March 8, 2021. Expanded aid for businesses. For press inquiries please see country specific numbers of our press officers. 19, 2019 [EN] Nexi enters an agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo regarding the purchase of its merchant acquiring business, CDec. Contacts. A powerful strategic combination between Nexi and Nets, C Nov. 11, 2020 Group financial results as of september 30TH 2020 approved. (Italian: Banca Popolare Form3 and Barclays enable access to the SEPA Instant payment scheme for FinTechs, with Ebury as the launch client. Read More. nexi とは. Membro del Gruppo IVA Nexi P.IVA 10542790968, Feb 22, 2021 - Admission to trading of Nexi S.p.A. €1 billion senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2028, Feb 17, 2021 - Nexi S.p.A. successfully prices its offer of €1 billion senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2028, Feb 16, 2021 Nexi S.p.A. announces that it intends to offer €1 billion senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2028, Nexi, agreement signed with Cred and Responsive, Widiba Bank and Nexi join forces for the development of business customers, Nexi in the spotlight at Il Salone dei Pagamenti, Nexi and FEduF guide students in discovery of digital payments, Open banking: Nexi and Experian announce their partnership, Open banking: partnership between Nexi and Ebury, Presenting VivoGreen, Italy’s first cash register-free store. 03rd, 2018 [ITA] Banca Carige e Nexi firmano accordo per la creazione di una partneship nei sistemi di pagamento | Banca Carige cederà al partner le attività di Merchant Acquiring, C Feb. 01st, 2018 [ITA] Depositate in Banca d'Italia le istanze per la riorganizzazione del Gruppo, C Nov. 10th, 2017 [ENG] Nexi draws on the experience of CartaSi and ICBPI, © Nexi Payments SpA 2017. News & Press Releases. Advent launches Xplor for Global Integrated Commerce. Membro del Gruppo IVA Nexi P.IVA 10542790968, Feb 22, 2021 - Admission to trading of Nexi S.p.A. €1 billion senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2028, Feb 17, 2021 - Nexi S.p.A. successfully prices its offer of €1 billion senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2028, Feb 16, 2021 Nexi S.p.A. announces that it intends to offer €1 billion senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2028, Creation of the European PayTech leader. 20, 2020 - Nexi: three initiatives to help merchants and self-employed workers, C Apr. Call of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on May 5th, 2020. Publication of documents. 03, 2021 Publication of the summary statement of voting, Mar. NEXI’s powered “The Solution” pedal board features a click-and-play design allowing pedals to be placed securely in place without the need of patch cables or additional power supplies. Jan. 28, 2021 Call of the Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on March 3rd, 2021 Publication of documents, C Dec. 08, 2020 Notice of filing of document, C Nov. 20, 2020 Notice of filing of document, CNov. Strong recovery in volumes. Get the latest NexImmune, Inc. Common Stock (NEXI) stock news and headlines to help you in your trading and investing decisions. SIA: the CEO steps down as part of the agreements provided for in the merger with Nexi Find out more. Press Releases 05 03/2021. 20, 2018 [ITA] Osservatorio acquisti Nexi: il digitale conquista la mobilità urbana in Italia. PRESS RELEASE INTESA SANPAOLO: STRATEGIC AGREEMENT FINALISED WITH NEXI IN RESPECT OF PAYMENT SYSTEMS Turin - Milan, 30 June 2020 – Intesa Sanpaolo and Nexi today finalised the strategic agreement in respect of payment systems, having obtained the necessary authorisations from the competent The international fintech companies Cred (Israeli) and Responsive (Canadian) have joined Nexi Open, the open banking ecosystem of Italian PayTech Nexi. The combined company will be one of Europe’s biggest payments companies. 11.3.2021. Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI; Chairman and CEO: Atsuo Kuroda) has decided to provide insurance to support investments and loans in a natural gas combined cycle power plant project carried out by Reliance Bangladesh LNG & Power Limited (hereinafter referred to as “project company”) 2, sponsored by JERA Co., Inc. (JERA) 1, in People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Bangladesh). Bangkok – The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance of Japan (NEXI) announced today that they have completed a reciprocal co-financing agreement. About NEXI. 20, 2019 Clarification on Nexi - Intesa San Paolo, C Nov. 08, 2019 Group Financial results as of September 30th 2019 approved, C Oct.11, 2019 Nexi S.p.A. announces the pricing of €825.0 million in aggregate principalamount of 1.75% Senior Notes due 2024, C Oct. 09, 2019 Nexi S.p.A. announces that it intends to offer €825.0 million in aggregate principal amount of Senior Notes due 2024 and/or 2027 to refinance its existing indebtedness, C Sep. 26th, 2019 Nexi: resignation of a Board Member, C Aug. 29th, 2019 Consolidated First Half Financial Report as at 30 June 2019, C Jul. Back to growth in 3Q20, C Nov. 02, 2020 Nexi, exclusive negotiations for the merger with Nets, C Oct. 05, 2020 Nexi and SIA, agreement for the creation of the European digital payments PayTech leader, C Aug. 12, 2020 Consolidated First Half Financial Report as at 30 June 2020. 11, 2021 The Board of Directors approves the Consolidated Financial Results and the Draft Financial Results of Nexi SPA As of December 31st 2020, Mar. Crest Plus explains how the LexisNexis® IDU® identity checks software has improved business efficiencies, replaced manual checks and streamlined processes. 09, 2021 Obtainment of the EC Antitrust Clearance For the Nexi/Nets Merger, Mar. Last February, Nexi, together with Plug and Play created the largest Open Innovation platform in the world. 09, 2021 Obtainment of the EC Antitrust Clearance For the Nexi/Nets Merger, Mar. 15, 2018 [ITA] Creval prepaid Card UniCT: la nuova carta dello studente dell'Università di Catania. UBI Banca accelera sui pagamenti: disponibili i bonifici istantanei grazie alla tecnologia Nexi, Nexi SmartPOS Cassa: la soluzione ideale per adempiere alla nuova normativa fiscale, Nexi sigla un nuovo accordo con UnionPay per estenderne l’accettazione delle carte in Italia, Nexi e Stentle: partnership per omnichannel & invisible payments, Netcomm Forum 2019: Nexi protagonista sui temi più innovativi dei pagamenti digitali, Nexi lancia ioSi Plus Emotion, il nuovo servizio che offre esperienze esclusive e irripetibili, Stefania Mantegazza nominata Responsabile Investor Relations di Nexi, Nexi rende disponibile Garmin Pay™ per i clienti di oltre 100 banche italiane, Results announced for the financial year ending 31 December 2018, Nexi Smart POS integra AdMove la app innovativa per creare campagne di advertising mobile iperlocalizzate, L'ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII sceglie gli SmartPOS di Nexi, Nexi Shareholder Meeting appoints new Board of Directors, Nexi e Farmakom: siglata una partnership per i pagamenti online, Nexi al fianco della Polizia Postale contro i pericoli della rete, ReStore e Gruppo Végé scelgono Nexi per la gestione dei pagamenti online, Osservatorio acquisti Nexi - Natale 2018: gli acquisti con strumenti digitali cresceranno del 23,1%, Creval prepaid Card UniCT: la nuova carta dello studente dell'Università di Catania. Reducing The Margin For Error With Better Identity Checks: Crest Plus Case Study. Press release content from Globe Newswire. 09, 2020 - Nexi and Bain: a strategic partnership for open banking, C May. Company press release are available from traditional Press release wires like PR Newswire and Business Wire, as well as other wire services like Associated Press … The bank was specialised as a central institution of Italian Popular Bank. First Patient Dosed in NexImmune Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial of NEXI-002 in Multiple Myeloma Simple in delivery, NEXI Industries’ Phaser (PSR-01) represents the next stage for this effect pedal, with a plug-‘n-play design that makes compatibility a breeze—just like the effect’s signature sweeping and swooshing. 