If you access this tcode, below screen will appear. the system will then go to the transaction data of the particular billing From pricing procedure system determines GL account & amount for accounting entry. Looking at MM and SD interaction first, take the scenario of a third party order process. If you relate this with Billing document, it will be easy to understand the concept. Integration. To know the link between FI-MM-SD, we should know the link between SD-MM, Next the link between SD-FI, later FI-MM and at last FI-SD integ... Ledgers in FICO. I hope you liked the document, and this is helpful to you. To Revenue Account- Cr. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), 10) Setup sales area OVXG SAP FI-MM-SD Integration. Please share your inputs in Comment section, if you feel anything is missed out or to be added. As we know about the module MM, FI and SD in SAP ERP. Go to V/08. See below screenshot. For e.g. or discount. SAP FI Integration with other modules means how the system maps with different modules and how the effect of those is passed into FI Module. 16) Setup partner determination and so forth Customer grp is maintained in the Sales view of the customer 3. For this step create number ranges Very straight forward. Entry will be Below entries will be displayed. This document is different from other documents available on portal as other document focuses on SD concepts, Accounting entries, while this document focus on ‘Simplified approach’ to help understand FI-SD concept. 4040 SD/FI-CA: Selection of Valid Contract Accounts: This event is processed during the entry of SD orders to determine all valid contract accounts for a payer. material master MM01 AAG is the material grp. SAP ensures that data from one module automatically flows to another module. SAP Tables SD tables Customers KNA1 General Data KNB1 Customer Master–CCode Data (payment method, recon. If any Gl account is maintained here OVX5 It involves sales order from customers and ends with receiving the payment from customers. Where is it coming from? 19) Creation of finished goods The SAP FI tables : Master, Accounting documents, Payment run, Customizing .. Books, Back to SAP FI Tips: Below screen will appear. Grp/account key. I have adopted reverse engineering process rather than understanding through SD. SAP FI tables. All accounting entries with respect to the Very nice blog Zunaid, thank you for these explanations. This series of documents for FI-SD integration is divided into 4 parts. Basis Administration, Configuration Hints and Tips. This is a simple document for FI SD integration. "Order to cash" or O2C cycle starts with pre-sales activity. That's it. You can use ... SAP_FI_ACCREC_1 (FI customer master data) SAP_FI_ACCREC_2 (SD customer master data) Each information structure must be active and configured correctly. Material grp is maintained in the Sales view of the material master. Account key is maintained in the pricing procedure for that condition type. Not to understand SD concept, but to understand what is exactly required to understand by Finance team from SD Module. This is referred as SD FI integration. Where does it comes from billing document? This… the gl account from more specific criteria to less specific criteria. 20) Maintain condition types VK11, SAP FICO Reference Books: This goes to column 5. SAP uses different control parameters to differentiate different materials. Other table in VKOA are similar or with lesser value option. 2. Accounting) Configuration Hints and Tips, Return to :- Try few documents and your Basic FI-SD integration concept will be Clear. At first look, finance consultant will be nervous and lost. 3. You can use this business function to integrate Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA) and Sales and Distribution (SD) even if you use each component in separate systems. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All Billing transactions happening SAP AG. Go to VF03. combination in the table which is Customer group/account key and so on surcharges. Sales organisation – This is nothing but our company code. In SAP you will always get integration with other modules. to co. code OVX3 Furthermore revenue and tax lines are created. Condition type is highlighted in yellow. Here we would like to draw your attention to FMICOHD table in SAP. billing will have one side of the account as a Customer or receivable and This series of documents for FI-SD integration is divided into 4 parts. customer (SD and FI) document and see whether such a combination of Customer group and material (c) www.gotothings.com All material on this site is Copyright. Here is the list of important SAP FI tables for reference. 2) Define sales organization for document type RV in t code OBA7, Step 6 Receipt of payment (SD-FI) Every effort is made to ensure the content integrity. This is condition type for Usage and Application. Double click on Table 001. Here we would like to draw your attention to FMICOIT table in SAP. customer account and credit this account When you create sales order in SD, all the details of the items are copied from Material master of MM. SAP recommends to keep the number of … Only 2 options will come as below. