football index trustpilot

The Football Index is a great football platform, it gives you a 3 year bet, so plenty of time to build up a portfolio of players that in return pay dividends if you pick the right ones. Scam run by spineless crooks. The business model/concept was very simple and very exciting for users, buy players who you think are adequately/low priced vs the dividends they are then able to earn vs that price, the dividends being predetermined by FI.As a business, for me it functioned very well. Not everyone on the Twitter feed is like this. Not Football Index, another customer. 1 Reply Last reply . This was implemented after FI essentially turned their ‘sell back your bad bet to us’ feature in order to ‘save the platform’.As a result of the market growing twice the size, FI announced a dividend increase of... 30%. Call us Free! The site is well-known for being the world’s first football stock market, and it offers punters a very unique betting format. I agree, things should have been better, but some 20/30 year old something with a 1D photo or name on Twitter, really shouldn't ne someone you should be taking financial advice from.On the 1D connection to FI, it's totally embarrassing. Here at Football Index we are all very much looking forward to the rest of the year, and we are happy to see that you are enjoying your time on the platform. Despite declaring their financial position as very strong in February, they now declare this is not the case. Everyone has an opinion in there and all seem to think they are world class wall street traders and know how the business could be run better. Please note, Football Index is regulated by the Gambling Commission. Mike then announced a Q&A to talk about lost promises such as NASDAQ, mechanics, and expansion. Rather than addressing problems they would much rather make erratic decisions to stimulate growth whether that is increasing payouts or decreasing payouts, a clear lack of planning and modelling when making decisions which has lead to the demise of the platform. Even customer services couldnt keep up even some staff had no clue what their bosses were doing.Was a great product once. It was safe to say at this point, concerns about legitimacy and sustainability started to creep into rational traders heads. Great concept but needs new management fast, Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore. © 2021 Trustpilot A/S. NOT the case with football index - the bet lasts for 3 YEARS - 3 YEARS. Story of my life. Exactly) have created a self eroding system of failures that have led to 99% of ‘traders’ (as they call their gambling users) losing money. Make your own mind up. Don't by fooled by the rockets and emojis in their announcements, its all a scam to encourage deposits. As 2021 came about the market was stagnant, mechanics were in place to ensure player prices would drop 30% on the back of a 20% rise and thus making any new purchases worthless. Surely these are fake reviews. This is the one for you. Many thanks, The Football Index team Do not give these crooks any more of your money. The concept is simple: Buy low, Sell high. €60.09m ... Trustpilot. Stay away from this product! 3 stars because it was a 5 star company but in the last 12 months behaved like a 1 star - The concept is absolutley brilliant - and when it was working well it was the best! How can you allow a company to have a license to change the bet with 30 days notice....... Utterly dissapointed and 3k down. Though I’ll miss the midnight memories, there are other platforms that seem far less fraudulent - why don’t we go there? With again nothing coming from index as if they found this ok. Football Index raise the ceiling themselves, by Increasing the dividends whenever they feel that the market has reached a point where dividends aren’t ‘worth it’. Indeed slashing potential winnings by 70% in a shock announcement that was disguised as a Q and A session! A Ponzi scheme would not involve you putting in £5,000 and buying shares, making £7,000 of dividends, then selling your shares and having £12,000 total (if sold at correct time). Been on football index since 2017 and it’s such a disappointment to be writing this as we all thought it is going places but we were all wrong. Absolutely pained by the way this strong idea for a company was operated. Now I know traders will read this and say 'its FI leaving reviews' I assure you its not. When I could, many had been massively devalued. I was constantly reminded that this was a 3 year bet. Keep clear. The worst experience I’ve ever had with a business. He went on to tell me my family was currently being held hostage in Mexico City but they could ensure my money was safe and my family could be rescued if I just confirmed my account number and sort code. Such irresponsibility ensured ‘traders’ deposit even more money as they were now established as the early adopters.However somewhere along the line senior management realized the market could not be externally stimulated forever and ‘traders’ might end up cashing in their profits, leaving the company with a gaping financial hole. This is a toxic place. © 2021 Trustpilot, Inc. All rights reserved. 