03, 2021 EGM resolved in favour of the merger by incorporation of Nets into Nexi, Feb. 16, 2021 Notice of filing of document. March 8, 2021. PRESS RELEASE . Mar. Open Banking: Partnership between Ebury and Nexi. 03, 2021 Publication of the summary statement of voting, Mar. The new KfW Special Programme 2020 has been launched today. C Apr. Date . C Jul 10, 2019 [ITA] UBI Banca accelera sui pagamenti: disponibili i bonifici istantanei grazie alla tecnologia Nexi, C Jun 24, 2019 [ITA] Nexi SmartPOS Cassa: la soluzione ideale per adempiere alla nuova normativa fiscale, C Jun 30, 2019 [ITA] Nexi sigla un nuovo accordo con UnionPay per estenderne l’accettazione delle carte in Italia, C May 20, 2019 [ITA] Nexi e Stentle: partnership per omnichannel & invisible payments, C May 29, 2019 [ITA] Netcomm Forum 2019: Nexi protagonista sui temi più innovativi dei pagamenti digitali, C May 16, 2019 [ITA] Nexi protagonista al TEDxPescara, C May 15, 2019 [ITA] Nexi lancia ioSi Plus Emotion, il nuovo servizio che offre esperienze esclusive e irripetibili, C Apr. The funds for the KfW Special Programme are unlimited. Nippon Export and Investment Insurance. u Thursday, November 11th, 2021Consolidated Quarterly Report as at 31.09.2021 - Board of Directors approval and 9M21 Results Presentation. Intesa Sanpaolo establishes a long term partnership with Nexi and sells its own acquiring branch. 12:00. 17 2020 - Nexi S.p.A. successfully prices the offer of €500 million senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2027, C Apr. 30, 2018 [ENG] 2017 Financial statements approved: revenues and investments are growing, C Apr. Find the latest press releases from NexImmune, Inc. (NEXI) at 14, 2020 - E-commerce: Nexi signs strategic agreements with UnionPay and JCB, C Jul. Revenue and EBITDA growth trend confirmed, C Jan. 14, 2020 - Open Banking: CBI partners with Nexi to support banks and payment service providers in offering new fintech services in Italy and Europe, CDec. The deal, all shares, gives Nexi a 70 percent stake in the combined company, … estimated for the SIA merger. C Feb. 15th, 2019 Nexi Shareholder Meeting appoints new Board of Directors, C Jan. 22nd, 2019 [ENG] Cedacri acquires OASI from Nexi, C Jul. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation. 11, 2021 The Board of Directors approves the Consolidated Financial Results and the Draft Financial Results of Nexi SPA As of December 31st 2020, Mar. MIGA and NEXI signed an MOU, which formalizes an agreement to share risk, through reinsurance, on investments made by Japanese firms in developing countries. Read More. NEXI’s powered “The Solution” pedal board features a click-and-play design allowing pedals to be placed securely in place without the need of patch cables or additional power supplies. May 07, 2018. 23, 2019 - Notice of filing of document, CDec. 08 2020 - Filing Notice – Minutes of the Shareholders’ meeting, CJun 30 2020 - Publication of the summary statement of voting, C Jun 30 2020 - Nexi, completed the acquisition of the merchant acquiring by Intesa Sanpaolo, C Jun. Risk assumption by KfW of up to 90% and interest rate cuts. Milan, 4 October 2020 – Nexi S.p.A. (“ Nexi ”), the PayTech leader in digital payments in Italy, and SIA S.p.A. (“ SIA ”), the Italian and European leader in payment technology and infrastructure services, controlled by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (“ CDP ”) through its subsidiary CDP Equity (“ CDPE ”), signed a memorandum of understanding (“ MoU ”) regarding the integration of the two groups through the … Apply. * * * Yhteystiedot medialle Søren Winge Head of Media Relations Puh. A powerful strategic combination between Nexi and Nets, Group financial results as of september 30TH 2020 approved. 