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP FI-FM (Funds Management in FI) component which is coming under FI module (Financial Accounting). this since we want it to post to a different GL code as Sales 3rd parties. SAP MM FI integration is a good example of how different modules of SAP ERP systems are integrated with each other. SD/FI-CA: SD Order Business Area 4030: SD/FI-CA: Transaction Determination: With a function module processed in event 4030, you can determine alternative transactions to posting area 1200. Customer a/c Dr 12) Define pricing procedure determination Finished goods inventory a/c Cr, Step 5 Billing and invoicing to FI-SD integration is very important topic for FICO consultants. Cust Account assignment group. All product names are trademarks of their respective Step 1 Receipt of enquiry from customers (only SD is involved) Step 2 Sending quotations (SD) So basically Integration Point of MM-FI-SD in SAP ERP. Cust Account Assignment Group (AAGC – Column 5). 3) Define distribution channel The site www.gotothings.com is in no way affiliated with Adding links for other parts before I start with the content. The link between SD and MM :- 1. VKOA is the transaction code for FI-SD integration. })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); Examples of some are given down below:Various account keys are available Let us now maintain for the table entry account key. There are 5 table for this integration. SAP FI-MM-SD INTEGRATION Link Between SAP SD, MM and FI The link between SD and MM :- 1. But for 9 its accrual and I am not aware of that. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Next 3 columns are important. SAP Identify few Billing documents with Accounting document posted. MM stands for Material Management, FI standard for Financial Accounting, SD stands for Sales and Distribution. This article will give you an overview of Finance (SAP FI) and Slaes (SAP SD) Integration with Order to Cash cycle with accounting entries. Financial and Controlling Interview Questions, Certification and Configuration, As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP FI-FM (Funds Management in FI) component which is coming under FI module (Financial Accounting). 4) Define shipping point This process uses a purchase order (which is sent to your vendor). companies. 7) Assign division to sales SAP provides the following This comes from Line item. Customer Dr. SAP SD Tables; What Is ALE, EDI & IDOC ... About Us:-sap fi sd integration vkoa. FI-SD Integration – Order to Cash Process. Tables. November 3, 2017 webadmin. List of Important SAP SD Tables (Sales and Distribution). Documents in following steps are flown to Financial Accounting module is as follows; Accounting entry when Sales Order Created Click on header data. 18) Creation of SD customer master In Condition tab below, Click on analysis button. Purpose of this document is mentioned below: VKOA is the transaction code for FI-SD integration. Change in stock a/c Dr As simple as it is. OVF2 MRP and availability check related data is also taken from MM although you control this data in SD also. 14) Creation of G/L accts FS00 Sap fi integration with other modules in sap fico 1. 4050 SD/FI-CA: Update Additional Data … 2. FMICOHD is a SAP standard transp table used for storing FM/CO Integration: Document Header related data in SAP. The last option it checks is account This document is created based on the knowledge I have. These two modules FI and SD is very much integrated with MM modules. You make the allocation for each This is how SAP will determine In the beginning, you will find the main SAP SD Tables for Customer and Material Master Data. FMICOIT is a SAP standard transp table used for storing FM/CO integration: Line item related data in SAP. As a result the customer line item on FI side is created, that equals to the value that has to be payed by the customer. Process Flow in SD. 5) Assign sales organization This are SD values. There might be more and I am not aware. Below screen will appear. Here Text is given and in VKOA numbers are given. Very simple to understand. 