Hamburg Süd: Product Portfolio on the Europe–Central America, Caribbean & South America West Coast (SAWC1) trade upgraded. MMSI/CS. Neben den aktuellen Tarifen und Konditionen der Hamburg Süd, werden auch vergangene und zukünftige Tarifinformationen und Konditionen zur Verfügung gestellt. Represented Hamburg Süd with Port of Los Angeles Environmental Department to implement vessel plug-in technologies. 10:00 - 23:00 Uhr, Freibad 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr; Facebook; Info & Service Navigation überspringen. E-Mail central(at) 06 Dec 2017. 264 x 32m. Januar 1952: 1962 Reederei-Schulschiff, 1968 Albur II, 1972 Baring, 1977 Eurosailor, am 24. Import into My Fleet Subscribe to this Fleet Length: Deadweight: Reset all Filter. CAP JERVIS Container ship. For Demurrage or Detention disputes in the US, please contact your Hamburg Sud representative or [email protected] Click here to find the description of our charge codes. Nur wenige Tage später folgte der „Gulf Guardian Award“ der U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Search our extensive routes via vessel schedules, port calls and more. Port of Long Beach Sees Strong Start for 2021 With Record Volumes. Certificates & Awards. DWT/GT. Latin America tops Maersk's trade lanes after Hamburg Süd takeover . Alle U.S.A. Tarifinformationen der Hamburg Süd … Phone: +49 40 37050. In addition, Hamburg Süd has established an extended management team in the brand headquarters in Hamburg to ensure a holistic approach and a sustainable brand with a differentiated service model. The trade between Europe and Central America, Caribbean and South America West Coast has always been a key element in Hamburg Süd’s global network of liner services. Hamburg Süd has withdrawn from a vessel-sharing agreement on the Asia-west coast of South America routes and will offer new services on the fast-growing trade. Please note: Effective from 1st Jan 2016 any reference to INT FUEL displayed in local surcharges below should be disregarded, all inland tariffs and applicable surcharges for same can be found under our Inland tab. Long Beach (Sales Office) Miami (Sales Office) New York (Headquarter) Philadelphia (Service Center) San Francisco (Sales Office / Service Center) Seattle (Service Center) Atlanta Plan route Hamburg Süd North America, Inc. 3225 Cumberland Boulevard Suite 350 GA 30339 Atlanta +1-770-916-5900 +1-770-916-5901 [email protected] Contact Notification. Hamburg Süd has again been honoured for its sustainable and environmentally conscious conduct. Maersk Line today announced that it has reached an agreement with Oetker Group for Maersk Line's acquisition of Hamburg Süd. Z unächst erhielt sie Ende Juli 2011 von der San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Group (dahinter stehen die Häfen von Los Angeles und Long Beach) den „Air Quality Award“. 1 t 0 Location. print . The award ceremony took place in Long Beach, California, on June 16th at the dinner held on the occasion of the AgTC Annual Meeting, the largest gathering of shippers in the US agricultural and forestry products industry. Ankündigungen sind nach Datum und Fahrtgebiet sortiert. Click here to find the description of our charge codes. IMO. Position received on 2021-03-10 02:00 UTC. Alter Teichweg 220, 22049 Hamburg +49 (0)40 696 461 30; E-Mail; Tägl. Name IMO MMSI/CS Length DWT/GT Location Signal Age My Fleet; Name. Das gab die Containerreederei heute in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt. November 1951: 24. Im Sommer kommen ein großzügiges Freibad und 10 Außenfelder dazu. Hamburg Süd » Contact » EN | DE | ES; Tariffs and Surcharges; Print Bill of Lading; Head Office. My Fleet. Find sailing schedules online with Maersk. Overview; Formación profesional dual, carrera universitaria dual y pasantía; Profissionais experientes e recém-graduados; Ofertas de empleo Hamburg Südamerikanische Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft ApS & Co KG. Hamburg Süd by Container_Gavin. Juni 2012, zeichnete der Hafen von Long Beach die Hamburg Süd zum dritten Mal mit dem „ Green Flag Environmental Achievement Award “ aus. However, with Hamburg Süd so strong in north-south trades, especially in reefer trades, it will dominate with 40 percent of all reefer trades in/out of Brazil and possibly higher than 50 percent when it comes to Far East to/from Brazil. 9484572. Die Hamburg Süd ist erneut für ihre nachhaltige und umweltbewusste Handlungsweise ausgezeichnet worden. Für die Hamburg Süd waren es die letzten Schiffe mit mehr als zwölf Passagierplätzen. August 2015. "Giving up our engagement in shipping after an 80 year-long ownership in Hamburg Süd was not an easy decision for my family. Hamburg Süd has been honored as “Top Ranked Carrier” for the second successive year by the Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC), the largest association of importers and exporters of agricultural and forestry products in the USA. The optimisation of Hamburg Süd’s organisational structure is scheduled to be completed by the end of the third quarter, and a multi-brand regional ocean management team will be set up. Long-serving Hamburg Süd executive Poul Hestbaek will take the CEO reins from Dr. Arnt Vespermann, who will step down after more than 20 years at the German container shipping company. Hamburg Süd takes steps to combat LA-LB congestion Grace M. Lavigne, Associate Web Editor | Oct 22, 2014 9:40AM EDT Hamburg Süd said it has taken steps to combat significant delays in vessel arrivals and departures at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach as severe congestion at the largest port complex in the Americas has reached a new level of intensity. Zu den Sicherheitszuschlägen (ISPS) fallen zusätzliche Ratenelemente an. Im Beach Hamburg laden 8 Beachvolleyball-Felder mit beheiztem Sand zu einem Kurzurlaub am Strand ein. Overview; North Europe; South America East Coast; WCSA / CEAM / Mexico / Caribbean; North America; Oceania; Mediterranean; Asia; Indian Subcontinent and Middle-East 5630527009V6246. First, in late July 2011, it received the Air Quality Award from the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Group (backed by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach). Im Bereich „ Ocean “ finden Sie alle U.S.A. Tarifinformationen der Hamburg Süd ab dem 1. Hamburg Süd wird ab Februar 2012 mehrere Dienste von Nordeuropa und dem Mittelmeerraum nach Mittel-, Süd- und Nordamerika umstrukturieren. Just a few days later, it was the Gulf Guardian Award of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Die neue Dienststruktur soll nicht nur eine höhere Kosteneffizienz ermöglichen, sondern auch die Service-Abdeckung der Reedereigruppe verbessern. 3 min. The award is the result of the Ocean Carrier Performance Survey by AgTC’s member companies in April and May 2017. Maersk Line snaps up Hamburg Süd Bruce Barnard | Dec 01, 2016 5:09AM EST Maersk Line ended weeks of speculation with an announcement that it had reached an agreement to buy Hamburg Süd. Hamburg Süd North America, Inc. a part of the global Hamburg Süd organization, is committed to providing you reliable, responsive and cost-efficient service. May 29, 2019 May 20, 2019. … ... November 1979 bei Nan Long Steel & Iron Company in Kaohsiung abgebrochen: Santa Isabel: 873: 5312264: 10. Unter diesem Menüpunkt finden Sie Informationen über veröffentlichte Ankündigungen. Willy-Brandt-Straße 59-65, 20457 Hamburg. Mailing Address: Postfach 11 15 33, 20415 Hamburg . Fax: +49 40 37052400. Southwestern Caribbean, PA. Signal Age. Length.
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