I was very happy with the end results of this project. Learn to build a machine learning model from scratch using Amazon SageMaker, and get hands-on experience with AWS DeepLens by extending that model to build an end-to-end AI application using Amazon Rekognition. To enable Audio playback through your Lambda, you need to add two resources. ReadToMe works by using deep learning and computer vision combined with services available in AWS. I have always been interested in the topic but it always seemed to unapproachable to "normal developers". For the DeepLens to be able to read a page, it needed some way to know if there is something in the camera frame to read. It is very picky about the image quality. I wanted to create something that they could use to still enjoy reading, even when a parent isn’t available to read to them. One feature I would like to add is the ability to translate the text that is read. Most examples involve dividing the image analysis into different subtasks. At this point, I got stuck trying to figure out how to get my data formatted correctly to be trained with MXNet. I have more ideas for future projects with this device and am excited to keep learning. Know how many people are in line at the front of your business. I needed images of the actual pages with text on them. ... Thanksgiving too, but for the past six years I’ve also been making the pilgrimage to the desert with the rest of the AWS community for AWS … That way when a child isn’t holding the book correctly, it could still read the text. For the DeepLens to be able to read a page, it needed some way to know if there is something in the camera frame to read. If the book isn’t held very still for a few seconds, the image is just to blurry for the OCR to work. Recent in AWS. You'll find a short video from the developers demonstrating their innovation and in most cases a more detailed description and link to their GitHub repo. DeepLens includes an HD video camera with on-board compute optimized for deep learning, which is fully programmable using AWS Lambda. To get training data, I did a quick search online to try and find images of children’s books. AWS DeepLens helps put deep learning in the hands of developers, literally, with a fully programmable video camera, tutorials, code, and pre-trained models designed to expand deep learning skills. You can buy now. See you next year, at AWS Community Day Amsterdam 2021. The actual OCR didn’t seem to take up too much compute power and compared to the round trip to AWS, the time seemed to be comparable. Bird and squirrel identifier that provides training images. Please check out the sessions using the link below. Other DeepLens projects. Face identification for customer personalization. Use AWS DeepLens and Amazon Rekognition to build an application that helps identify if a person at a construction site is wearing the right safety gear, in this case, a hard hat. © 2021, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. I am sure that it's possible to achieve a better/faster outcome but it's tricky working on a resource constrained device. I have a few ideas for improving the project. This is the AWS DeepLens device. Sometimes the text was white on black, or sometimes black on white. An AWS DeepLens device enables you to run deep learning on the edge. Whether you are experimenting with, or running mission critical workloads on AWS, we have a range of plans available to support the success and operational health of your AWS solutions. All rights reserved. Sign-to-speech for the American Sign Language alphabet. Step 1 is to follow the regular AWS setup — turn on the camera, connect your computer to its default WiFi network, and visit deeplens.amazon.net.Of course, be … Explore the collection of AWS DeepLens projects contributed by the community of developers who participated in the AWS DeepLens Virtual Hackathon. Other times it was colored text on different colored backgrounds. Setup. In our case, we want to do this only when a specific object is detected, as it just gets really noisy when trying to debug. I had to spend a considerable amount of effort figuring out how to clean up the images enough to get a clean read. ReadToMe works by using deep learning and computer vision combined with services available in AWS. The sound card on the DeepLens is located at the path “/dev/snd/”. (I love how easy it is to integrate existing AWS services into my projects!). I never write the file to disk, I just feed the byte stream to the audio library and discard it when it’s done playing. I found a few examples using TensorFlow and so that is the road I went down. YouTube Playlist. AWS DeepLens is a wireless video camera and API that you can use to learn how to use the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and technology and develop your own computer vision applications. Before diving into this project, I had no experience with Deep Learning or AI in general. Teach Alexa to recognize your face and learn to recognize