nathan evans wellerman tiktok

Binnen Tagen wurde es hunderttausendfach aufgerufen und weitere TikTok-Nutzer stimmten in seinen Chor ein. Sea Shanty TikTok Star Nathan Evans Lands Deal With Polydor Records. Life according to: The Wellerman singer and viral TikTok sensation, Nathan Evans. I just want to keep the momentum going with this song and keep pushing it, while I continue to write in the background and work on other songs. Watching the infectious tunes take flight has been a "roller-coaster," he said, adding that "you don't really need to be able to sing," to enjoy them. It makes everybody feel united," he said. He began singing covers on the video sharing app in 2020 but rocketed to success later that year when his version of traditional sea shanty Wellerman went viral and amassed over eight million views. Stand: 16. It’s been a whirlwind but it’s been good and long may it continue. Nathan Evans has spawned a global craze on the ultra-modern social media platform TikTok, With his renditions of centuries-old sea shanties. DW schreibt in diesem Artikel, dass Evans auf TikTok schon über 157 Millionen Likes erhalten habe. I woke up on Tuesday morning to find that Brian May from Queen had made a video of himself playing a Wellerman guitar solo and he gave me a shout-out at the end. Nathan Evans (born 1994) is a Scottish singer known for singing sea shanties.Evans first gained fame in 2020, when he posted videos of himself singing sea shanties on social media service TikTok, triggering a surge of interest in sea shanties.In January 2021, his cover version of the 19th-century shanty "Wellerman" charted in the UK and in several other countries. "Oh my God, I was a postman on Friday. Können alte Seemannslieder hip sein? The "Wellerman" shanty is thought to have originated in New Zealand and has no known author, as it describes a crew at sea wrestling with a whale. The particular song Wellerman Nathan Evans is for demo if you such as the tune remember to find the initial mp3. Kelly Cobiella is a correspondent based in London. TikTok 01/02/2021. Are you concerned about quitting your job? Millions have watched his rendition of "Wellerman" and other songs he uploaded to the app, and they have proved so popular that Evans, 26, has been able to quit his job as a mailman after signing a record deal with a major music label, Polydor Records. Der Schotte Nathan Evans experimentiert auf der Social Media Plattform TikTok mit einem neuseeländischen Shanty und wird mit "Wellerman" über Nacht zum Internetstar. Das ist Nathan Evans aus Großbritannien geschehen. Op TikTok werd Nathan bekend met het nummer Wellerman. Sein Video wurde rund 157 Millionen Mal geliked. Der 26-jährige Nathan Evans filmte im Dezember 2020 ein TikTok mit seiner Interpretation des neuseeländischen Volkslieds «The Wellerman» – und löste unerwartet eine Shanty-Euphorie aus. De hele komende week hoor je die track als Alarmschijf op Qmusic. Nathan Evans, ein junger Postbote, landete mit “Wellerman” einen viralen Hit, der sich von TikTok aus wie ein Lauffeuer über die ganze Welt verbreitet. Listen to Evans' new single, as well as the remix by 220 KID and Billen Ted, below, where you can also find the TikTok that started it all. – Nathan Evans’ ‘Wellerman’ and ‘Wellerman (220Kid & Billen Ted Remix)’ are out now Advertisement The world's defining voice in music and pop culture since 1952. 1. Videos tagged #Wellerman have since racked up more than 65 million views on TikTok, and as users have mimicked him in their own posts, a whole new genre known as "ShantyTok" has sprung up. Seitdem hat der junge Mann, der eigentlich Postbote war, einen Plattenvertrag unterschrieben. WELLERMAN - Stream, MP3, CD Alex Nelson. On December 27, TikTok creator and Scottish musician Nathan Evans posted a video of himself singing “The Wellerman,” a shanty from the 19th century. Der schottische Briefträger Nathan Evans begeistert bei TikTok mit dem alten Seemannslied "The Wellerman" Millionen. Kurz nach Weihnachten stellte Nathan Evans, ein Postbote aus dem schottischen Städtchen Airdrie, auf TikTok seine