5th 6th and 7th. MRP and availability check related data is also taken from MM although you control this data in SD also. to account key ERL depending upon the pricing procedure in SD we have to FI-SD Integration 1. XD01 module Access sequence is nothing but SAPs Chart of Account – This is Chart of account. in the Sales and Distribution For column 8, gl is picked up and documents are posted. We will proceed through VKOA to SD to understand this concept, instead of directly understanding the SD concept. This is FI-SD integration point. This document is the last part of the series. Here we are categorized the tables like customers, vendors, assets etc for easy to understand. This concept could be understood in totality to avoid any confusion. For more option, press F4 and check. SAP SD configuration, customization , cross-functional integration ,HR & General Interview tips. Begin the search from Billing document to VKOA. Adding links for other parts before I start with the content. SAP SD tables are essential storage for business data related to sales and distribution functions of SAP ERP software. Entry is highlighted. This is FI-SD integration point. Outbound Delivery Document -(TCodes: VL01N, VL02N, VL03N) Your company decides to deliver the items ordered by the customer. We maintain The account key determines whether it is revenue or a surcharge or discount. customer account gets picked up from the customer master data. assign accounts in VKOA, 1) Insert regions OVK2 1.1.2 SAP SD/SAP FI Process and system Integration Sales and distribution module, (like the Material Management module), is part of the SAP logistics Modules and it addresses all the process of order-to-cash cycle; it is fully integrated with the other SAP modules such as MM, FI and PP. OVXD At first look, finance consultant will be nervous and lost. SAP FI-MM-SD Integration, A Special Report PDF book for free download one can learn how the integration within FI MM, and SAP SD takes place. This document is for Finance consultants to understand the FI-SD concept at Macro Level. SAP provides many components to complete SAP Sales and Distribution organizational structure like Sales Areas, Distribution Channels, Divisions, etc. Entry will be It means its header. There are certain simple things you need to understand to know how this integration happens. This will come in column 7. Financial and Controlling Interview Questions, Certification and Configuration, SAP FI (Financial Below screen will appear. When billing document (sales document) is released then accounting document (finance document) gets generated automatically. Sales a/c Cr Post this, you will be able to drill down to accounting entries posted through this integration. The next part covers the Sales and Distribution Tables for Sales Document, Delivery, Billing, Shipping and Pricing Tables related to SAP SD … It is a part of the logistics module, starting from quotations, sales order and all the way towards billing the customer. group exists if it does it will pick that relevant Revenue account and 17) Assign shipping points OVKC The Best Four of them are: Chart of Accounts; Valuation Grouping Code; Transaction key; Valuation Class; Before going deep into these parameters, it is important to know the Valuation Area. FI-SD integration is done through transaction VKOA. All we need the revenue account: It will go through first table entry How are Accounting entries posted automatically and how do we configure them? 2. 9) Assign shipping point to do is to configure the revenue account or the discounts and surcharges. This document is the second part of the series. Archiving object FI_ACCRECV is used to archive data from different tables. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Through FI SD integration in sap, GL A/cs are allocated for revenue account determination. post the accounting document. Accounting) Configuration Hints and Tips, SAP ABAP/4 Programming, Give the billing document and press enter. 6) Assign distribution channel ... Also Read : SAP FI Tutorial-> FI SD Integration. happens through an access sequence which can be seen in the below table. Like FI-MM Integration we also integrate SD module with FI for getting revenue related financial transaction to financial module. On top of this organization structure in the SD module, sales organization is at highest level and is responsible for distribution of goods and services. There might be much more than what is covered in this document. Condition Type – This isn’t an SD condition type. So basically the SAP FI-SD integration is for picking up the revenue accounts or the discounts and surcharges. Revenue Account Determination process to establish the revenue accounts to which prices, discounts, and surcharges are posted. if the relevant combination exists in the transaction it will debit the SAP SD-FI Integration T Code VKOA For each table GL assignments are assigned for all useable combination The system uses the determination for most highly ranked access table for selecting the revenue GL. Column AAGC. will result in FI postings. Customer a/c Cr, In T-code VKOA assign sales account Even though the document title says FI-SD Integration - I, it is the second part because part I was the pre-requisites required for the integration. Even though the document title says FI-SD Integration - III, it is the fourth part because part I was the pre-requisites required for the integration. Let’s see where its coming from Billing document. Creation of Organization elements in SAP system, and 2. second is to link each element as per requirement. The account key determines whether it is revenue or a surcharge ga('create', 'UA-102214824-1', 'auto'); We call it as a FI SD integration in SAP. It comes under the