04, 2018 [ITA] Cresce l'interesse degli italiani per il benessere: nel primo quadrimestre del 2018 spesi 330 mln, C May 28, 2018 [ITA] Nexi con Amazon Pay per gli acquisti online, C May 24, 2018 [ITA] Nexi e Klarna: partnership per l'ecommerce, C May 17, 2018 [ITA] Credito Valtellinese sceglie la piattaforma di bonifico istantaneo di Nexi, C May 09, 2018 [ITA] Nexi lancia – in esclusiva per l’Italia - i nuovi Smart POS, C May 09, 2018 [ITA] Annunciati i vincitori della Nexi POS Revolution: al primo posto Airshop, C Apr. April 2, 2019. Instant Payments: Nexi integrates its platform with TIPS. External Communication & Media Relations. Nexi, the biggest payments processor in Italy, has agreed to acquire fintech rival SIA for about 4.6 billion euros. “FDA clearance of our second IND this quarter marks another significant milestone for NexImmune and demonstrates our team’s focus and commitment to bringing novel therapies to patients with significant unmet need,” Scott P. Carmer, NexImmune’s president and CEO, said in a press release. [Press Release] Japan shamelessly continues to finance coal ignoring the voices of the local people as well as international society JBIC and NEXI should stop … Nexia News Nexia International becomes eighth largest global accounting network. Estratto di accordo rilevante ai sensi dell’art. Nexi logo (left) and logos of former ICBPI and CartaSi (right) Formerly: Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane: Type: private società per azioni: Headquarters: 55 Corso Sempione, Milan, Italy: 16, 366 (registered office) Key people. Front page Media and press News Nets Group enters into exclusive negotiations with Nexi. Nexi con l'Università di Catania per l'apertura dei terminali POS al Nodo dei Pagamenti, XPay di Nexi integra i wallet Alipay e WeChat Pay, Black Friday: venerdì spesi 550 milioni di euro con strumenti digitali, Banca MPS e Nexi al fianco degli esercenti di Padova per sfruttare le opportunità del digitale e competere con i giganti del web, Natale 2018: Nexi affianca il Comune di MIlano, Consorzio CBI - Nexi: al via la soluzione CBI GLOBE – Global Open Banking Ecosystem per facilitare l’interconnessione tra banche e terze parti, SmartPOS Revolution: Digital Advisory vince l’hackathon di Nexi, Nasce Easy Shopping: la rateizzazione degli acquisti on demand di Nexi, a portata di app, Nexi: completata la riorganizzazione societaria, KRYALOS SGR S.p.A.: terzo investimento per il Fondo Virtus, che ha finalizzato la compravendita di un portafoglio di immobili ad uso uffici ceduti dal gruppo Nexi, Al via la seconda edizione di #iovinco, il concorso instant win di Nexi dal valore di 1 oltre milione di euro, Cresce l'interesse degli italiani per il benessere: nel primo quadrimestre del 2018 spesi 330 mln, Nexi con Amazon Pay per gli acquisti online, Nexi e Klarna: partnership per l'ecommerce, Credito Valtellinese sceglie la piattaforma di bonifico istantaneo di Nexi, Nexi lancia – in esclusiva per l’Italia - i nuovi Smart POS, Annunciati i vincitori della Nexi POS Revolution: al primo posto Airshop, 2017 Financial statements approved: revenues and investments are growing, Nexi acquisisce Sparkling 18, una delle realtà più innovative nei New Digital Payments, Banca Carige e Nexi firmano accordo per la creazione di una partneship nei sistemi di pagamento, Banca Carige cederà al partner le attività di Merchant Acquiring, Annunciati i vincitori di cashless Milano Hack di Nexi: al primo posto un progetto innovativo per la gestione digitale dei resti, Nexi main partner della Milano Digital Week, Financial Innovation - Italian Awards: Nexi si aggiudica 5 menzioni di merito, Polizia di Stato e Nexi SpA siglano accordo su prevenzione e contrasto dei crimini informatici, Al via #iovinco, il concorso instant win di Nexi, dedicato ai pagamenti digitali, Open call per il cashless Milano Hack di Nexi, Depositate in Banca d'Italia le istanze per la riorganizzazione del Gruppo. 19, 2019 - Nexi enters an agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo regarding the purchase of its merchant acquiring business, CNov. Jan 14, 2016 | Press Release. 17th, 2019 [ITA] Estratto di accordo rilevante ai sensi dell’art. February 25, 2021. 