A-capella-version des alten Shanty-Songs "The Wellerman" online und löste damit eine riesige Begeisterungs-Welle aus. Watch Nathan Evans' original 'Wellerman' TikTok. Plot twist: 2021 is the year of the sea shanty. February 11, 2021, ... Nathan’s debut single, The Wellerman, is out now from Universal. The song, jointly credited to Nathan Evans and remixers 220 Kid and Billen Ted by the Official Charts Company (OCC), reached number 2 on the UK Singles Chart and number 1 on sales. Der 26-jährige Nathan Evans aus Schottland hat nach dem Riesenerfolg seines Seemannslieds auf der Social-Media-Plattform Tiktok seinen Job als Postbote aufgegeben und kann nun von seiner Musik leben. Als je een zeemanslied hoort als Als De Klok Van Arnemuiden, denk je niet meteen aan iets hips, maar eerder aan het koor van je oma. Dit bracht hem diverse nummer-1 hits op en zelfs een cover van Jimmy Fallon & The Roots. Wenn ein Postbote plötzlich zum Internet-Star wird. Wellerman (Sea Shanty) is a cover of The Longest Johns – Wellerman created by Nathan Evans. Er hat damit einen Trend ausgelöst, der gerade unter dem Hashtag #seashanty viral geht. Nathan Evans … Im Dezember 2020 löste er mit seiner Version des Songs Soon May the Wellerman Come auf der Internetplattform TikTok einen Shanty-Hype aus.Der Postbote aus Airdrie in Schottland … Mit dem A capella-Video des Schotten auf TikTok hat der Hype angefangen, seitdem geht der Hashtag #seashanty durch die Decke. TikTok slang: A complete guide to the meanings behind each phrase. Nathan Evans is a Scottish singer who rose to fame on TikTok. I was gobsmacked and just thought, “Oh my God, that’s Brian May”. Millions have watched his rendition of “Wellerman” and other songs he uploaded to the app, and they have proved so popular that Evans has been able to quit his job as a mailman after signing a record deal with a major music label, Polydor … Commonly sung on ships in the early 19th century, sea shanties thrive off their communal nature, as sailors undertook monotonous tasks and sang in unison, according to music historians. Aber da geht noch mehr, denn das Stück geht in sozialen Medien viral, auch auf Grund der Mitsing-Möglichkeit. Tiktok-Star Nathan Evans: Nummer eins in Deutschland ist "verrückt" dpa, 23.02.2021 - 08:05 Uhr. Veröffentlicht: Mittwoch, 03.02.2021 12:52. Foto: Jo Hanley/Universal Music /dpa Man's viral sea shanty song on TikTok lands him a record deal, ♬ original sound - N A T H A N E V A N S S. In video, which has over 800,000 likes, Evans keeps time with his fist as he layers harmonies over the lyrics “Soon may the Wellerman come / To bring us sugar and tea and rum.” "Oh my God, I was a postman on Friday. TikTok-Hit Santiano veröffentlichen Seemanns-Shanty "Wellerman" mit Nathan Evans Hauptinhalt . Der Hype wuchs noch weiter mit dem EDM-Remix von 220 Kid und Billen Ted, und … Use the Wellerman sound on TikTok: Follow 220 Kid Instagram: Culture January 22, 2021 Postman-turned-TikTok star Nathan Evans talks about his viral path to fame Evans took TikTok by storm after he posted a video singing a centuries-old sailor song called “The Wellerman” amid the “sea shanty” craze. 3 / 9.; vor 34 Tagen »Wellerman«: Schotte kann dank TikTok-Hit Postboten-Job aufgeben. Mit seiner Version des alten Seemannslieds »The Wellerman« wurde der Schotte Nathan Evans über TikTok berühmt. Urheber des weltweiten "Wellerman"-Booms ist der schottische Briefträger Nathan Evans. Mit dieser Reaktion hat der Schotte Nathan Evans nicht gerechnet. Nathan Evans: who is the Scottish sea shanty singer on TikTok – and where has Wellerman got to in the Top 40? Glasgow - Vom Postboten zum internationalen Chartstürmer: Der schottische Sänger Nathan Evans (26) steht seit Freitag mit seinem Seemannslied "Wellerman" auf Platz eins der deutschen Charts. Mit seinem "Sea Shanty" hat er Anfang 2021 das Netz für sich erobert. I knew of Drunken Sailor, but last July was really the first time I’d heard of sea shanties. "Sea shanties were made to get people to join in, sing along, stamp their feet, clap their hands, keep the morale high," Evans told NBC News last