package FMCO_CORE. 13) Define tax determination rules January 15, 2021 October 27, 2020 by sdtutorial. The ledgers are based upon a totals table. SAP FI is commonly integrated with MM and SD component. Sales Order –((Tcodes: VA01, VA02, VA03,) A customer orders some items from your company by creating a Sales Order (Tables: VBAK, VBAP etc). of these through access sequences. Step 1 Receipt of enquiry from customers If you see column Acc., there are entries for ERL. If you access this tcode, below screen will appear. channel to plant OVX6 SD will interact with FI, MM will interact with SD:-1a. Double Click This document is created with the purpose to share the knowledge and help the community. acct) KNB4 Customer Payment History KNB5 Customer Master – Dunning info GL codes for each combination of the above table entry. This is the one of most asked interview question and lack of knowledge/concept could result in rejection. six ways of determining the Gl accounts in SD. integration is for picking up the revenue accounts or the discounts and You define the ledgers that are used by you in General Ledger Accounting. The account determination in SD SAP FINANCIALS INTEGRATION SAP FI INTEGRATION WITH CO, MM, SD Prepared By: Ms.Pramila Nagaraj First Class MBA Finance Graduate (2009-10) Global Academy of Technology, Bangalore (VTU- Belgaum) Trained up in SAP FICO @ SAPTAC Bangalore (FRESHER) 2. 11) Define rules by sales area For SAP FI-MM, use the T-code OBYC This gl accounts are provided by Finance team. SAP Sales and Distribution module works based on tables and saves data in them.In this tutorial, we will describe SAP SD tables and links between them. This document will help you to understand basics of FI SD integration and not the complete process. Automatic Revenue Account Determination. So basically the FI-Sd integration is for picking up the revenue accounts or the discounts and surcharges.The account key determines whether it is a revenue or a surcharge or discount. FI-SD integration knowledge for FICO consultant is must in Implementation/Support/Roll Out projects. The system goes about checking for OVX1 Thus you can maintain different Don’t get confused this with SD condition type. Documents posted in Sales and distribution modules are posted into FI module as per the configuration done while integrating both the module. The SAP SD organization structure majorly consists of two steps − 1. So, first 4 items are clear an pretty simple. If you understand first table, rest are repetitive. (SD, MM and FI are involved) 15) Assign G/L accts VKOA Here Text is given and in VKOA numbers are given. Application – Its should be V. V is sales and distribution. the SAP FI-SD ga('send', 'pageview'); SAP We will now maintain the Gl account for the combination of Material SAP ABAP/4 Programming, And post to a different GL code. cash a/c Dr This will help to understand the SD concepts as well. There are 5 table for this integration. The system will look into this table see this combination and SAP ERP Sales and Distribution (SD) provides a complete sales management solution, which comprises Sales Order, Delivery, Post Goods Issue and Billing. SAP Stack FICO HR MM SD PM PS ABAP NetWeaver Tables Tcodes ☰MENU. to plant OVXC You have to bear in mind that the (only SD is involved), Step 4 Delivery of finished goods Select above pricing procedure and click on control. 8) Assign sales org/distribution SS SAP LEARNING HUB SAP FI-MM-SD. master. If it does not it moves to the next org OVXA Double click on Table 001. In column 8 and 9 there are gl accounts. Control Parameters in FI MM Integration in SAP. Books, SAP FI (Financial While you create inbound/outbound delivery with reference to a sales order, the shipping … If you see there are 5 tabs. As simple as it is. If you understand first table, rest are repetitive. Once you go through this blog, you will be able to understand the VKOA entries, SD flow and Finance flow. SAP FI Tables regroups the list of the main tables for Finance Module in SAP. Information used on this site is at your own risk. Account key is the 7th column. A summarization takes place if possible or if there is a special customizing setting for it (see SAP Note 36353). 1. key entry. FI-SD INTEGRATION. Thus, we should know the options available for valuation. Basis Administration, Configuration Hints and Tips. In total there are 9 columns out of which first 4 are simple to understand. Any unauthorised copying or mirroring is prohibited. CustGrp/Material grp/ account key. Cust Account Assignment Group (AAGC – Column 5). to sales organization OVXK Function module that starts the SD-FI … It comes under the package FMCO_CORE. terminology of determining the Gl accounts. What is Order to Cash Cycle? When you create sales order in SD, all the details of the items are copied from Material master of MM. FI Integration with SD and MM. Column 6 AcctAssmtGrpmat comes from below highlighted field. the other side to be a revenue account.
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