grey's anatomy season 2 episode 12 summary

Meredith tries to avoid the Shepherds. Grey's Anatomy season 2 begins right after Addison shows up and introduces herself to Meredith as Derek's wife. The tumor is located near the language center, so Andrew has to keep talking so they know they're not damaging that area. She'd never seen that before, but it was also weird for him because she's his little girl. Callie and George are playing the fishbowl game with Cristina and Burke. She needs to get on a surgery now, so she's Derek's intern for the day. Cristina notices that Webber is working with his eyes closed. Other news includes patients doing uncanny things and relationship havoc being wrecked between the doctors, as per usual. The staff attends to an intern from another hospital who has short-term memory loss. C'est Grey's Anatomy qui a été choisi pour être le programme diffusé après le Super Bowl XL [25]. George, Izzie, and Cristina talk about Meredith's secret sister. The rest of the interns operate on a family that was just in a car accident. Callie finds that funny, because from what's heard, Izzie's not the best matchmaker. Richard says it's muscle memory. View the full list of popular shows on The TV Calendar and add them to your favourites filter, Note: "The" isn't treated as part of a show name; e.g. Recap guide / thumbnail previews for "Grey's Anatomy" Season 2 Episode 21 . Andrew was in to have a very large brain tumor removed, which had to be done while he was awake. Denny needs a heart or else. Derek and Addison are experiencing their own version of morning-after tension as a result of Mark's visit to Seattle. George says they used to be roommates. Written by Beatrice is talking to Amelia about getting good grades and getting into a good college. Addison operated to open her airway so her lungs could develop properly. Addison and Izzie work with a woman who is pregnant and badly burned. Bailey, returning the favor that was done for her during the Code Black situation, must treat Addison for a specific feminine problem. Meanwhile, Meredith learns more about her family (in fact maybe more than she may have wanted to know) through her parents. Meredith asks how old she is. Webber bugs Bailey about making a fellowship decision until he finds out that more is going into her decision than he knows about. Andrew wakes up and doesn't remember Bailey from his surgery. He was looking for him. Derek and Addison's personal and professional lives collide as friends visit from Manhattan for more than just a visit as they want radical pre-emptive surgery to prevent cancer, while Cristina and Burke attempt a "normal" date, with surgical consequences and George is left puzzled about a man who fell five stories. Molly asks Meredith if her baby will be okay. George refuses to cross the picket line and finally joins the nurses on their strike while Alex, Cristina, Izzie and Meredith meet Bailey's stand-in: Dr. Sydney Heron, the complete opposite of Miranda Bailey. Bailey gets in on Andrew's surgery because she's worried that her coworkers won't recognize her Nazi-status now that she's a mother. George and Derek work together, Denny still doesn't have a heart, and Meredith gets paired with Callie. Rate. Izzie deals with a patient with spontaneous orgasms, while Meredith visits her father. The Name of the Game is the twenty-second episode of the second season and the 31st overall episode of Grey's Anatomy. All that and lots of general socializing among the interns. Tu ne marcheras jamais seul Dec. 03, 2020. Directed by Julie Anne Robinson. Someone finds comfort in confiding in a patient who is going through an ordeal of his own. Also Izzie and Alex may be creating some heat. She announces she's celibate. Addison's patient is a Catholic mother of seven who wants her tubes tied secretly. Part 1 of a three-hour season finale. Richard sits down and talks to Cristina about the skills lab. George is trying to figure out how to get Meredith to see him as more than just a housemate. Richard asks Thatcher if he's aware about what's going on with Ellis. She tells Andrew she's going to go home and tell her son about him. Meredith asks if her parents approve. Play hard, play fast... play loose and free. The show's premise originated with Shonda Rhimes, who serves as an executive producer, along with Betsy Beers, Mark Gordon, Krista Vernoff, Rob Corn, Mark … Derek asks Meredith not to ignore him until Addison comes walking around the corner. Train wreck victims come to Seattle Grace and all staff gets called in. Izzie and George go crazy trying to get him one. Rate. George's sitting in the tunnels and calls Callie. Meredith smiles and says yes. Susan says Molly knows that her father had another daughter. It turns out that contrary to Cristina and Burke, they can understand each other with very few words. Meredith takes her blood pressure and notices her wedding ring. Richard comes over and sits down with them. Alex says the patient is toast, which Burke finds insensitive. Alex's neighborhood doesn't look safe. 10. Izzie (Katherine Heigl) can't get into the holiday spirit because she's still p.o. Meredith is freaking out about her situation. Meredith passes Susan in the hallway. Play. George, Cristina, and Alex compete in a hot dog eating competition. Addison steps in and says that she was the one who cheated on her husband and the patient owes Meredith an apology. Meanwhile, it's decision time for Shepherd-Grey-Shepherd love triangle. Denny's beating Izzie at Scrabble because she's not paying attention. Up in the OR gallery, Cristina is still frustrated that Burke couldn't guess Madonna off her clues. George goes turkey-hunting with his family. Derek is still operating when he finds out about Meredith's current situation. Bailey puts George on an impossible case. Meredith is devastated by the latest blow to her love life. Rate. Grey's Anatomy Season show reviews & Metacritic score: Cristina is bothered by a new year's mandatory work limit. Up in the gallery, Meredith is knitting as Derek walks in. He's surprised to hear her phone ring nearby. One doctor's overreaction unites two bickering patients. She asks for one good reason not to throw him off the case. That's the one thing he's got going for him. Addison is continuing to own Alex and he's upset about it. Greys Anatomy Season 1 Episode 8: Save Me Summary: Meredith grows increasingly dissatisfied with the unknown details of Derek's life. Derek and Addison take sides when a couple of their closest friends come in for a controversial surgery. Meredith and Dr. Shepherd must convince a religious man to allow his daughter to have a life-saving operation. She's being mommy tracked. Regardez le teaser "Grey's Anatomy - saison 12 - épisode 21 Teaser VO" de la série Grey's Anatomy - Saison 12 sur AlloCiné Richard treats a friend from 17 years ago who reveals a secret about a dark time in his past that involves Ellis. She defends herself, saying she has an excess of estrogen. Molly says it came from her mother's grandmother. George talks to Thatcher and hides Meredith from his view. Richard tells Thatcher that she has advanced early onset Alzheimer's. George says Molly is Meredith's half-sister, but Meredith doesn't know Molly exists. There's a winner for a reason. Blythe Robe Bailey tells Andrew to hold on, because they're working to fix it. The teacher says his work is flawless. Burke clears his throat from the doorway. Andrew wakes up after surgery with Bailey in his room. Derek has the life of a friend in his hands as he operates on Burke who has been shot. This is Alex's last day in the hospital unless he passes his boards practical exam the next day, thus everyone helps him to review so that he succeeds. He tells Cristina he hopes her fellow interns will be as adept on the scope as her. As Cristina tries to recover, she proves to be a very difficult patient, and a visit from her mother doesn't improve her demeanor any.

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