association for financial professionals webinars

Trusted and relevant content is the core of the association value proposition. Lance Peacock, CTP - Treasury Manager, Covenant Dove, LLC, CTP Exam Deadlines Caitlin HennesseyCertification Specialist, AFP. ... AFC® is an Assistant Professor of Family Financial Planning for Oklahoma State University. The American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP) is the largest international association for Executive Assistants and Administrative Professionals. In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC and Tourette Association of America, Inc. (TOU). 10 Mar 2021 Webinar. From world-class development opportunities to the vanguard of virtual learning and online resources, the Association of Fundraising Professionals is here to lead you through these complex times. Event registration disabled. 12:00pm - 1:00pm ET. Hear How the CTP Credential Can Open Doors, Tuesday March 16, 20212:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET. Recorded September 2020To view, click here. The aims... Read more » For professionals new to AML compliance that require a firm understanding of what goes into detecting, preventing, and reporting money laundering and financial crimes. The Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 2021 FINRA Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship Apply by April 19, 2021! Please contact site administrator. Online Webinar. Webinars Our Association webinars run throughout the year – to bring you thought provoking content on a range of practice areas presented by subject experts. Melody has over 30 years of global treasury experience at a senior level, including as a Treasurer, covering a variety of organization types, including consumer products, automotive, and retail. What […] Prior to joining BKD, she worked for regional CPA and advisory firms. About AIRA . The Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) is the professional society committed to advancing the success of treasury and finance members and their organizations. Promotes professional and educational development of treasury management professionals. You have the chance to ask questions or discuss what you have heard. Amy will cover upcoming ACH rules related to corporate practitioners and how corporates can and should be more involved in the ACH Rules development. By using and browsing the PFS website, you consent to cookies being used in accordance with our policy. She is recognized as an expert in streamlining processes, instituting controls and policy, managing financial risks, evaluating credit and liquidity needs, negotiating favorable credit terms as well as managing diverse and complex financial systems and processes. Recorded Webinars FP&A Exam: Overview and Prep Strategies. Analyzing your account analyses is as important as ever. 2. Please enable them to use this website. Webinars . Location. Participate in expert-led webinars on current issues for bankers, or watch recorded webinars if you missed the event. Please note: Greater Washington Association of Financial Professionals is no longer registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). March 11, 2021 from 1 PM- … Get certified in AML and financial crime prevention. Educational webinars address timely issues facing independent bank professionals. CAMS is widely recognized as the gold standard in AML certifications. Presenter: Adam Keck, Vice President Director Payables Product Fifth Third Bank. She is one of the firm’s primary trainers at client and industry events covering a range of executive and operational topics. Event registration is currently unavailable. Early Application: March 24, 2021; Application Deadline April 28, 2021 Recorded February 2016To view, click here. 23 results, showing results 1 to 3. Recent ASAE Research Foundation studies point to members' high expectations and shifting needs for content in the future, making a holistic content strategy even more valuable. This webinar will review the work done at Wayne State University in financial decision making, its intersection with financial exploitation, and cognitive decline. ACFE Online Learning courses offer you a convenient way to enhance your anti-fraud skills! Please note for webinars: Individual member price: $79 per session. Features news, events, courses, awards, newsletter, government and regulatory updates, membership information and employment opportunities. Association for Financial Professionals; 4520 East-West Highway, Suite 800; Bethesda, MD 20814, USA; Phone +1 301.907.2862 Location. We are excited to offer these courses at reduced rates to the members of our new education partner, the Canadian Association of Government Finance Officers (CAGFO). The Financial Therapy Association (FTA) is an organization comprised of professionals dedicated to the integration of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, relational, and financial aspects of … Dial in to a toll-free number and follow a PowerPoint presentation on topics including treasury operations, risk management and financial accounting and reporting. Features news, events, courses, awards, newsletter, government and regulatory updates, membership information and employment opportunities. Webinar- Link to access will be sent prior to the meeting. CTP Exam Deadlines For June 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021 Window. Complimentary webinar, presented by Silent Eight Drawing on our successful ACFCS Webinar, “The Case for Ongoing KYC: Why the time for change is now,” we return this January to explore the topic in more detail with a panel of insiders from across the FinCrime space who represent some of the largest financial institutions in the world. AIRA is a nonprofit professional association serving the bankruptcy, restructuring and turnaround practice area. Thursday, October 15, 2020 . 11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. webinar . Please enable them to use this website. Topics include treatment of … Online webinar. The Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gain important fraud-fighting knowledge and learn best-practices from your own office or home computer by participating in our newest learning opportunity for anti-fraud professionals: ACFE Online Learning. Event registration is currently unavailable. Association for Financial Professionals 4520 East-West Highway, Suite 800 Bethesda, MD 20814, USA Phone +1 301.907.2862 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Promotes professional and educational development of treasury management professionals. Learn More Become a 2021 AFCPE Member Join our growing community of financial counselors, coaches, educators, and researchers. Amy will cover upcoming ACH rules related to corporate practitioners and how corporates can and should be more involved in the ACH Rules development. Run by experts in their field, this ‘how to’ best practice webinar series aims to support RSA members and interested participants at different career stages. Speaker: Amy Morris, Senior Director of the ACH Network Rules at NACHA Webinar - Cash Forecasting with AI When. Debbi received her MBA from Kennesaw State University following a BA in Finance from Georgia State University. article AFP Webinar: 9 Rules to Manage Performance Metrics (3/16/21 APAC) Mar 16 AFP Webinar: Intentional Learning and the Career Advantage (3/18/2021) Saba holds the Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA) designation from the United Kingdom and a Not-For-Profit Certificate from the … Approved for up to 1.2 CTP/CCM recertification credits by the Association for Financial Professionals. Recording Presentation Individual webinars are $175 each Early Application: March 24, 2021; Application Deadline April 28, 2021 Statements stretch dozens, sometimes hundreds, of pages, defying comprehension. This webinar is an overview of the CTP certification, the exam process, preparation resources that are available through AFP as well as some study and testing strategies to help your successful journey towards certification. Subjects range widely and include topics such as regulatory reform, compliance, and risk to retail marketing and wealth management. 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Recorded Webinars FP&A Exam: Overview and Prep Strategies. The AFPA will host a series of weekly Educational Webinars instead of having a one-day event as we have traditionally done in past years, beginning on … Please note:  Due to COVID 19 this meeting is being provided via a WEBINAR. ET Friday (closed on all U.S. federal holidays) 10 Part Webinar Series for 2021 – Series One. Finding the Value of Your Account Analysis. 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM. I'm a CTP - Hear from CTPs why this is the must have credential. AFP Webinar Series Learn from the comfort of your home or office via educational teleconferences. Event registration disabled. Association for Financial Professionals; 4520 East-West Highway, Suite 800; Bethesda, MD 20814, USA; Phone +1 301.907.2862 Warning: browser cookies disabled. Please note that the following elements are considered for all webinar applications: 1. Session Description: In a period of numerous unprecedented market movements, financial risk management quickly becomes a hot topic at the senior leadership level. ... followed by an MBA from Oakland University in Rochester, MI., and is an active member of the Rocky Mountain Association of Financial Professionals. 10:55 a.m. attendee arrival. As a senior leader, Debbi is responsible for leading client projects and relationships across working capital, cash management, liquidity management, treasury technology, and risk domains.

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