日本貿易保険( nexi )は、 1950 年 3 月 31 日に施行された貿易保険法に基づき設立された日本の輸出信用機関で、日本政府が全株式を保有する株式会社として 2017 年 4 月 1 日に誕 … Press Releases 01 03/2021. It is available to small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large companies. Stock performance | Nexi Overview Nexi Group Press Release Financial Calendar Financial Results Conferences & Presentations Financial Statements Bond Analysts Share Capital & Shareholeders Shareholders' Meetings Articles of Association IPO Contacts 14, 2019 [ITA] Nexi rende disponibile Garmin Pay™ per i clienti di oltre 100 banche italiane, C Mar. “While the primary objective in this trial with NEXI-002 is to demonstrate safety and tolerability, we also hope to see initial signs of immunological and clinical activity,” Han Myint, MD, chief medical officer of NexImmune, said in a press release. For a better answer to your needs, our Solution Finder will guide you through a personalized search. C Mar. Press Releases ; DuPont to acquire Laird Performance Materials from Advent International. 129 del Regolamento CONSOB n. 11971/1999 (il “Regolamento Emittenti”) relativo a Nexi S.p.A. e alla sua controllante Mercury UK Holdco Limited. Nel 2018, 246 milioni spesi con strumenti digitali per spostarsi in città. Applications possible with immediate effect. … Stay up to date with all latest press releases from NexImmune, Inc. (NEXI). The new shareholders plan to reestablish Accu Holding AG as a renowned listed Swiss industrial group, integrating Nexis’s and some of their own industrial activities, in order to leverage Nexis’s growth strategy. 02, 2019 [ITA] Stefania Mantegazza nominata Responsabile Investor Relations di Nexi, C Mar. C Dic. Vidyo, Inc. announced today that Bloomberg selected the company to provide the enabling technology for the Nexi platform, Bloomberg’s all-new global communications platform to visually connect Bloomberg employees with the rest of the world. 29th, 2019 Group Financial results as of June 30th 2019 approved, C May 10th, 2019 Group Financial results as of March 31st 2019 approved. CDec. 03, 2018 [ITA] Banca Carige e Nexi firmano accordo per la creazione di una partneship nei sistemi di pagamento | Banca Carige cederà al partner le attività di Merchant Acquiring, C Mar. Jan 28, 2021 Call of the Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on March 3rd, 2021 Publication of documents, C Nov. 26, 2020 - Nexi, agreement signed with Cred and Responsive, C Nov. 04, 2020 - Widiba Bank and Nexi join forces for the development of business customers, C Nov. 03, 2020 - Nexi in the spotlight at Il Salone dei Pagamenti, C Oct. 28, 2020 - Nexi and FEduF guide students in discovery of digital payments, C Oct. 13, 2020 - Open banking: Nexi and Experian announce their partnership, C Sep 29, 2020 - Open banking: partnership between Nexi and Ebury, C Sep. 11, 2020 - Presenting VivoGreen, Italy’s first cash register-free store. EXIM and NEXI are the export credit agencies (ECAs) of the United States and Japan, respectively. (PRESS RELEASE) TURIN/ MILAN, 30-Jun-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Italian banking group Intesa Sanpaolo has announced that its strategic agreement related to payment systems with Nexi, an Italian bank that specialises in payment systems, has just been finalised with all the … Read the full press release → Posted in Banks, Business, Financial, Investment, Italy, Management, News. Nexi enters an agreement with Intesa Sanpaolo regarding the purchase of its merchant acquiring business, Group Financial results as of September 30th 2019 approved, Nexi S.p.A. announces the pricing of €825.0 million in aggregate principalamount of 1.75% Senior Notes due 2024, Nexi S.p.A. announces that it intends to offer €825.0 million in aggregate principal amount of Senior Notes due 2024 and/or 2027 to refinance its existing indebtedness, Consolidated First Half Financial Report as at 30 June 2019, Group Financial results as of June 30th 2019 approved, Group Financial results as of March 31st 2019 approved. NEXI—the export credit agency of Japan, wholly owned by the Government of Japan—was established on April 1, 2017, under the Trade and Investment Insurance Act, which came into effect on March 31, 1950 by official proclamation. The Board of Directors approves the consolidated financial results and the draft financial results of Nexi S.p.A. as of December 31st 2019. 