Lot Frontage means the distance along the front of the lot usually along the street. 32 Related Question Answers Found Give it to us straight. Reason: Developing the lot. The answer is usually found in a table of dimensional requirements, with minimum frontage listed per district. By Fora Staff Wednesday 17 Jan 2018, 12:45 PM. Frontage definition is - a piece of land that lies adjacent (as to a street or the ocean). Frontage: It is the measurement of the length of a plot of land or a building facing the main road on to which the plot or building fronts. Jan 17th 2018, 12:45 PM 62,714 Views 55 Comments. Frontage roads facilitate in providing access to homes and workstations that would be cut off by a limited access road and connect these locations with roads which have direct access to … When surveyors had no access to scientific measuring devices, mistakes were more likely to be made when creating a flag lot than they are today. It is also called a feeder, access road, outer road or surface road. In common parlance the word street is equivalent… BOULEVARD The word "boulevard," which originally indicated a bulwark or rampart, and was afterwards applied to…; TURNPIKE 1. Cost of getting utilities in there. frontage meaning: 1. the front part of a building that faces a road or river, or land near a road or river: 2. the…. They can also serve to limit the number of lots in a parcel or on a road. Be honest. What does road frontage mean slang? Then there is the issue of paving a long driveway (unless you can get by with gravel, crushed stone … Water, electric/gas utilities, all have to be brought in further. You know, the several meters of public road side between a property’s road frontage, and the actual road surface? Legal restrictions in some jurisdictions require you to have more road frontage than a narrow driveway provides if you plan to build on the lot. How to use frontage in a sentence. Learn more. He won’t pay … Where the front lot line is not a straight line, or where the side lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage is measured across the lot. The researcher selected FRONTAGE-FRONTAGER In English law a frontager is a person owning or occupying land which abuts on…; STREET A road in a village or city. Yes, it is worth less without road frontage. Related Legal Terms & Definitions. ROAD FRONTAGE EXAMPLE TRACT A TRACT B 5.00 acres ( or more )* (Must Meet Minimum Acreage Standards Based On Property Zoning Type) F E APPROVED 50’ EASEMENT FOR TRACT - A B C A At least 50 feet of road Tight as a ducks arse – A term often used to describe a person who is mean or tight with money e.g. Road frontage – To own land with access to a main road, often a measure of eligibility for marriage and can be heard out the country or in Coppers e.g. A Frontage road refers to a non limited access road. It's a term that gets bandied about quite a bit in Ireland and one that could easily be misconstrued as well, having a more adult meaning, but as many already know, 'road frontage' is basically a phrase that relates to how much land you have. Frontage Frontage requirements entail costs associated with road construction and utilities. Poll: Do you know what the term 'road frontage' means?
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