someone new. Dec 21, 2020 ; How to mount an S3 bucket in an EC2 instance? ReadToMe works by using deep learning and computer vision combined with services available in AWS. American Sign Language detection with AWS DeepLens. I was able to follow one of the examples I found on YouTube and ended up with a working model that I could use to detect text on a page. This is a Deep Learning enabled application which is able to read books to kids. The inspiration behind ReadToMe came from my kids. Cute, right? AWS DeepLens creates a computer vision application project that consists of the model and inference lambda function. I found tons of images of book covers, but practically nothing showing someone holding the book in the correct orientation for me to be able to train with. As simple as the workflow sounds, there were many challenges that had to be overcome to get this to work. © 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. Green Grass requires you to explicitly authorize all the hardware that your code has access too. Just install it on the device and pip install the python package and then the workflow was really just a single function call. There were many online resources that helped me along the way but these links proved to be the most helpful. Once configured, you deploy these settings to the DeepLens which results in a JSON file getting deployed greengrass directory on the to the device. Provides dementia patients with personalized device for recognizing family members. There are also a bunch of DeepLens "community projects" and these turn out to be more convincing use cases than the AWS tutorials. AWS DeepLens is a programmable video camera that enables a developer to easily experiment with machine learning, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things ().The DeepLens camera integrates with AI services hosted on the AWS public cloud.. AWS DeepLens comes with multiple tutorials and sample projects to get started with a subset of machine learning technology … I use the audio files to speak instructions to the user so they know how to use the device. Supportive families receive doorstep photo alerts via SMS. Taking Deep Lens to a dog park to recognize dog breeds. u/amazonwebservices here.. Want to learn about AWS DeepLens and how to use it? Dec 24, 2020 ; How to use Docker Machine to provision hosts on cloud providers? https://becominghuman.ai/an-introduction-to-the-mxnet-api-part-1-848febdcf8ab http://gluon.mxnet.io/chapter08_computer-vision/object-detection.html?highlight=ssd https://github.com/zhreshold/mxnet-ssd https://pythonprogramming.net/introduction-use-tensorflow-object-detection-api-tutorial/, Also, many thanks to all the participants in the forums answering questions and especially to the AWS DeepLens team for getting my unstuck numerous times! I figured if I finished the project, I could always go back and get it working using MXNet if I had extra time at the end. Once I could get audio to play on the device, I was able to encapsulate this logic into a single function call which simply calls AWS Polly to generate the audio file. I also plan to continue to improve my model to see if I can increase the model accuracy a bit as well as make it work with a broader range of books. This isn't much, but it is how AWS makes its money, and training models on large datasets does get expensive. I figure there was no reason to call Polly to generate this speech as it never changes so I generated them ahead of time and deploy it with the Lambda. I was originally going to use a separate Lambda function with Tesseract installed to perform the OCR, but I ended up just including it in my main Lambda function because it was simpler and cut down on traffic to and from AWS. I looked online but could not find a pre trained model that was able to classify a page in a book. AWS DeepLens is not a video camera … It’s the world’s first deep learning Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage. All rights reserved. The end results were better that I expected, however, there is still room for improvement in this area. Check them out and no doubt you’ll be inspired! At the time of this writing, Green Grass overwrites the resources file with a pre-configured group.json whenever you deploy a project to DeepLens. Browse other questions tagged amazon-web-services aws-deeplens or ask your own question. I want to store these fishes longer. It detects an object and runs it against an object detection model. Presentation from AWS Community Day Bay Area 2018 Deeplens (Jeremy Edberg, MinOps) I do have a few static mp3 files that are played on startup of the Green Grass service. r/deeplens: Site to chat about AWS Deeplens stuff. The AWS DeepLens 2019 Edition device was made generally available on July 10, 2019 in the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Canada as well as US markets. Both kids love books, but they aren’t reading by themselves yet. It ships with the AWS Greengrass service and a configuration tool