2020-10-28. I have made nearly 35% ROI since I signed-up. What should have been a great concept has been ruined. I count myself lucky as I only put in what I was willing to lose but my thoughts go out to those who have lost thousands of their money. I’ll be riding the market as the game comes back in force. They then implemented a shoddy order book with no house liquidity and initially with no depth shown. When I joined this index was on the up. Terms heavily weighted to the house which can be amended every 30 days as they see fit. Please do contact our Customer Support team at [email protected] or call 0800 066 2650, if you have any further questions or concerns. The problem is they change the betting odds as they see fit. They’re not good ‘traders’ they just would’ve bought players in 2015 and sat on them until now. Football INDEX is provided by BetIndex Ltd which is licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission. Mike Bohan, don’t forget where you belong: jail. The loss of TOTM is disappointing, but I believe this will return in the future.Now, for the 'FI Community' on Twitter. Very good company to start off with, have been using since late 2017. Please do not put any of your hard earned money into this. Joined Football Index over 3 years ago. The Football Index team takes pride in providing the best possible service to all our Traders. Please avoid. Better prices now. The new pay outs make a lot more sense. Remote Operating Account Number: 043061043061 Since then I've still had £150 worth of portfolio/players/'stock' which I have been unable to sell, and have just watched their value drop from £2-3 a share down to £1 then 50p then to nothing. The murky guise between a Ponzi scheme scam and a product that may be sustainable under perfect conditions. There are some really decent people who clearly love the platform and want it to succeed. Am I gutted, yes. Thus came a half hearted plan to implement a ‘stock market style order book’. To win, you’ll need to hold the footballer until you’ve been credited with your Media Dividends. Football index will happily put you in a position where your portfolio is worth a fraction of its actual value as long as they get to keep money for themselves. A great idea and product, the problem stems for continually changing and tweaking and the misleading statements from CEO stating company is in a good financial position, which of course is not true . The Trade Risk-Free Offer is based on a New Customer’s deposits at Football Index during the 7 day Risk-Free Period. I understand as a business they clearly have had to do this. A great platform ruined by absolute fraudsters who have robbed millions from loyal customers. Football Index - NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN Have been a betting man for 23 years and wasted so much money - when an acca is over its done. Football index is about to go bust Football index is about to go bust. It should never have been allowed to walls:). Please note, this is the same 'community' that demanded increase of dividends to an unsustainable amount. 0800 066 2650. From Querying an Operational Database to Centralizing Data Into BigQuery . this wasnt just because everyone was making money, it was also really enjoyable - Capital Appreciation was a real thing and you were rewarded for your research/knowledge as the slogan suggested.However we were then all misled, into thinking FI were in a better financial position than ever, even during times when others were having doubts, when the rules were continually being changed, we backed them everytime.Unfortunatley its continually been their most loyal customers that have been burnt the most, and still we continued to back them.They shouldve recognised the financial position/sustainability so much earlier, been honest...people wouldve accepted that and they would still have the majority of their customer base.I dont think FI is dead but they need to turn this around in a big way - they need to regain trust and sentiment back in a big way - which will not be easy - they should be doing something for existing customers who backed them through thick and thin, they need to provide a road map of their plans of how to get out of this hole, they need to scrap the 3 year bet which will keep existing users (whose money is stuck in the platform) from self destructing with anxiety.Its baby steps - but if they show signs of turning it around, customers will come back to them - because the product is so good and nothing comes close to it in terms of other platfroms.The first step is FI apologising, holding their hands up and admitteing that they have made a huge mess of what was such a great product - they have made mistake after mistake after mistake the last 12 months - this is despite many users warning them against it - there has been amazing suggestions to help evolve the platform - but the last 12 months they havent listened to their customers (who in alot of cases seem to be more knowledgeable/experienced than them)They can sort this if they make the right moves - but if the last 12months is anything to go buy, i dont have much faith. But All I see on the internet is everyone winning on Football Index. As any bettor or financial trader will tell you, it’s important to spread your risk. The company literally sound like they don't want to take responsibility for there actions until there latest statements, when in all honesty it's clear to see they've been cornered and fully exposed..... My main thing here is for the gambling commissioners...... STOP ALLOWING COMPANIES TO USE PAGES UPON PAGES OF T&CS.

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