06, 2020 - The Board of Directors approves the consolidated financial results and the draft financial results of Nexi S.p.A. as of December 31st 2019, C Feb. 12, 2020 - 2020 Financial Calendar Amendment. C Jul. 2021. T. +39 02 3488.4491. email: [email protected]. This is the website for JCB, Japan's only international payment brand.We have a variety of useful services available and information for JCB cardmembers and JCB brand partners. Group financial results as of June 30TH 2020 approved. 2018 [ITA] Osservatorio acquisti Nexi - Natale 2018: gli acquisti con strumenti digitali cresceranno del 23,1%, C Dic. Open Banking: CBI partners with Nexi to support banks and payment service providers in offering new fintech services in Italy and Europe . 12/09/2020. Feb 11, 2021 Group Preliminary Financial Results as of December 31st 2020 approved. ... Ebury approved to provide Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme funding to UK SMEs. March. Filing Notice – Minutes of the Shareholders’ meeting, Publication of the summary statement of voting, Nexi, completed the acquisition of the merchant acquiring by Intesa Sanpaolo, The Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting of Nexi S.p.A. authorises the convertibility of the the equity-linked bond and the capital increase, Filling Notice - Minutes of the Shareholders' meeting, The Board of Directors of Nexi S.p.A. submits for approval to the extraordinary Shareholder’s meeting the capital increase servicing the equity-linked bonds placed in April 2020, Group Financial results as of March 31st 2020 approved, Admission to trading of Nexi SpA €500 million senior unsercured equity-linked bond due 2027, Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting approves the 2019 Financial Statements, exi S.p.A. successfully prices the offer of €500 million senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2027, Nexi S.p.A. announces that it intends to offer €500 million senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2027, Nexi, update in relation to Covid-19 impacts. 12th, 2019 Nexi successfully completes its offering of ordinary shares C Mar. C Apr. 29th, 2018 [ITA] KRYALOS SGR S.p.A.: terzo investimento per il Fondo Virtus, che ha finalizzato la compravendita di un portafoglio di immobili ad uso uffici ceduti dal gruppo Nexi, C Apr. Nexi, Nets and the other parties mentioned in this press release undertake no obligation to publicly update or review the forecast information as a consequence of new information, future events or other reasons, except where required by applicable law. Press Releases 01 03/2021. Posted on November 2, 2020 European payments rivals Nets of Denmark and Nexi of Italy have negotiated an “all-share” merger deal that would establish a … Nexi is a project partner, C Jul. Press Releases ; DuPont to acquire Laird Performance Materials from Advent International. 04, 2018 [ITA] Nasce Easy Shopping: la rateizzazione degli acquisti on demand di Nexi, a portata di app, C Jul. Risk assumption by KfW of up to 90% and interest rate cuts. We will make all payments digital so that they’ll be easier, faster and more secure. 122 del D.Lgs 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58 (il “TUF”) e dell’art. Rome, 14/01/2020 – CBI, the think tank for innovation for the payments market in the financial industry promoted by … Press Release | 06/05/2020. “While the primary objective in this trial with NEXI-002 is to demonstrate safety and tolerability, we also hope to see initial signs of immunological and clinical activity,” Han Myint, MD, chief medical officer of NexImmune, said in a press release. All Rights Reserved. Each pedal will be priced at $99.95 USD scheduled for release later this year and at Winter NAMM 2019. MIGA and NEXI to Share Risk through Reinsurance. NEXI provides insurance for loans of approximately JPY 5.1 billion in combined value* to be extended by the aforementioned two Japanese companies over the next year. 03, 2018 [ITA] Nexi: completata la riorganizzazione societaria, C Jun. SOLUTION FINDER. Nexi Shareholder Meeting appoints new Board of Directors, Nexi: completata la