a reminder on page 11 if you have a PAYE Settlement Agreement in place and on page 12 some new information about collecting tax debts through PAYE codes. A list of regularly used HMRC contact information, including telephone numbers, online contact options and postal addresses, together with a number of tips. Do not attempt to resubmit the information or close your browser at this point. Select ‘Continue’ to ensure you see all information previously compiled. Pension Schemes Services Office Opening Hours. Do not attempt to resubmit the information or close your browser at this point. Do not attempt to resubmit the information or close your browser at this point. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Add yourself as a scheme administrator to a pension scheme, Deferred annuity contract or retirement annuity contract, Associate additional scheme administrators, nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3, the process to re-authorise the practitioner, [email protected], Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Transparency and freedom of information releases. Before you can file online you need to select the relevant pension scheme: If HMRC needs more information about a registered pension scheme it may send you a notice telling you to complete a Pension Scheme Return. registered on the Pension schemes online service, not logged in to your business tax account in the past 3 years, information on the Pension schemes online service, all users have not logged in for over 3 years. If you cease to act as the scheme administrator for a pension scheme you’ll need to record this on the Pension schemes online service. Select either ‘Go to reportable changes’ or ‘Go to reportable fund movements’ depending what you want to amend. Businesses already registered for the scheme can email HM Revenue and Customs at: [email protected] Alternatively, please contact the VAT Helpline. If you select ‘continue’, you’ll be taken to your business tax account homepage, where you can select the service. Phone. You’ll be taken to the ‘At a glance’ page. If you select ‘continue’ this will take you to your business tax account homepage. For a quicker response include the additional information outlined in Customs Information Paper 27 (2015) and also detailed in the Classify imports and exports using the UK Trade Tariff guide. If you became the scheme administrator on or after 6 April 2006 and your scheme administrator ID begins with ‘A0’, you’ll need to add yourself to the scheme on Pension schemes online. HMRC Pension Schemes Services Phone Numbers. You can also view the ‘Submission receipt’ from this page to confirm receipt of the accounting for tax return but the charge reference is not shown on this receipt. Pension schemes registered on or after 6 April 2006 will have been registered by their scheme administrator and will normally have a scheme administrator shown on the record. Enter this code and select ‘continue’. Schemes that were approved by HMRC before 6 April 2006 will have automatically been added to Pension schemes online as a registered pension scheme unless the scheme opted out. Select ‘Start a new Event Report’. If there’s more than one scheme administrator and the first has already been added on Pension schemes online then they’ll need to add you as described in section 5. Pensions Scheme. It will be saved until the end of the February following the end of tax year to which the Event Report relates. Do not attempt to resubmit the information or close your browser at this point. To access Pension schemes online again follow steps 1 to 8 if you meet either of these conditions: Go to the log in page. You’ll see a ‘Submission in progress’ screen. Partially completed and saved forms are stored on Pension schemes online for a period of 7 days and then deleted with the exception of: When you make a payment to HMRC, you should include the relevant charge reference. Acas is not able to advise on these schemes. For all enquiries relating to Intrastat Trade Declarations, please contact the Intrastat helpdesk. Select ‘Change details’. Enter the 12 character activation code and select ‘get access’. The client reference is not mandatory information. Once you have read it select ‘OK’. If you need to file a return or report for a pension scheme with a PSTR beginning with ‘2’ you should email: [email protected] and put ‘Managing pension schemes – reporting’ in the subject line of your email. If you cannot enter your activation token in step 9 of section 2.3 because you have lost it, you can enter your postcode instead. Pension schemes: HMRC reporting requirements checklist. Select ‘Services you can use’ from the ‘Main menu’ on the left side of the screen. PENSION savers could be due a windfall after new HMRC figures reveal some have wrongly been taxed after taking cash out of their pots. Alcohol and Tobacco Warehousing Declaration, Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs, Excise Movement and Control System National Service Desk, Classify imports and exports using the UK Trade Tariff. It is acceptable for a practitioner to submit a report or return on behalf of a scheme administrator provided that before they submit the report/return they have the approval of the scheme administrator to both the content of the report and to the submission. From outside the UK: +44 115 974 1600. back to page contents. Do not attempt to resubmit the information or close your browser at this point. HMRC will only be able to issue a practitioner to the named individual or organisation and not to a third party. XML messages to the Pension Schemes Online system can be submitted in 2 roles: Pension Scheme