to register itself to AWS DeepLens service. Each one of the above steps introduced unexpected challenges, (some of which made me question if I would be able to finish this project in time!). As Werner Vogels emphasized in his Day 2 keynote, this has always been the core philosophy of AWS. There was one gotcha with Tesseract. The AWS Partner Network (APN) is the global community of Partners who leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS) to … Count your exercises using the AWS DeepLens video stream. As a result, I knew I would need to train a model with new data to classify this type of object. Fortunately, I have four young kids, and they have hundreds of children’s books. This … A fun, interactive device for children that asks them to answer questions by showing the right things. ... AWS Community Builder, and life long learner living in Santa Cruz, California. © 2021, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. Greet co-workers on Slack using face recognition. As an aside, You will need to re-add these resources every time you deploy a project to the device. AWS DeepLens. ArcGIS 開発者コミュニティ Comunidad Esri Colombia - Ecuador - Panamá ArcNesia Esri India GeoDev Germany ArcGIS Content - Esri Nederland Esri Italia Community Czech GIS Swiss Geo Community GeoDev Switzerland Comunidad GEOTEC Esri Ireland All Worldwide Communities Enhance workplace safety with an intelligent security system. I figured that if I tried to get too broad of a dataset that I would end up with a model that thought everything was a block of text. This repo contains the source code for awsdeeplens.recipes, a website that has a curated collection of tutorials and classroom activities for AWS DeepLens. This is where the deep learning model was used. The DeepLens examples usually just label any object that is detected and display it on the project stream. This repo also contains sample code for AWS DeepLens projects. Down the road maybe I can experiment with more varied types of data but for this project I decided to limit it. AWS Community Day Amsterdam Online The live event was a blast! Developers are free to focus on their machine learning skills, while DeepLens automatically optimizes and deploys models to the device and connects to the cloud for more advanced capabilities. The Overflow Blog State of the Stack: a new quarterly update on community and product Hi, thanks for creating this sub! The AWS DeepLens 2019 Edition Device. Follow the modules below or refer to the online course to learn how to build the application in 30 minutes. Just show the AWS DeepLens a page you want it to read, and it reads it out loud. Working with DeepLens, I feel that AWS is opening the door to let developers dive into a new world, just as they did by making infrastructure available for software engineers to … During this process, I started to realize that the blocks of text in these children’s books varied greatly. Published December 28, 2018. I'm sure there will be lots of interesting discussion and sharing when people get stuck into their DeepLenses! Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage, https://becominghuman.ai/an-introduction-to-the-mxnet-api-part-1-848febdcf8ab, http://gluon.mxnet.io/chapter08_computer-vision/object-detection.html?highlight=ssd, https://pythonprogramming.net/introduction-use-tensorflow-object-detection-api-tutorial/, Determine when a page that needs to be read is in the camera frame, Isolate the Text Block and clean up the image using OpenCV, Perform OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Learning Objectives: - Learn how building computer vision apps with AWS DeepLens can help you learn machine learning - Learn how you can train models in the … These are the individual problems I needed to solve. Plus, now I am doing more "at the edge" which is more efficient and costs less. It also wants you to have the text almost completely horizontal, (which is pretty much impossible considering I want preschool aged children to be able to use this thing) I used OpenCV for most of this image pre-processing and after a number of iterations, I was able to produce images that were plain black and white text with minimal noise. Specifically, it would be beneficial to be able to rotate and or warp the image before sending it to Tesseract. Hey r/aws! If you have a project you have created with AWS DeepLens that you would like to share on this page you can submit the outline here for us to take a look at. An advertising platform allowing real-time targeting of consumers. Explore the collection of AWS DeepLens projects contributed by the community of developers who participated in the AWS DeepLens Virtual Hackathon. After I captured the data, I used labelImg to generate the Pascal VOC xml files that would be used in training. As a whole, the DeepLens system is comprised of the Intel Atom / Ubuntu computer at the client side, the extensive AWS network of AI and services on …
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