riorganizzazione societaria, KRYALOS SGR S.p.A.: terzo investimento per il Fondo Virtus, che ha finalizzato la compravendita di un portafoglio di immobili ad uso uffici ceduti dal gruppo Nexi, 2017 Financial statements approved: revenues and investments are growing, Nexi acquisisce Sparkling 18, una delle realtà più innovative nei New Digital Payments, Banca Carige e Nexi firmano accordo per la creazione di una partneship nei sistemi di pagamento, Banca Carige cederà al partner le attività di Merchant Acquiring, Depositate in Banca d'Italia le istanze per la riorganizzazione del Gruppo, Nexi draws on the experience of CartaSi and ICBPI. ET These contacts are dedicated exclusively to the media world. 03rd, 2018 [ITA] Nexi: completata la riorganizzazione societaria, C Jun. 16 2020 - Nexi S.p.A. announces that it intends to offer €500 million senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2027, C Apr. Press Release. 12:00. Preliminary Group Financial results as of December 31st 2019 approved. 18, 2019 [ITA] Nexi rende disponibile Fitbit Pay, C Apr. 07, 2020 - E-commerce: partnership between Nexi and Italiaonline, C Apr. 30 2020 - Publication of documents, C Apr. News Release; Country Category; General Information ; Russian Federation / Export Credit Line for SUEK LTD - Support for export of mining machinery by Japanese companies - June 17, 2019. This website uses profiling cookies in order to send customised advertising messages and allows “third party” cookies (cookies set by a different website) to be sent. Press. 26th, 2019 Press Note C Mar. C Feb. 12, 2020 - Preliminary Group Financial results as of December 31st 2019 approved. 20, 2018 [ITA] Al via la seconda edizione di #iovinco, il concorso instant win di Nexi dal valore di 1 oltre milione di euro, C Jun. Feb 22, 2021 - Admission to trading of Nexi S.p.A. €1 billion senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2028 Feb 17, 2021 - Nexi S.p.A. successfully prices its offer of €1 billion senior unsecured equity-linked Bonds due 2028 Feb. 16, 2021 Notice of filing of document ... Free Press Release Distribution Website. Joint Press Release . Daniele de Sanctis. Publication of documents. 11th, 2018 [ITA] Nexi acquisisce Sparkling 18, una delle realtà più innovative nei New Digital Payments, C Apr. PRESS RELEASE. This is the ninth insurance that NEXI has offered for loans to TDB Leasing made by MG Leasing since 2014. Close panel Nets Group enters into exclusive negotiations with Nexi Press release. February 22, 2021. 30th, 2018 [ENG] 2017 Financial statements approved: revenues and investments are growing, C Apr. Open Banking: CBI partners with Nexi to support banks and payment service providers in offering new fintech services in Italy and Europe . Feb 11, 2021 Group Preliminary Financial Results as of December 31st 2020 approved. PRESS RELEASE . 24, 2020 - Nexi reaches agreement with Google for SmartPOS terminals, C Jun. News Release; Country Category; General Information; Malaysia / Loan Insurance for Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated Development Project. Press Release | 29/09/2020. Nexi is a project partner, NEXI STRENGTHENS ITS LEADERSHIP IN OPEN BANKING, E-commerce: Nexi signs strategic agreements with UnionPay and JCB, Open banking: partnership between Nexi and Conio, Nexi reaches agreement with Google for SmartPOS terminals, Nexi and Bain: a strategic partnership for open banking, Net Insurance partners with Nexi in the Nexi Open project, Open banking: partnership between Nexi and Microsoft, Nexi simplifies the receipt of INPS benefits, Nexi: three initiatives to help merchants and self-employed workers, E-commerce: partnership between Nexi and Italiaonline, Nexi builds the first European instant payment settlement model for a payment institution, Nexi: one million euro for the Fiera Milano Hospital, Banco BPM chooses Nexi technology for its ATMs, THE MONTEPASCHI GROUP CHOOSES NEXI TO LAUNCH ITS INSTANT BANK CREDIT TRANSFER SERVICE, Preliminary Group Financial results as of December 31st 2019 approved.
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