Administrator and Pension Practitioner. For customers who are deaf or hearing or speech impaired: 0300 200 3603 (Textphone), If you're calling from abroad please telephone: +44 (0)161 930 8445. If you wish to associate a further scheme administrator repeat the process. A scheme's PSTR is the one that evidences its status as a registered pension scheme. Contribute to hmrc/pensions-scheme development by creating an account on GitHub. Select ‘Continue’ on the Event Report you wish to view. Once registered, if you need to change the scheme administrator name, you’ll need to notify HMRC in writing to: Pension Schemes Services If you’re registering as a company or organisation, complete the company/organisation, address and contact fields. If you have already associated a scheme administrator, they must add themselves before you can remove yourself from the pension scheme record. If you were the administrator of a scheme at 5 April 2006 and you have not already notified HMRC of this you’ll need to add yourself to the scheme on Pension schemes online. After you have registered and activated the online service you should visit ‘Your account’ and enter your email address. Pension schemes annual allowance checking tool - introduction. The saved return will appear as an ‘incomplete task’ when you access Pension schemes online. This information will help direct tax agents to the appropriate point of contact within HMRC. To amend a submitted Pension Scheme Return for a pension scheme with a PSTR beginning with ‘2’ you should email: [email protected] and put ‘Managing pension schemes service – pension scheme return’ in the subject. For all enquiries regarding registration, enrolment, activation and login problems on the Government Gateway and GOV.UK websites please contact the VAT Online Services Helpdesk. Phone Call HMRC for advice on contracting out your Second State Pension into occupational pensions. To associate a further scheme administrator select ‘Associate another scheme administrator’. HMRC said on Thursday that it had made "temporary changes to some pension processes to help scheme administrators during the coronavirus pandemic. When you receive your practitioner ID and your activation token you need to complete the next part of your registration. If HMRC needs to contact you about anything confidential they’ll reply by phone or post. To amend name and address details select ‘Next’. For enquiries about approved traders, please contact the Mineral Oils Relief Centre (MORC). HMRC Pension Schemes Services Phone Numbers. Make sure they’re correct and then click on the box next to ‘I (your name), confirm that the above information is correct’ and select ‘Submit’ then enter your User ID and password. To view the charge reference select ‘Accounting for tax’ from the ‘Pension scheme summary’ page. For all enquiries regarding registration, enrolment, activation and login problems on the Government Gateway and GOV.UK websites, please contact the VAT Online Services Helpdesk. If you’re registering as an individual, complete the title, first name and last name fields, then select ‘Next’. If you're calling from abroad please telephone: +44 (0)2890 538 192. If you selected ‘Yes’ at stage 7 you’ll be presented with a pre-populated page with your scheme administrator details. This is a numerical reference with a random letter at the end (the reference is also known as the PSO or approval reference). Update or amend details as appropriate and select ‘Next’. After a couple of minutes you’ll see the ‘Submission successful’ screen. Clarification on unauthorised payments made by a pension scheme and discovery (Andrew Monaghan v HMRC) Negligent mis-statement and protected pension ages—a warning for pensions administrators (Corsham and others v Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex and others; Hazell and another v Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Police and another) A tax charge of 40% of the pension scheme value if HMRC removes the tax registration of the pension scheme. Provide the information requested. If you have a technical problem, please contact the VAT Online Services Helpdesk. HMRC has agreed to an internal workshop to discuss a legislative change to give an amnesty to victims of pension scams, especially in cases of pensions liberation, the Pension Scams Industry Group (PSIG) has confirmed This information will then be stored on Pension schemes online. To view this licence, visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: [email protected]. After a couple of minutes you’ll see the ‘Submission successful’ screen. If you need help using NCTS, please contact the NCTS helpdesk. Select ‘Access service’ next to ‘Pension schemes for administrators’. The charge reference will appear in the overview section. If you have any doubt about the authenticity of an email you receive which claims to have come from HMRC please do not follow any links within the email, disclose any personal details or respond to it. Do not attempt to resubmit the information or close your browser at this point. To amend a submitted event report for a pension scheme with a PSTR beginning with ‘2’ you should email: [email protected] and put ‘Managing pension schemes service – event report’ in the subject line. Schemes must also be registered with HMRC and abide by HMRC rules and regulations. After a couple of minutes you’ll see the ‘Submission successful’ screen. HMRC's Pension schemes newsletters 118, 119 and 120 announced temporary changes to pensions processes as a result of Covid-19. If there’s more than one scheme administrator recorded on the scheme record the next scheme administrator in the