals in the National Communication Association. That’s why we’re on a path to improve the lives of 40 million older adults by 2030. Division & Interest Group Business Meetings are open to all members and prospective members, with the meetings focused on the business of the division including reviewing current and planning for future programming, elections of officers, etc. Members are concerned with the creation of meaning, the production of messages, and the processing of information that makes organizing possible. NCA’s mission is to advance Communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry. Major professional organizations outside communication (e.g., American Public Health Association) offer forums for sharing health-communication scholarship. Please consider sharing your research and activities with our division when the next call for submissions is announced. These include print and online resources in areas of learning objective development, development of site-specific assessment tools, standardized assessment instruments, program review support, and materials for accreditation review. The Interest Group explores the overlaps, intersections, and complements between philosophy and communication. 28,863. Promote programs in state, regional, and national conventions on the subject of experiential learning. The Activism and Social Justice Division promotes scholarship (research and teaching) that explores relationships among communication, activism, and social justice. The top paper winner is recognized during the business meeting and receives a cash prize for his or her excellent work. These collaborations are aimed both to encourage research that spans axes of power and identity and build alliances that span these axes as well. Since the NCA 2001 Summer Conference, "Engaging 21st Century Communication Students" established a Communication Lab/Center Strand, annual conferences have offered a collaborative site for a growing number of scholars and administrators to share research and best practices. ), community members, activists, customers, investors, donors, the media, governmental agencies, and others. Membership and Interest Groups In recognition of the COVID-19 pandemic and its differential and varied effects on everyone, the NCA Executive Committee has approved two-year membership with a 10% discount and a three-year membership with a 15% discount for all Regular members. Simultaneously, scholars in our division seek to use scholarly dialogue about communication to better understand fundamental processes involved in teaching and learning. Collectively, we do not take a “for” or “against” stance on the military as an institution; rather, we recognize macro and micro implications of the military and work to enhance understanding between military and civilian communities, critique policies/practices, and contribute to positive social/cultural changes concerning military/veteran-related topics. The Women's Caucus mission is to advocate for women's improved status, voice, and opportunities in the discipline. To inquire about Bulk memberships, please send an email to [email protected]. In this process, we believe, people create, maintain, and transform their identities, their relationships, and their communities. The Interest Group is open to all traditions of philosophical inquiry (ancient, medieval, modern, contemporary, postmodern, western, eastern, analytic, continental) and is supportive of semiotic, phenomenological, hermeneutic, critical, psychoanalytic, communicological, narrative, dialogical, and other methodologies that examine communicative experience. Second, spiritual communication has the capacity to unite diverse communities through the recognition of our interconnectedness. Work from all epistemological, theoretical, and methodological traditions fit within the parameters of the divisional aims and scope. Thursday 8:00 am-9:15 am . Although the term "public address" evokes a rich history of the study of political and religious oratory, we welcome and include not only traditional studies of "great speakers and speeches," but also work that focuses on rhetorical acts and artifacts from various cultures, nations, and media. The division welcomes conceptual, theoretical, methodological, empirical, and exploratory/experimental work about, and encourages dialogue, discussion, debate, and performance of, communication, activism, and social justice. The Nonverbal Communication (NVC) Division recognizes excellence in the scholarship and study of nonverbal communication across NCA. CASC scholars acknowledge communication processes as central to academic inquiry and practice with recognition of the transformative potential of communication teaching and research. The Communication and Military Division promotes scholarly, pedagogical, and community-engaged work that highlights and critiques communication, messages, and discourses within and about the military.

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