week, adding that they had helped to unify people isolated by the coronavirus pandemic. I have just signed to the biggest record label in the world," Evans told fans on TikTok. IE 11 is not supported. I think it’s the fact we’re all stuck indoors and in the same boat, so to speak. Kiko Itasaka is a producer based in London. Wellerman - Sea Shanty / Nathan Evans x ARGULES is a popular song by Nathan Evans & ARGULES | Create your own TikTok videos with the Wellerman - Sea Shanty / Nathan Evans x ARGULES song and explore 130 videos made by new and popular creators. Evans began producing the videos in his bedroom at his home in Airdrie, a small Scottish town around 30 miles west of the capital, Edinburgh. Tiktok-Star : Nathan Evans: Nummer eins in Deutschland ist „verrückt“ Nathan Evans wurde mit „Wellerman“ zum Chartstürmer. NATHAN EVANS, ein junger Postbote, landete mit „Wellerman“ einen viralen Hit, der sich von TikTok aus wie ein Lauffeuer über die ganze Welt verbreitet. Ende Dezember 2020 postete er seine Version des neuseeländischen Shantys. I write my own songs and the plan is to get a couple of singles out and then maybe an album by the end of the year where you’ll hear a few songs of my own. With a record contract now in the bag, Nathan is looking to turn his newfound fame into a long-lasting music career. Nathan Evans – The Wellerman. Latest Viral News. Nathan Evans, the Scottish postman who became a sensation on TikTok with his sea shanty performances, has signed a record deal with Polydor. "I think that in these times when everybody's stuck at home, they're quite down, it's not been the best of times, so I think kind of in a weird way it cheers everybody up. Für Kritik oder Anregungen füllen Sie bitte die nachfolgenden Felder aus. by Murray Scougall. While he did not disclose how much the deal with Polydor Records was worth to him, Evans said he was "speechless" after his first single was released on Friday. Zusammen mit dem TikToker haben Santiano jetzt ihre neue Single rausgebracht. Wellerman is a popular song by Santiano & Nathan Evans | Create your own TikTok videos with the Wellerman song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators. Nathan Evans, a Scotland-based postman who posts regular videos on Tiktok is one of the people whose music got a whopping more than a million views and prompted an array of diverse arrangements of the song ‘Wellerman’, a shanty lore of New Zealand tracing back to … It’s been crazy. TikTok-User Nathan Evans hat sich etwas überlegt, um die Langeweile und Einsamkeit zu bekämpfen und konnte damit auf TikTok einen neuen Trend starten! Nathan Evans: who is the Wellerman sea shanty singer on TikTok set who's Number 1 in the Top 40? Sea Shanty: Wie der Postbote Nathan Evans mit dem Walfängerlied "Wellerman" zum Weltstar wurde Wie Nathan Evans mit dem Sea Shanty Wellerman auf Tiktok Star wurde - Meinung - München @nathanevanss The Wellerman. Nathan Evans, postal worker and TikTok star who spawned a global craze with his rendition of the "Wellerman" sea shanty, has signed a major record deal. All Rights Reserved. It’s contagious and it’s put a smile on people’s faces. Immer mehr Menschen singen auf der Social-Media-Plattform Seemannslieder – und teilen ihre Aufnahmen im Netz. Carl Wastie had a quick chat with Nathan Evans on the Kfm Top 40 to find out a little more about the rising star and the style of music that's made him famous. Der schottische Postbote Nathan Evans, 27, wurde mit dem Shanty “The Wellerman” zum TikTok-Star. Kristina (@inkybendylife) has created a short video on TikTok with music Wellerman - Sea Shanty. Nun haben sich die deutschen Giganten des Shanty-Rocks Santiano mit dem jungen Schotten im Zentrum des internationalen Shanty-Fiebers zusammengetan, für eine Allstar-Version des Hits. Nathan's rendition of Wellerman… Then came the request for a sea shanty, which he said he looked into and instantly enjoyed. Support the artist through purchasing the first compact disc Wellerman Nathan Evans therefore the vocalist provides the most beneficial track in addition to continue