list will become the first named administrator and will receive all correspondence from HMRC. Crucially, this extends the current transitional arrangements (whereby a notional 30/70 split is applied by HMRC between scheme administration and fund management costs where a single VAT invoice has been issued to the pension … Enter your User ID and password and select ‘Submit’. Select ‘Scheme administrator management’ from the ‘Scheme administration’ section. Make the necessary amendments then select ‘Submit’ and enter your User ID and password. Although the legislation set out who the scheme administrator was at 6 April 2006 in many cases this information was not held by HMRC at the time. If you have a technical problem with the PAYE for Employers or Self Assessment online services please contact the Online Services Helpdesk. Microservice to support the registration and post-registration update (variations) of pension schemes. An existing scheme administrator, who needs to register a new pension scheme on Managing Pension Schemes, will need to use their existing Government Gateway username and password to log into the new service and (after HMRC have updated the details successfully) register the new pension scheme. Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm Closed weekends and bank holidays 0300 200 3700. We've reviewed the … You’ll see your new Government Gateway user ID. If you are calling from abroad +44 (0)3000 594231. If you’re a pension scheme practitioner and have not logged in using your business tax account in the last 3 years, your credentials may also have deleted. You’ll see a ‘Submission in progress’ screen. After a couple of minutes you’ll see the ‘Submission successful’ screen. Fill out the online form then select ‘Submit’ and enter your User ID and password. You’ll see confirmation on screen that you’ve requested access to Pension schemes online for administrators. If you need to tell us that your scheme has become or ceased to be a master trust you’ll need to complete the form APSS 578. If your pension scheme has a PSTR beginning with ‘0’ you must file your event report using the Pension schemes online service. Contact HMRC Pension Scheme Services helpline for the Pension Scheme Tax Reference (PSTR) – you will need: • Scheme Administrator ID • SF reference number (format 000/000000/000000/A) • Scheme name 5. Select the correct link in answer to this question. A page will be displayed giving your current details, on this page you can only amend the UK residency or requirement for paper notices question. You’ll set up a User ID and password which you’ll need to use for future access to the online service. This declaration confirms that the named administrator has approved the content and its submission. You’ll see a ‘Submission in progress’ screen. The ‘Event Report’ screen will be shown. If you do not receive or have lost your scheme administrator ID contact the Pension schemes helpline who will be able to issue you with your scheme administrator ID through the post. Select ‘Registered Pension Scheme Return’ from the ‘Reporting’ section. HM Revenue and Customs Your charge reference is made up of 3 letters followed by 11 numbers. If you have an unknown scheme you’ll need to follow the steps at paragraph 3.2 to obtain the PSTR and add yourself as a scheme administrator before you can proceed. To amend a submitted accounting for tax return for a pension scheme with a PSTR beginning with ‘0’ you’ll first have to select the relevant pension scheme. Do not attempt to resubmit the information or close your browser at this point. Updating scheme information Changing the scheme name or establisher (principal employer) name. For general enquiries please contact the Excise and Customs Helpline. We’d like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. If you're calling from abroad please telephone +44 (0)300 575989, You can email the helpdesk at [email protected]. A list of regularly used HMRC contact information, including telephone numbers, online contact options and postal addresses, together with a number of tips. If you do not you’ll lose data. If you are a practitioner select ‘Pension schemes for practitioners’ instead. Find the period for which you want to make a change and select ‘View return’. Enter the security code displayed into the field provided and select ‘Submit’. Read the information, check the box to confirm you have read and accept the conditions, then select OK. You’ll be presented with an ‘About event reporting’ screen. Depending on what link was selected you’ll see either the ‘Reportable events to the scheme - overview’ or the ‘Reportable fund movements - overview’ screen. Click ‘view account’ under ‘Pension schemes online for administrators’. For all enquiries about registration, enrolment, logging into the system and reporting errors, please contact the VAT Online Services Helpdesk. You may receive messages and notices about the scheme in your electronic notice board. If you have recently registered for a new online service on the website, you may be sent an Activation Code automatically. Once the form is complete select ‘Submit’ and enter your User ID and password. This is to make sure people do not add themselves incorrectly to a scheme and gain access to information they are not authorised to see. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. You’ll see a ‘Submission in progress’ screen. If you can't find the answer to your EMCS question on the GOV.UK website, the quickest and easiest way to get your technical or business questions answered is to ring the EMCS National Service Desk Helpline.
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