operating. Here's some of the best sea shanties on TikTok. LONDON — With his renditions of centuries-old sea shanties, Nathan Evans has spawned a global craze on the ultra-modern social media platform TikTok. Zo ook de 220 Kid x Billen Ted-remix van Wellerman van Nathan Evans. - Alex Nelson • 35d. Hopefully people will enjoy it. Sein einfaches Video auf TikTok zu "Wellerman" wurde zu einem Welthit und erreichte Millionen Fans und Nachahmer. TikTok is tegenwoordig één van dé platformen waar hits op worden geboren. Evans had some success singing pop and folk songs requested by fellow TikTok users, he told NBC News. The Wellerman is thought to refer to a rescue ship carrying supplies that would aid other ships out at sea. The song was originally posted on TikTok, and it went viral afterwards. What's On Wellerman sea shanty: what is the UK number 1 song by Scottish TikTok star Nathan Evans about - and lyrics in full Evans’ version of the song has reached number one in the UK Big Top 40 Comedian Jimmy Fallon, Tesla CEO Elon Muskand British composer Andrew Lloyd Webber are among those to have taken part, while choirs and orchestras have also produced their own versions. Die Band Santiano hat jetzt auch ihre eigene Version des Songs veröffentlicht – zusammen mit Nathan Evans. Nathan’s debut single, The Wellerman, is out now from Universal. What did you know of sea shanties before this? The TikTok Sea Shanty commercial song is titled ‘Wellerman’ and is performed by Scottish postman and singer Nathan Evans, although he’s now quit his postal job to focus on music. #Nathan Evans; #Wellerman; 2021-02-23. I’ve been on Australian and South African TV, New Zealand, Germany, Holland – it’s been good but slightly surreal, because I’ve done the majority of it via Zoom calls from my house in Airdrie! This personality test is going viral on TikTok and it tells you exactly what colour you are. Describe your life since your version of The Wellerman went viral? Download the NBC News app for breaking news and politics. Sea shanties have taken over social media, courtesy of a series of viral TikTok videos. I also play the piano. She previously worked at CBS News and ABC News in London, following several years with CBS in New York, Dallas and Miami. It’s singer-songwriter in the style of Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi and Dermot Kennedy. © DC Thomson Co Ltd 2021. Das alte Seemannslied „Wellerman“ ist gerade ein viraler Hit im Netz. Get a round-up of stories from The Sunday Post every week. 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Auch in dieser Woche bleibt TikTok-Sensation Nathan Evans weiter auf Erfolgskurs und hat nun eine ganz besondere Version von seinem Shanty “The Wellerman” kreiert: Der singende Postbote begrüßte die Bundesliga auf TikTok – und die Antwort kam in Form eines Torjäger-TikTok-Duetts!. Mit seiner Version des alten Seemannslieds »The Wellerman« wurde der Schotte Nathan Evans über TikTok berühmt. Definitiv. It’s been insane. "Honestly, I didn't know much about sea shanties until last year. Then, on December 27th, Evans posted a new tune on TikTok — an a cappella version of “Wellerman,” a sea shanty about whalers awaiting a resupply ship in the mid 1800s. I have just signed to the biggest record label in the world," he told fans in a separate video posted to TikTok. Innerhalb einer Woche wurde der Clip über acht Millionen Mal aufgerufen. If it all goes wrong, I can find something else. I’ve been singing since I was a kid and playing guitar since I was eight. Ein 26-jähriger Schotte erobert mit einem alten Seemannslied das Internet: Nathan Evans hat "The Wellerman" bei TikTok online gestellt und Tausende singen und musizieren mit. Because of its origins on TikTok, the trend of performing sea shanties like "Soon May the Wellerman Come" on social media has been called "ShantyTok". Nathan Evans, Tiktok, Wellerman, Schottland, International; Leserbrief schreiben. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Nathan Evans hatte nicht die leiseste Ahnung, was auf ihn zukommen sollte, als er kurz nach Weihnachten 2020 sein A-Cappella Video vom „Wellerman“ auf TikTok einstellte. Nathan Evans wurde mit "Wellerman" zum Chartstürmer. NATHAN EVANS hatte nicht die leiseste Ahnung, … Subscribe for only £5.49 a month and enjoy all the benefits of the printed paper as a digital replica. We’re all feeling down and a bit lonely, but everyone can join in on this by clapping and singing along. To be able to do the thing I’ve been dreaming of for years is special. Wellerman is a popular song by Santiano & Nathan Evans | Create your own TikTok videos with the Wellerman song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators. Nathan Evans (born 1994) is a Scottish singer known for singing sea shanties.Evans first gained fame in 2020, when he posted videos of himself singing sea shanties on social media service TikTok, triggering a surge of interest in sea shanties.In January 2021, his cover version of the 19th-century shanty "Wellerman" charted in the UK and in several other countries. Nathan Evans: who is the Wellerman sea shanty singer on TikTok set who's Number 1 in the Top 40? | @nathanevanss ... Now, you can call me a fan," he said. Evans quickly released Wellerman and Wellerman (220 KID x Billen Ted Remix) – the latter is still holding the number #2 position at the time of writing, which became a viral sensation of its own, exploding out of Instagram and receiving radio plays from Radio 1’s Scott Mills, Nick Grimshaw and Capital Dance’s Mistajam.. Nathan Evans hat seinen Job als Postbote an den Nagel gehängt und ist mit der Single " Wellerman" durchgestartet.Hier findet ihr die deutsche Übersetzung zum Song! Nun hat er einen Plattenvertrag, den alten Job gekündigt – aber etwas fehlt. Nun haben sich die deutschen Giganten des Shanty-Rocks Santiano mit dem jungen Schotten im Zentrum des internationalen Shanty-Fiebers zusammengetan, für eine Allstar-Version des Hits. I’m a spontaneous, live-for-the-moment type of person, so when all of these opportunities came in I felt I couldn’t let the job get in the way. Nathan Evans - Wellerman. Februar 2021, 17:21 Uhr. I uploaded the video of me singing The Wellerman because I thought my followers would like it, but never in a million years did I think it would lead to all of these doors opening. Nathan Evans, of sea shanty fame on TikTok, quit his job as a postman and officially released his first single, a remix of "Wellerman." The sea shanty-singing ex-postman talks about finding fame, celebrity fans and appearing on global TV from his spare room in Airdrie. Why do you think it’s resonated with people so much? Am Freitag noch Postbote, jetzt ein Mann mit Plattenvertrag: Nathan Evans (26) veröffentlicht auf TikTok ein Cover von "The Wellermann" und wird zum Internetstar. ##seashanty ##sea ##shanty ##viral ##singing ##acoustic ##pirate ##new ##original ##fyp ##foryou ##foryoupage ##singer ##scottishsinger ##scottish. Nathan Evans (* 1994 in Bellshill, North Lanarkshire) ist ein britischer Sänger. "Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum," he belts in his most popular video featuring the call-and-response lyrics of the song "Wellerman.". Nathan Evans Quelle: Universal Music Als Nathan Evans Ende Dezember das Seemannslied "The Wellerman" im Netzwerk TikTok hochlud, hätte er wohl niemals … Den Trend trat der 26-jährige Schotte Nathan Evans los, als er seine Coverversion des Call-and-Response-Songs im Dezember 2020 auf "TikTok" hoch lud. Nathan Evens – The Wellerman (TikTok-Aufnahme) Und dann ging, auch dank der Coronavirus-Pandemie, die Post ab. Adela Suliman is a London-based reporter for NBC News Digital. This is what I’ve been dreaming of since I was a kid. Sea shanty don Nathan Evans talks vying for a Number One: “I get seasick so there’ll be no gigs on boats” Carp diem! I didn’t know the background to it or many of the songs until I did some research. The Wellerman. From postman to global viral success, Scotsman, Nathan Evans, has risen to fame over the past few weeks thanks to sea shanties and TikTok — and one sea shanty in particular, 'Wellerman'.

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